I'm an autist. Ask me anything or make fun of me

I'm an autist. Ask me anything or make fun of me.

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Haha he's autistic.

Thank you

Do you have any super autismo powers?

I can lift a whole day of social anxiety, so yeah kinda.

>an autist on Sup Forums
Gee, who would've seen that coming?

That's the irony (which I don't understand as I'm autistic)

So how functional are you?

I've always wondered about adult autistics. How they go about their daily lives. What do you do for a living? How well do you pass for normal?

What's it like being marginally less intelligent than the rest of the population?

it's not hard to learn irony
I have high functioning autism and I laugh at ironic stuff all the time

I live in Germany and I still go to school. Most austists who can post a thread on Sup Forums are able to live their lives mostly normally. I'll work in the IT branche of industry and I don't see anything negative about being autistic really.
TL;DR high functional

you don't know what autism is lol

I don't want to brag but I'm marginally more intelligent than the rest of the population, it depends on the degree of autism. Some are exceptinally smart, some are the opposite.

not op but there's people with autism that are fucking geniuses just blow dickhole at social communication

That's better than I could have described it

Congratulations, you played yourself. I was trying to say that I have no problems with understanding irony, but it seems like the irony thing isn't that common with autistic people.

probably because ur an autist lul

I do have problems with describing things, so you're right with your joke even.

it wasn't a joke. it was a statement

Then don't write lol at the end of your statement, autistic people like me might get confused.

Sure. But there's a shit ton more normal geniuses.

Autism doesn't make you automatically smart, you fucking chode

I'd rather be just smart, than smart and autisti if I had a choice.

i'm just saying it wouldn't be fair to generalize a type of people just on others with low functioning autism

You can't describe it that way, but higher function autists are more likely to have a higher IQ just because of the way their brain works.

so what do you think neurotypicals are like? Presumably you don't know for sure because you aren't one, but what do you think is different? What do you think you're missing as an autist?

Are you saying you have no desire for social life? Or have you just given up because you are bad at it?

Say, hows tumblr lately? Enjoy your time here, newfriend :-)


I've been diagnosed some weeks ago, but I've always known that I'm a whole lot different than most other people. Social life has always meant immense stress for me and I tried to cope with it by not talking to other people. So no desire in the first place and I'm bad at socializing in general.

Comedy Gold

you're so fucking retarded, holy shit it's hilarious

That's like saying you can't just call humanity stupid because there are some smart people.

The t-word must not be spoken in this thread.

That's great and everything, but numerically autistic people aren't mostly of higher intelligence. Sorry.

But you don't presume that every human you talk to is stupid, so you shouldn't think every autist is.

But if the numbers say otherwise...or until I'm proven me otherwise on a case to case basis...

You could formlery differenciate in autism-grades, so people with Asperger's Syndrome are almost only above the average, but people with Kanner's Syndrome for example are more likely to have a low IQ.

The numbers of dumb people in the world or the number of dumb autistic people in the world?


bottom of the page

Oh the irony

Ya that's what I fucking thought, fucking autists.

I wouldn't trust a random site called aspergersmn.org, but on the German Wikipedia page of autism there is a table to differenciate between Asperger and Kanner's Syndrome and while Kanner's are categorized as retarded, Aspergers are said to have a normal to high intelligence with a chance of high talent

Sounds like a cool table. Too bad its fucking autistic.

Go back to 9gag, I believe your humor isn't Sup Forums worthy.

Look at mister big dick over here coming in hot with the freshest of insults!
>sounds like autistim intensifying
>you're a lesser of a person because of it
>eat shit bitch

I'll follow your advice and come back when I'm done, but now I'm not really sure anymore who the one with autism is

I thought we celebrate diversity and tolerate the shit out of it.

>be me
>browse Sup Forums
>discover autistic thread
>thread says autismos are mostly genius
>run yourefuckingwrong.jpeg
>run hereswhy.exe
>piss autismo off
>autismo calls me autistic as insult

top kek

How much do you relate to Symmetra.

Oh my god there is no way this is true. If so, I'd say about 20%

I wanted to read your answer but I stopped reading at "be me" I don't need to read your shit that urgently you know.

Fuck I hope autism isn't contagious

because you're spreading it on



Well prepare your mind to be blown.

prepare your jimmies for a rustling

Why don't you just stop spreading your triggeredness here and go somewhere else? People on 9gag don't care because most of them can't even read, so just go there.

I hate Blizzard for trying to not offending anyone. Symmetra being autistic is completely random and not even the dumbest autists will ever complain because their favorite black female character in their videogame isn't autistic as well.
I call bullshit.


