Why haven't you joined up with Antifa and put the beatdown on some fascist Trump supporters user?

Why haven't you joined up with Antifa and put the beatdown on some fascist Trump supporters user?

Because im not a teenager and theyre just as annoying as neo nazis.

fuck communism

>put the beatdown on some fascist Trump supporters user?
>doesn't like to hear others opinions
>wants to beat them
>calls them Facist

Umm user.....

I know this thread is 100% bait but this guy has a point

I'm lazy and bad at action. I will support a revolution from home, if it ever happens.

beating down fascists.. is.. fascism.

you want to bring down a fascist? pull his pants down and suck his dick. see how violent he can be with his cock between your teeth.

B8 m8. R8 my antifa gf m8. Also Antifa is a bunch of cucks in dark clothes that beat up garbage cans.

this. i will support a revolution by offering them a cup of coffee afterward, and by making that little sweeping gesture with my fist and saying quietly "awe yiss."

if they win. if they lose, i'll be all "VIVA LA FASCISTA"


Because were not in 2013

I hope you don't do this for a living

Because I support everything the Nazi party stood for, aside from the Jews(obviously) and no democracy, but that's iffy

more cookie girl, less retardedness

What did he mean by this?

99.9% of these "antifa" faggots don't even know what "Fascism" is.

That vein would gross me out.

Because I have a job and probably make more than the anonymous checks and punk rock tickets they receive in the mail.

Because I am a fascist Trump supporter.

super cereal

hi shareblue, good luck with your shitshow, you're gonna need it




All facism is authoritarianism/totalitarianism but not all authoritarianism/totalitarianism is facism.

Learn the fucking difference before you open your retard mouth.

Shut the fuck up, nigger. Fascism is WHATEVER I SAY IT IS, and if you disagree, I will simply gouge your fucking teeth out with a chisel.


Fascism is an economic system where the government takes indirect control of key economic sectors by appointing their own people to be in charge or creating "control boards". It's socialism by proxy. It allows the government to be in control while maintaining the illusion of a free market system.

>Obama appoints his people to run banks, Wall Street, General Motors and control boards to run healthcare.

Hmmm... who are the Fascists? These "antifa" faggots support the very system they're trying to fight. They just think a "Fascist" is anyone who says mean things to them.

PROTIP: Nazis were Fascists- German National Socialist Party. They were far left.

Someone didn't get enough love as a child and is projecting that on to others.

How's the eighth grade?

>Make America Mexico again

No clue. You know liberals aren't very smart.

There's a myth that Mexico occupied the United States "some time ago", when in fact, few Mexicans lived here. American Indians did. Doesn't matter- the Mexicans like to tell this fairy tale and gullible lefties believe it.

Because I got off supporting trump, no but really there was something so sexual about the right, maybe it's a domination thing. But honestly I had a fucking hard on for days after trump got in was a great time indeed

I hate this idea that we should revert history because of muh rights, history for better or worse is progress towards what? Fuck knows just worry about your own shit, you had more land now you don't, tend to what you got first you fucking beans

Sorry don't give a fuck.

Best thing that can happen is the commies and Nazis kill each other off.
Then us regular Americans can get on with our lives.

Someone needs salve

So completely wrong. Gtfo wannabe pseudo intellectual. Christ you're a social kind of stupid.

The only real Nazis in America are very small, very isolated groups of skinheads. They know they're vastly outnumbered so mostly keep to themselves in whatever backwater hicktown they live.

Communists? Well, they're alive and well. Go look up Van Jones. He's a self-admitted Communist.

Suck my dick commie scum!

Someone slept through their college economics. I bet you also didn't know that the symbol for Fascism was on the back of an American coin for 30 years in the 20th century.

Hi, ShariaBlue. Question for ya - do you get overtime for working these late hours, or does Brock make you show up whenever you're scheduled? I was thinking of applying, need a job where I get paid for doing easy shit like spamming message boards with edgy statuses.

Are you a fucking idiot, adopting left wing economics but still promoting right wing societal ideologies makes you fucking right wing you retard. Politics is a lot more about why you do things than how you fucking gobshite.

It's also on the Lincoln Memorial.


Am Denny


Some of us Trump supporters are packing guns and waiting to kill the little pieces of shit liberal fucks like you.


Here's a mind-blower: most "leftists" aren't actually left-wing.

Crazy world we live in, ain't it?

Google as a source...Google also says "Literal" does not mean "Literal". Sorry, I'll stick with my textbook. But, if you want to play the lazy fuck Internet Guy game, even Wikipedia understands itL

>An inherent aspect of fascist economies was economic dirigisme, meaning an economy where the government exerts strong directive influence over investment while often subsidizing favorable companies, as opposed to having a merely regulatory role. In general, apart from the nationalizations of many industries, fascist economies were based on private individuals being allowed property and private initiative, but these were contingent upon service to the state.

And jump young women that are at trump rallies alone.

authoritarianism generally doesn't use physical violence to control what you do

Don't be a fucking retard it's not the "symbol" for facism fasces is just the root Latin word.

Also the Lincoln memorial was designed and built years before fascism even existed, since it took its name from the italian National Fascism Party

oy vey the liberal dictionaries are fake news

i only use conservdictionary.com

nice bait you almost got mmmMMMMM

DO U EVEN READ KNEECHEE BRO HAHAHAHAHAHA *turns and buries self hatred deeper*

communists are 10/10 times unreasonable, autistic and just dumb. Fuckin poofs mate

>implying informal definitions are literal

Are you an actual retard?

