
Best album?

The Retarded Wigger LP

The Eminem Show



Slim Shady LP everything else is just Mountain Dew and Dorito music.

Uncommon opinion, but Recovery. Worse album is Encore

not Relapse tho

Sweaty meat balls and mama spaghettios

Relapse only has 1 good song.

Someone else who loves Recovery? Nice.

The Marshall Mathers LP is just too good

Eminem Show was his peak imo

Yeah, I literally have more songs from Recovery than any other song. I also thing his newer work is better than his older work (which not many people think)



ESPECIALLY that shit dude are you crazy?

sincerely hope neither of you are this guy:

I'd like Recovery more if he weren't YELLING ALL THE FUCKING TIME WHY IS HE SO LOUD


Top 5 songs

>Going Through Changes
>Bad Guy

He yells in every song almost imo

The only good song on Recovery is On Fire. Relapse at least has Stay Wide Awake, Deja Vu, and Underground.

Don't forget Beautiful you fucking faggot

Whats your favorite song from Eminem show?