What to do with this money?

What to do with this money?

Waste it on black jack and hookers

Quit being a nigger

Get a big mac

give it back to whoever you stole it from

Maybe pay rent?

become Robert Paulson

Scottrade. Find a pump and dump at the right time with a penny stock. Use money to put a camshaft in your car for added fun.

post your mother's bond

pay your fucking child support and rent

Get skin bleaching treatments to be white

go get a ball

Lmfao that's what I was gonna say.

he didnt steal it. he sold those drugs fair and square.

stop being racist

Hire someone to kill you porch monkey

Sell it

Come do drugs with me

this thread again

how about paying your child support faggot?

Put that small change in a bank.

quick count, what u got there $251.00? maybe all make it too monday morning.

You fat fuck.

Eat the money

bof. not that fat!

Invest it

You get that from selling drugs nigger?

save it bro. honestly, the only solid investment is property. if you can save up 10k and buy some property in detroit gor 10 percent on a mortgage, you can rent that shit and pay off eventually. once mortgage is paid iff, pretty much all the rent you collect will pay for your life. it's all about creating a money machine for you to exploit

pretty deunk rn, but im sure you get what wut im saying. i was born in detroit. that shit is coming back, invest while you can

invest in your 401K and buy stocks

Give it back to the white man you stole it from nigger