This just crawled into my office

>this just crawled into my office

Guys I'm kinda scared. This is real, reverse image if you don't believe me.

Other urls found in this thread:

it's sniffing around

are you fucking retarded?

me or the dino?

this doggo have autism

do i touch it?


Hey scales, what sim you chillin' in?

been a long time since iv seen an SL thread

they eat fish.

Can you fuck it?

See if its a boy

yeh you can fuck anything in SL

do give fish

or dick?

Damn straight.

Muh Dragon would eat your Dino.

wtf i just saw you in another thread

There must be a glitch in the matrix where you are, the resolution looks rather shit and that cgi spinosaur looks pissed at you. Did you fuck around with your local projection device.

he not cgi he just so scary that you think he look different so eyes go blur

i try not to make mad but i think i want him not here not sure


Pick at a loose polygon and unravel him, that'll solve your Spinosaurus problem for sure.

OP you gotta fuck that dino.

For science.


science always called me but i never picked up the phone

Just spend a few fucks on a decent dino sex avatar.

What's the deal with SL? Can you have fun without actually spending money? I don't make a lot to spend on cosmetic shit.

Yeah there is plenty of free stuff on marketplace and in game. Just depends what you're trying to use the cesspool for.

>shilling pseudo-DLC for a club penguin rip off on Sup Forums board that doesn't have archives

wtf are you doing

It is just a fancy chat room essentially, isn't it?

It's pretty much gary's mode in minecrafts create mode. Owner of sims have setting control so you're limited to what they will allow. Most build sims with themes.
Yes, chat is an essential part of interacting with people.
No, chat is not the only thing in it.
It is however mostly used for roleplay and erotica.

>being this new
oh darlin'

Put... put your dick in it.

dont bother
take it from someone with 8+ years experience in SL

the learning curve for building or even navigating is ridiculously high

the community is 50% old age pensioners 50% autistic cancer at this point

and its been dying for 5 years, its like watching a corpse rot

try High Fidelity, built by the same creator
but itll be more suited for modern computing/VR

I was a content creator for SL so i saw my fair share of its community




have you tried putting your dick in it?

If I was this guy I would make a business card

Dick Masters
Purveyor of Fine Digital Penises

On an eggshell white.

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