


leafy drinks bleach


Is this some dude from /soc/ or what?

Who is this?


literall who

le edgy kid

He gets paid millions for what people on Sup Forums do on a daily basis

He's what I'd imagine somehow from Sup Forums would act like if they were to makw YouTube videos

He's a guilty pleasure of mine

he's probably the fastest growing channel i've seen

and i don't get it, his content is low effort and boring and he's annoying and cringy as fuck

That's grape juice.

I've always thought that critical guy is the cringiest

His content is basically DUDE I USED A CURSE WORD LMAO

>20 years old
>ugly as sin
>acts like an edgy 14 year old who just found Sup Forums
>says "fuck" as much as he can like he just discovered the word
>thinks he's better than everyone

Seriously what the fuck is this guys appeal?

He somehow manages to be the worst part of his own videos
No idea how he's getting so many subscribes but fair play to the guy

And this guy is right any of you guys could have done it and be rich as fuck

>thinks he's better than everyone
He constantly shits on himself saying he doesn't deserve the praise and shit

My personality is closer to Sam Hyde without the charisma

he's being sarcastic, of course he knows he can get more bitches than you, fagboy.

He knows it but most are fucked in the head

Have you seen his fans? Most are probably insane.

self deprecating humor is so trendy and hip

not a fan, but holy shit does his channel get an insane amount of likes per video.

I wouldn't be surprised if he went on Sup Forums or something

not go be all hipster about it

but I did enjoy his videos back when he just talked about life stories while surfing, he seemed pretty decent, and would be cool to hang around with. haven't watched his videos in a long while.

there's worse out there to be honest.

I really wish I thought of his channel....
>makes 5m being cancer
fucking hell man

Keem is worse

another internet stoner kid that gets what he doesn't deserve.


nipple :DD

pussyfart :DDD

fucking hell man

I needa get into the youtube game

No fucking way...


He's a fucking scumbag that picks on people from behind his computer because he got the shit bullied out of him in high school for looking like a chink alien.

Say what you will about John Scarce but at least he's boring.

>He's a fucking scumbag that picks on people from behind his computer because he got the shit bullied out of him in high school for looking like a chink alien.
Sounds like the epitome of Sup Forums in general

Drano works better


im too old for fuckin trash site



Is this thing a FtM tranny?

just remember that this is the 21 year old """man""" making fun of kids on the internet

Sup Forums golden child

I bet this guy is a serial killer. Screencap this.

Looks like the average Sup Forums user

When Nathan Explosion did it he held the container with one arm and chugged it like a badass, this faggot looks like he can barely lift it to his mouth.

what the fuck is going on in that webm?

nice trips btw


Literal cancer. So glad YouTube is banning his shit channel and I hope all of his gay twelve year old fans collectively jump off a fucking cliff like the lemmings they are.

The guy is trying to do an exercise that doesn't exist/do anything.

Doubt it. He's huge and them getting rid of a huge YouTuber like him could hurt them. Plus they lose out on that money

He said himself they are banning his channel. They've done it to bigger youtubers than this faggot before.

What's up with that ridiculous spread

28k-460k a month. That's the difference of an entire house.

>they've done it to bigger youtubers than this faggot before.
They have?

You can tell that he shines a big light on his face in his videos to drown out his face in videos to spare everyone from his ugliness. It reminds me of that episode of It's Always Sunny where Dennis makes Dee have lights shown on her to "soften her features"

>a window of error of $430,000

Pretty helpful data there, bub.

Depends on views, subscribers and likes. One month he could have shit views but the next month he could have amazing numbers. That is how they get paid and wjy they need to shit videos out ever day. Usually going 10min+ guarantee you about $1,000+

Why is it that out of all the youtubers with millions of subs the more """relevant""" ones as of lately are these low effort memeing fellas?

>Max R. Esdefault

literally who?

>PewDiePie makes about 1m a month by being a spaz on camera
I made the wrong choices in life

Oh yeah. They take this no bullying shit seriously now and tons of huge minecraft players have had their channels deleted in the past.

Then he's done for. I doubt he would be able to change his video style

holy fuck


Needs a shoop


Toppest of keks


My fucking sides


I could've been huge on my Oblivion lps and then also get on the Minecraft let's play since I started playing a year later if I decided to make them. I could've been huge but my momy didn't want to buy me a capture card. Then again, most mid-2000s YouTubers shells of their former selves. Last I heard Tobuscus was a rapist drug addict dating a qt fedora.

>Most are probably insane

*edgy children




He uses self deprication to set up straw man arguments of what he knows people will likely shit on him for. He likely thinks it invalidates whatever criticisms to his "opinions" and "points" anyone may have.

I'd like to say they don't, but it's the kind of immature shit 15 year olds can relate to