Why do Americans care about race so much?

Why do Americans care about race so much?

The whole world cares about race, bait-kun. It's a terrible nuanced rat-nest of culture, politics, genes and apathy. But you're not interested in that.
Why does Kirara have a stupid face shooped on her?

They don't though
>1/12 irish, 3/8 scotish, 4/8 english, 1/12 polish.
if they gave a shit there wouldn't be any of this trash.

They do though. They go on about race all the fucking time.

Its because they're all racist. They act like black people are different to them when in reality all Americans are niggers. They all chimp out and they're all violent uneducated scum.

No they don't. Its just fucking American scum who constantly go on and on about race 24/7.

Come live around niggers for a year, Yurofriend.

>we don't care about race
>fucking niggers

I think you missed my point. Living around Basketball-Americans for a significant amount of time would make Gandhi hate them.

Because of identity politics.

They use race as a means to make themselves feel morally superior.

Also they don't care so much about race, but about the white vs black dynamic. Everything is a black white issue first, and if it applies to other minorities that's just luck. If it applies to blacks but is detrimental to other races then they won't consider the other race.

>irish is race
woah burger education

Where you from, OP?

Every country has racists, and if you want to blame somebody blame the left for trying to bring identity politics back to the world stage. Everywhere you fucking look it's blacklivesmatter or mexicans waving their flag in our country saying fuck Donald Trump.

Yes Americans care about race, but it isn't the "evil white straight men" that have secret patriarchy meetings every tuesday like you imagine.

Pic related, just another example of problems we're having as a result of people in the general left side trying to bring race into the conversation. Apparently white people don't know what it's like to be poor and live in a ghetto.

>we europeans are superior and allow brown people into our countries indiscriminately to rape and murder in record numbers because they are marginalized and we do not see race at all unless they are white people in which case fuck em.

You are exactly the sort of person I was referring to. Congrats.

So you're against reasonable perspectives? That's pretty retarded, ironically you're the only one who brought up race with this thread.

In the end you're projecting your own insecurities onto other people, I am simply responding to claims other people have made. people like YOU are creating genuine racists and the worst part is you believe yourself to have the moral high ground.


Am a Europoor myself, but my job means I travel to and work from sites in the US sometimes. I watch the news there, read the papers, generally get a feel for the place from a working man's point of view.

It is profoundly weird how Americans will break down any statistic - crime, income, education, whatever - by race, without even thinking about it. In Europe, if you did this, people would think you were a fully paid up eugenicist, or at least a right wing nut job.

Not saying we're any better in Europe. In Europe we have classism, which is pretty much racism in a different form. Tiny variations in the way people look, speak and act immediately pigeonhole them into a small category which hugely dictates how the rest of your life is likely to unfold.

"You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch."

>Not saying we're any better in Europe. In Europe we have classism, which is pretty much racism in a different form. Tiny variations in the way people look, speak and act immediately pigeonhole them into a small category which hugely dictates how the rest of your life is likely to unfold.
And that isn't the case in America? You didn't fall for the "American dream" meme did you?

What's "internet penetration"?

Because of their history with slavery and later un-equal rights up until the 60s.

Its like Germany and their self-loathing due to their nazi past and role in WW2.

See I can help you out with this as a guy who is a US citizen, I think a lot of Europeans see the mainstream news and think that's the image of all Americans.

Most people don't give a shit either way. The only time you will see people "breaking down statistics" are those who are in the news talking about current events. One thing I find strange is you seem to imply that Europeans don't do this exact same thing.

You do realize it's because here in America we value freedom of speech above all things? You can be jailed for "hate speech" for ridiculous things in many European countries like denying the holocaust in Germany and even criticism of Muslim immigrants in Sweden.

The reason we talk about race in America as much as we do is because we are free to do so. No topic should be banned from discussion, even a nazi should be allowed the ability to speak in public, and people should also have the right to tell him to fuck off.

read about their one-drop rule, it's a historical/cultural thing, unfortunately humanity is too stupid to think outside their cultures and see the "big picture".

Texastard here. Lived in Texas my whole life. Never heard anything about race til northerners moved here. I honestly hadn't cared nor minded anything bout race nor racism til people brought it up. When I asked them about themselves they all moved from places like Cali, new York, Ohio, the Carolinas. Texans don't give a shit. Northerners do.

No, statistics aren't broken down into race in europe nearly as much, because it's meaningless there

I chuckled a little at that Mexico.

Mexicans think they're Natives, so they want to take the land back, everyone blames English/Irish for things that Spaniards did because they're all so racist they can't identify difference white people. Though if you confuse a Hmong with a Korean they'll probably try to stab you. Blacks just have their heads up their own asses and only care about themselves.

>Russel Brand: The Slave Owner

Gandhi was racist though.