Yo Sup Forumsros help. What is this stuff on my asshole?

Yo Sup Forumsros help. What is this stuff on my asshole?

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hemorrhoids, you've been stuffing stuff that is too big without preparing properly up your pooper. Also clean that shit stain off of it.

Nasty hemorrhoids, OP. Get to the doctor before one of those fuckers pops or gets worse infected.

I can't fap to this

you can get hemroids gone by using hotsauce and salt

Sorry dude. Its what everyone else has said. Buy some preparation H. It has potential to get worse, and could rupture and bleed, that shit would be nasty. Like its not already nasty, but you know what I mean.

Also investigate diet change, hard stools don't help.

It's only temporary. Hems always come back. Not even surgery helps permanently remove them.

Citation, please.

I have hemorrhoids.

I'd say:



Could be. Condylomas are nasty shit. And getting em on your asshole confirms faggotry. Op are you fag? If so I have no sympathy.

Sometimes when I wipe my ass it bleeds, other times it doesn't. It's been like this for years, but I don't have irritation sitting down or other things. I always forget to bring it up with my doctor. Is it normal to occasionally wipe and find blood?

you're not trying hard enough

No, not simply.
Some Professionals thought that.
But it's some kinda Herpes, which can also be transmitted by women to men. They just don't recognize any symptoms.

>prepare before anal
do everything that helps you not be constipaded like
>eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
>don't wear your wifes thong

forget how to use google?

And btw:
OP, fell lucky. You can also get them on your Penis. Under your foreskin.

for her pleasure?

And, OP, do yourself a favour:
Get to the next specialist as soon as possible.
They're growing. And they will get real big.
(I know, what I'm talking about). So hurry up, dont wait!

It's just a quick ambulant operation, as long as they didnt grow to big and they didnt grow inside.
That might also happen.
In this case we talk about two or three weeks of pain... Then shitting is no fun anymore.


Never had those myself, but a couple of my buddies swear on this rubber band ligation trick.



(picRelated: condylovely)