How smart is Sup Forums?

How smart is Sup Forums?

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More than 50%

50% dumbass. The first flip is already done







1/2 percent moron

thoitythwee point thwee peacent



1/2 dumbass.

I thought it was impossible not to pass highschool math

50% they are independent events, the last one doesn't affect the next one

Are you faggots really this fucking stupid?

It's 1/3.

Flip 2 coins. 4 outcomes possible:

Heads, Heads
Heads, Tails
Tails, Heads
Tails, Tails

At least 1 coin landed heads, so only Tails, Tails is no longer possible. Leaves 3 equally likely outcomes:
Heads, Heads
Heads, Tails
Tails, Heads


fuck RNG, I GOT 0% Blizzard ows me

1/3. TT is eliminated as possible outcome


ok niggas, fo realsies now: only 8/18 1-euro-coins have heads on their backs, so no, you're all wrong


It is 1/3 exactly because they are independent :)

The answer is 1/3 or 33%, despite the popular answer usually being 1/2 or 50%. This is erroneous because it relies on the idea that the coins are individual resolute actions performed independently.

People usually think of it like this:

"Well, one coin has already been flipped and is heads (H). We don't need to worry about that coin. We will just flip the second coin. The possibilities are:


Therefore there are 2 options, so it is 1/2 or 50%.

This is not accurate because one coin has NOT already been flipped. Both coins are flipped and you are calculating the possibility that both are heads based on the knowledge (via clairvoyance or otherwise) that one is heads. The trick to this riddle is that we know one of the coins is heads; we don't know WHICH is heads. Yes, in probability, this is important.

This isn't a perfect comparison because it utilizes different coins, but think of it this way: You have a quarter and a nickel. You want $0.30 and decide that you are going to flip the coins. Whatever lands on heads, you will keep. You flip the coin and your friend tells you "It looks like you aren't walking away broke!" This tells you that one of the coins landed on heads.

You can eliminate TT ($0.00) as a possibility, which leaves you with the following:

HH - Quarter/heads, nickel/heads ($0.30)
HT - Quarter/heads, nickel/tails ($0.25)
TH - Quarter/tails, nickel/heads ($0.05)

There are three possibilities, therefore the answer is 1/3 or 33%. This is the only mathematically correct answer.


1/4. 1/2 chance times the other 1/2 chance. If you wanted 3 times, it would be 1/2×1/2×1/2 making it 1/8 etc. For 5 times it would be 1/32, 6 times 1/64, 8 times 1/256 etc. Yall dumbasses

Two coins can land:


This is 1/4, you are correct.

But we know Tails/Tails isn't an option, as stated in the question.

Therefore it is 1/3.

There aren't 3 remaining after the first coin is said to be heads tho. For Coin 1 (1) and Coin 2 (2)

1T 2T = not possible because 1 has to be Heads (You accounted for this one)
1T 2H = also not possible because coin 1 can't be tails, it has already been defined as heads (You didn't account for this one)

The only remaining two are:
1H 2T
1H 2H

There aren't three remaining outcomes because of the 4 possible combinations (HH, TT, HT, TH) only HT and HH can happen because it is already taken as a given that coin 1 is heads, so any combination that involves it being tails is outside of the scope of the question.

Oh. Nice. Finally somebody that didn't take 10 years to explain in a way that doesn't make sense. I actually understand this explanation.


one in twelv

>1T 2H = also not possible because coin 1 can't be tails, it has already been defined as heads (You didn't account for this one)

In nowhere does it say Coin 1 is heads. It says "a coin" (which can means Coin 1 or Coin 2) is heads.

The only impossibility is 1T 2T.

You're not accounting for the fact that the first coin is given to be Heads though. TT can't happen sure, but HT and TH aren't equivalent, HT can happen, but TH can't because the first coin is taken to be heads. Which leaves the only two possible options, HH and HT

>gambler's fallacy
The probability that the next coin will land on heads is still 50% regardless of what the first coin landed as.

It's not. You're assuming information that isn't provided.


I`ve always been bad on meth

first coin != at least one coin = either first last or both