Blue whale - suicide game. Do we have some closer info? How do you play the game?

Blue whale - suicide game. Do we have some closer info? How do you play the game?

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well first you have to dress up in a giant whale suite and begin makeing weeee kikikikiki weeeeeee noises. you then have to be a massive faggot.

You've gotta find some retard which would text you at 4:20 how to kys
t.Soviet commie

you die

you can't commit suicide by scratching the skin a little...

quality info

Теперь я твой куратор

Каким будет первое задание?

Yeah totally, i hate it when that happens.

bumping for interest

Нарисуй на руке точную копию картины "Иван грозный убивает сына"

It's happening!

I pretty much explained it here ->
But,if you want more info: there are closed groups in VK(commie facebook),if you join them 2-3 days later so called "curator" will message you that "you've joined the game" and that he will send you your first task at 4:20 am, first 3-4 task are usually collecting info like adress,pasport and/or some pics of your pussi/boipussi, then if you're dumb enough to continue task are getting more dangerous untill your curator messages you that the next task will be your last and if you complete it you are the winner, last task if pretty much "kys", the only thing that changes is how you must do it.

Отвечаю, нарисовано на руке.

Илья Ефимович, вы?

that's the retardest game I've ever heard of, I would like to know how they convince the players

And people are doing it out of plain curiosity, or is there any reward? How do you even manage to keep people in game that means only harm/death to them?

Players are usually 15-16 y.o. basic bitches and since,you know, teens are retarded(especially grills), they don't even need to convince anyone


Teens are retarded, in Russia "Sad" culture is popular among basic bitches, also teen maximalism make them think that their problems are important and eternal, so suicide is the only way

Not even demented teen grill JB-lovers are going to carve a whale pic related into arm without any profit or psycho-engineering.


You underestimating how retarded teens are

They threaten to kill their parents and fuck them in the ass, little pussies believe.

If this, I underestimated them well enough


fucking Black Mirror on Netflix lmaooo

Actually, i've never thought about that, but yeah this coincidence is pretty funny

it's fake fagg

Well,actually it's not, there've been some cases in my city