I was diagnosed by a psychologist but I am not sure if I really am. I don't ponder too much about it because I will still have many of the same issues that many of the socially inept have. I knew this girl for a short little while who told me she was autistic, she didn't seem much different than me actually and just couldn't handle being critized and all these other things that would make her emotionally unstable, she'd shut down and all such. And everytime something would come up she'd use autism as an excuse for everything, doesn't matter what. Would you really want to use something like that your whole life? Just not doing anything because everything falls under the cover 'but autism'

I have nothing to be triggered over. You're the one trying to say autismos are people...

This guy's one of them 'specials' you was talkin' 'bout with the bigger IQ's

Being autistic doesn't mean you have to stop using your brain. (I'm OP) and I have to say that you can live with autism without having to be pessimistic/hypochondriacal about everything, when you think about it the right way, you could say that being diagnosed is a relief, because you finally know what's causing the problems you can't cope with on your own. There is nothing a trained psychologist can't help you with, especially with autistic traits/symptoms.

The one thing you should learn in this thread is that not every autist is the same and not every autist gets mad when you call them autismos or say that they aren't people. It makes me feel better as an autist because I know there are people in the world who don't have autism and behave like retards as well.

I wish I was autistic so I could find a flag on a video using contrails etc and steal that fucker.

What do you mean by that? Sorry, English isn't my native tongue.

Sorry mate.
Allegedly autistic user(s) used a video showing only a flag and sky, and managed to locate and steal it. I'll find a link, long story.

Now that sounds interesting, but I don't think I am able to do that by the sheer power of autism.

Here is first link I found:
heatst.com/tech/he-will-not-divide-us-livestream-placed-in-middle-of-nowhere-but-Sup Forums-still-found-way-to-troll-it/

You're right. Not every autismo is the same. But they do show certain characteristics that align with a spectrum (e.g. difficulties with social interaction trouble making eye contact, marginally average to lower intelligence, that stupid fucking sound they make, punchable face) Yes.

Haha that seems like a typical Sup Forums story and I can confirm that autists that are interested in clouds/wind/weather/etc. could be able to pull off something like that. It's computer stuff only for me, so no stream trolling today lol

You're talking of fucking low functioning autists. I wouldn't consider them human either, but you have to distinguish those guys from autists on Sup Forums for example.

so are fucking meteorologists


this one just happens to be both

No, Aspergers are marginally less intelligent also.

An autistic meteorologist. If there is a human on earth that could make it rain tacos, it would be this dude.

I'm not 100% positive so I'm not gonna answer this, but I do know that Aspergers don't flap their arms or make weird noises. Usually they're like the quiet white kid in class that doesn't talk very much and then goes on a school shooting after getting bullied.

That makes sense!

I was trying to say that people with Asperger's aren't that different from shy people in terms of their social skills. It's just that we can't tell apart from important and unimportant and have other problems that would be considered psychological and not so easily noticable like the full blown autists are.

now you stopped making sense. I got myself into this mess thinking I could argue with autismos

Just read it again. Some people take more time to understand what they read as others. Don't argue with "autismos" when you don't have a point.

Idk...that sentence was pretty full blown autismo

I don't see why you're arguing about something when you don't have a reason to. I'm answering every comment because I'm sick and didn't have to go to school today, so there is plenty time to waste on Sup Forums explaining autism to people like you.

Autist/Asperger here.
Got diagnosed when I was 12-13.
Also have OCD and severe social phobia.

Diagnosed OCD? The docs told me that there was major signs of OCD like symptoms, but that's apparently normal for people with autism to some degree.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah haha ah ah ah ah ahhHahaahhHHHhHHahahahahHHHHHHHHHHHahahhAhahahahahahahHahHahahahahHhHHhHHHHHahahahHHHhHhahHHHHHahahHHHHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahHahahHhHahHhHhhhAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahHaahahahahahahhHahahahahahahhAHahahahahahahahhahaahahahhaha autist

Finally someone to make fun of me again. It's been almost 3 hours since the last one.

>Diagnosed OCD?
Yes got the diagnose when I was 14.
Can't function without following my patterns and such.
Just a few to start..
>Lock/unlock my door 4 times, knock once then lock again before I leave.
>Everything has to be perfectly straight at home, furniture, remotes, anything.
>When I walk I count my steps to 66, restart and count to 14 then restart and count to 66.
Etc etc.

Ok I'm sorry for you then. Sometimes I can't eat/drink what I'm given because my brain thinks it's poisoned. When I eat it anyways, my stomach gets upset. That doesn't make it particularly easy for me to fight agains it. Obsessive finger cracking gets pretty annoying too. I hope that I get prescribed Strattera/Atomoxetin as it helps agains the symptoms of OCD as well as helping me stay focused and concentrated.

>Ok I'm sorry for you then
Don't be. I'm used to it.
I'm currently on Anafranil and that helps with the worst symptoms. Now I don't have panic attacks if I forget something in my schedule.

What do you think of this?