What should I put in my Gfs pussy? As long as it won't really hurt her and I have it available I will cram it in

What should I put in my Gfs pussy? As long as it won't really hurt her and I have it available I will cram it in...

Coke Can?

my dick

sharpie in the pooper

any and all meat products in your fridge


Leg of a chair.

Can't leave her bed room her parents are home... And yes she of age...

a dite pill

Dill pickle

Then eat it

Take a turkey bastre and fill it with warmed up peanut butter and stick it way up and squirt it all out

A fleshlight so you don't have to fuck that disgusting thing


An xbox

Never got my brush handle from original thread.

Tried a can of soda wouldn't fit... She complained to much... Next reasonable request get done and pic posted

a wooden spoon

hair brush

Brush in pussy

how many fingers can you get in

How about your Dick? Just ram it in there and let it rip.


Some liposuction would be nice.

Oh boy, she's a heffer.

Saged because gross.

Lay a small hot dog wienie between her lips and make it look like a hot dog. Add mustard too please and make sure it has the squiggly lines.

How about she spread her legs some more so that Im not just staring at rolls consuming a fucking brush. Jesus.

Soda can.

Fuck dem haters, I love her fat pussy. Stick a remote control it OP

As many sharpies as you can find


What am I looking at ?


Her foot