America at it's finest, 8.8% tax

America at it's finest, 8.8% tax.

Why do Americans add in tax last.???
In the EU you won't even notice that you payed for tax

worth it for that master piece

Maybe a reminder that we're all cucks to the government

Wont even notice the 23%?
Dafuq u on about?
U still living with parents?

haha in Poland we get this game for free

Haha in poland

Damm i got mime for £15 new on Amazon (tax included)

What the fucks, they add it in last? Like pick up a game at the shop for say $40 and take it to the counter as the sign reads $40 but it's like something completely different when they scan it?

I got it at a pawn shop for $15



Lacking reaction pics on my phone.

cause Americunts are stupid.


What he said

Because there's state and municipal taxes applied, too.

Wouldnt it make sense to do it the Euro way then?
or are you saying there so stupid they ignore the easy way to do, it and use the hard way?

But how do you know what you need to pay when you get to the counter? What, you have to guess? Seems like a cheap way for companies to say "HEY, look at this lower price and don't focus on the real price!" Next thing you'll tell me is that they don't actually win the lottery, they tax that afterwards too.

you notice that but fail to notice how we only spend about 3%-4% of our GDP on the military.. totalling up to some 600 billion dollars, while other normies spend the same percent but not nearly the same amount of money.

yeah dipshit. go back to your cave you calling home and let european supreme race talk

Ohhh but we do. Nail on the head. It's the only reason we carry change. Seriously, even buying a candy bar you take a dollar or two and 2 quarters with a dime because you have no idea what the tax is going to make the final cost

Because all the states have different tax yet the product costs what it costs. I live in a state with no sales tax so it would cost me $25 yet this guy lives in some blue state where they need higher taxes to pay for their stupid spending so it costs him and extra 9%.

>America at it is finest

Yep the jew 50 percent of your lotto winnings in taxes too...