You have 10 seconds to name a better horror author than Clive Barker

You have 10 seconds to name a better horror author than Clive Barker.

Pro tip: you can't.

Iain M. Banks

HP Lovecraft, what else?

Good choice. The wasp factory was a great. Though I wasn't a fan of The Crow Road.

Lovecraft's work is tolerable, but it doesn't capture my mind in the way of horror, but more as science fiction/ fantasy.

agreed. Impossible. So waiting for the Art 3 and the Cabal sequels.

Robin Hobb

Kteven Sing

Doctor Seuss

Edgar Allan Poe and Graham Masterton

Ayn Rand

Bill Gates

I was about to exchange the 't' and 's' in this to emulate your post, but then I realized it spelled "shit". I also suck cocks and lots of them

Dude, upvoted

Cosmic horror is the most terrifying of all, atleast to me. The concept of something offworldy and all powerful is pretty scary of you apply it. Read the haunter of the dark

H.P. Lovecraft

Thomas Ligotti



Garth Marenghi

M knight shamalamadingdong

He went from bang to sizzle to fizzle in the blink of an eye.

Please read "Rats in the wall" by H. Phillips Lovecraft.
Spoiler alert: nigger-man tries to BLM his owner.