Benito Mussolini first used the Fasces symbol for the regimes later known as "Fascism. The coin was designed a few years before Mussolini adopted it, but very soon, it was known as the Fascist herald. Oddly, we kept the design on our coin for over 25 years after...

Yes, because "literally" does not literally mean "literally"...in 2017

user used Google to define Fascism. The "Literally" example was to illustrate that Google is a poor substitute for a proper education.

You still haven't addressed the fact that you can have traditionally left wing economic policy but still be a filthy right wing bigot when it comes to society...

well i think just sucking a dick would gross me out....

Because I have a job, family, hobbies, and a social life.

Isn't Trump a Jewish puppet?

>liberal dictionaries
Since when do dictionaries have a political view? That annon just pointed out that you can't really take the dictionaries definition for everything because sometimes it might not be right. Remember feminism?

Your brain is a poor substitute if it thinks using a correct informal definition of something means that something is unreliable. I knew what his point was geg in user, it was just a stupid fucking point to make

Yeah, as opposed to the leftists who unironically think niggers are too dumb to compete without special privileges (i.e: affirmative action).


They kept it because it's plastered all over the Lincoln memorial.

Because I'm a Trump supporter. Why are you libtards so damn stupid? Anywho you are welcome to try and "beat me down". However I warn you that I want you to try. So I can kill you.

There's a few different versions of Capitalism, some more regulated than others...laissez faire being the most "hands off" kind.

On the totalitarian side, there's 3 main kinds- Socialism, Fascism, and Communism.

>Socialism- total nationalization of all major economic sectors
>Fascism- some nationalization, but mostly control by appointing government people in charge of what appears to be private companies
>Communism- NO government. All business are owned by the people. This has never been purely implemented. Most "Communist" nations are really Socialist.

But back to your statement, the left supports Fascism, Socialism, or Communism to some degree. The right supports Capitalism. Societal issues, to most on the right, are decisions best left to the states and their people. It's not "bigoted" thinking, it's Constitutional.


i was talking about the ducking nazis for god sake I'm not saying all people with right wing views are bigots, you fucking hair triggered snowflake.

>calling others snowflakes
Why use a spoon to dig that hole when there's a shovel handy, right?

So all those Spanish names for towns in New Mexico and southern CA are native American? You might wanna consider another history source besides Fox News.

But the nazis were leftist socialists

Ironic considering you clearly don't know the difference yourself. Authoritarianism Is not carried out/perpetrated by mobs of civilians acting on their own. Go back to the kiddie pool.

Please refer to the map I posted. I assure you, Absolut did not imagine that up in their advertising department. There's a myth (as I said) that the whole area was once Mexico. Sure they were on either side of the current border. Also, Fox News sucks. Tucker Carlson is OK. First time I've watched it in years.

Stop confusing the third position with nazism it's fucking irritating

Nazi Germany used youths to attack citizens who they felt were saying the wrong thing, having the wrong associations... Sounds familiar.

See: Brown Shirts, Hitler Youth

Honestly who gives a shit, the beaners lost, fuck em.

the third position? Communism? As I said, Comunism is a myth. It's never been instituted. It's always Socialism.

Nope they destroyed the leftist part of their party.

Because i am not an idiot.

Antifa is just a sub group of ISIS

And it always fails or gets overthrown, all of those political stances and their followers are morons. I want to shat them

YOU clearly dont know what an authoritarian cult looks like... thats exactly what the extreme left is at the moment

Read a fucking book communism isn't the third position.

are you whining about someone calling you a snowflake when you're calling people niggers?

good lord you little cuntdrip

the NAZIs were right-wing fascists but what would you know, you don't even know the proper capitalization.

get fucked faggot

because Antifa is fucking cancer

Either way it's the most shit tier political ideology, if you consider yourself a communist you should just commit

I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy inherent. Besides, "nigger" is basically a term of endearment on Sup Forums, you flaming newflap.

Because liberal cunts can die.

Old terms for left/right are virtually meaningless. In the 60s, it was the Republicans who instituted civil rights, and it was Kennedy that instituted massive tax cuts. When Hitler rose to power, he took over the majority of business sectors by appointing his own people to be in charge. That's what Fascism really is. Carter and Clinton were very very leftists, but neither were Socialists or Fascists. Obama practiced Fascism by putting his guys in charge of General Motors, investment banks, Wall Street firms, etc... as well as nationalizing student loans, instituting Healthcare control boards, etc.

Seriously, you need to stop the knee-jerk reaction to the word Fascism. It doesn't mean "Anyone who voted for the other guys".

But I don't consider myself a communist?

Because I am a Trump supporter and I'm also 6'7 so if some beta fag tries to "put a beat down" on me it won't end well for them

Shut up you lanky cunt I'll batter you m8

You know once i read your height something clicked in my brain. Watch all the antifa videos they are all manlets.

This, pejoratives have been used here to the point that homosexuals have to add gay to their fag to let people know what sexuality they have.

You referenced my post which listed the 3 faces of totalitarian control of the economy. I listed Communism third. I see now you're referring to something else. I've always heard that referred to "third alternative". That's a fallacy. There's the forms of Capitalism, the 3 totalitarian types I listed, and... well, ancient barter? The "third position" is all sophistry. Might as well push for everyone to speak Esperanto, too.

Someone else slept through college economics.