I just got released from a psychiatric institution. Ask me anything. Also, porn thread

I just got released from a psychiatric institution. Ask me anything. Also, porn thread.

did you want to go in?

I was put in there against my will for attempted suicide.

Did you get to do that thing where you throw the water fountain through the window?

>attempted suicide
Why? And what was your method?

no, the water fountains were bolted with some pretty strong shit.
I was also on the first floor.

how would you fuck that up.
Not judging, just curious

was 9/11 an inside job?

I took a shittonne of pills. My parents found me (18 still in school) and called 911

u no it bb

Did you have access to any "outside" world stuff. Like internet, tv, music?

How long were you there? Why'd you do it? Did you lowkey hope to survive?

Nope. Shit was all taken away. No computers, no music, fuck, they even took my calculator.
inb4 "why your calculator" they were afraid I'd swallow the fucking batteries.

You didn't answer why.

People say when an attempt fails, it's because the person didn't really want to die, but actually just needed to let others know how bad things are. Would you say that was true for you?

did you not do any research to quickly find out that this method is the one most likely to fail miserably?

Or didn't you really want to die?

did you meet any sexy but also disturbed women?

I only like men tbh

I was there for seven days and six hours. No I didn't fucking hope I'd suvive.
I wasn't exactly thinking logically at the time. I just fucking took anything I could get my hands on, and crawled into bed.

Again...why did you do it?

I did. I didn't hit that tho.

Don't stick your dick in crazy. It doesn't wash off.

I never really did answer why. I was feeling shitty. everything was going wrong. I didn't have any hope or faith, and I wanted to end it all.

Never trust anyone that doesn't allow you to die. Parents are especially worst 'Hey I've put you in this place without your consent and if you try to leave we will stop you.

>I only like men tbh

posts women only tho

Are you feeling better? Do you still want to commit suicide?

That wasn't me. op is only sort of a faggot.

I feel better now.

>Never trust anyone that doesn't allow you to die.

poor insight and judgement confirmed

Do you feel any better now? How long were you there?

What went through your head after waking up?

both has just been answered faggot

Blood, some oxygen, less then usual though

how could your mind about your situation be changed?

So what's next? If you go to college, for the love of kek, pick a sensible major that will actually land you a job. That's your free unsolicited advice for the day.

Yep, that's the plan.

fuck you OP, I paid for your six week holiday.
Do a better job next time ffs

You were right. Try again.

Not in the foreseeable future

Obviously. You'll have to wait until they give you your shit back, unless you're down to eat through your wrist or bite off your tongue.

They did the same thing to me but I went willingly to skip court.

Nah, I'm actually feeling a bit better now.
I didn't get that option.

are you a girl?

That won't last long

I basically went through the same shit.. i was aware that I was tryna kill myself, didn't wanna, but did it anyway. I did it at a bus stop shelter like, wasn't even thinking about being found. Anyway, hope it wasn't a women. Evil little fucks. Glad I didn't die though

What were you in for?

yeah, probably not.