How to cure marijuana addiction?

How to cure marijuana addiction?

sleep it off


try heroin

currently smoking 5,6 joints/day not sure if anyone cares

keep your mind busy. youll be fine after 3 days

activity, literally any activity


There's no hope ...
The herbal Jew has me by the balls

Stop thinking weed will make you feel better.

Don't be a pussy just quit, you'll get through the worst of the withdraw symptoms in a week

but what if keeping my mind busy makes me want to smoke more?

>marijuana addiction

wait two days and move on?

This. Just stay away from weed. Youll never not want to use it when youre around it. As long as you arent around it and have at least a little bit of an actual desire to quit (enough to stay off the phone/get rid of a card), then you should be strong enough of a human to quit.

just don't do what i did, and turn to opiates. I haven't touched the weed in months but now I'm addicted to something that literally makes me feel like I'm going to die after 12 hours without it. (dihydrocodeine) I'm trying to taper down by a 1 pill daily reduction per week and it's a nightmare

Marijuana addiction is a joke.

Trying cocaine 1 time is more addicting than smoking 5g marijuana a day for 10 years.

Just don't smoke for some days and you are cured.

You should only smoke after you got your shit done to reward yourself.

Don't smoke. It's a mental thing more than your body physically craving it

Smoked weed daily for 5 years, quit cold turkey because of heart issues. Zero withdrawals, side effects ,etc.

holy trips speak the truth

>not alone

there's definitely MINOR physical side effects when you quit a heavy 'addiction', I remember not being able to eat a damn thing for about 48 hours and full-blown insomnia for at least a week. that's definitely minor though, compared to opiate withdrawal...

this it only takes about a week but that week does suck

You'll just be bored

dude, even tobacco more addicting...

idk been smoking for 2 years and kinda wanna quit. It's more of a lifestyle than an addiction. Its only an addiction if youre letting it fuck up your social life and whatnot. that's just my opinion

if you get addicted to weed your honestly weak as fuck

Literally don't smoke. It's that fucking easy. It's 100% in your head. If you can't manage this then my dried cum has more willpower than you.


get over yourself faggot

you need to smoke more

1. Stop smoking it

also, marijuana is not addictive.

Ive doine heroine got off that in an instant but Pot i cant quit either. Pot is harder for me to quit then heroine

I smoked every day since I was 14 and stopped when I was 24.. granted I got into harder drugs so I decided I had to stop everything.

Stay sober a day at a time and don't forget how much better it feels.

Find different coping mechanisms or fixations when you're bored/don't know what to do

Thisll work granted you don't have any dealer's numbers memorized, but delete them from your phone.

Cut off any contact with anyone you know smokes or with anyone that might have weed smoking in their friend groups.

Wasn't able to quit til I did that. Good luck user

start doing cocaine


I went through a quarter ounce of wax last week

with crack addiction

who the fuck has the money to waste on that shit

There is no such thing as addiction to the herb...if you don't have can deal with it...and that ain't addiction my friend

People who sell weed for a living and live with mom still.

>be me
>smoked mj since 15 daily
>turned 28, have kids
>stopped to save money
>now 30, find stoners funny
I'm more productive at work, less stressed, and have longterm goals. Weirdly I still have dreams I smoked with some bros. just smoke cigs, not the same but you also don't have paranoia randomly anymore.

I've been smoking for the past two months straight every day and stopped at the end of Feb. About a week later had some withdrawals but honestly I think it was just a fever or something.

It's fun and thankfully I never had to pay for my dank.

b-but what if all my friends smoke
i don't want to be alone :(

I'm addicted to dabs. Much more concentrated, I'm not me when I'm not high. I think I'm addicted to getting high In general.. Like I always have coke, dmt, mdma, rso, acid or shrooms around.. Or a combo of some of them. Idk man it's like I can't ever just be sober. What's wrong with me?

Your friends are losers. You will find better friends over a pint or at a coffee house.

You are in a state of avoidance. Basically you are in purgatory. Get help.

then have insane willpower.

if you want a quit a bad habit, it's best not to surround yourself with the habit.

or don't quit if you decide having that particular group of friends is more important to you than being in charge of your own life.

My social anxiety makes it hard to make new friends, so I find myself hanging out with the same friend who I despise.

ever suck dick for weed?

it's a vicious circle

if it was a cute white guy I would consider it (no homo), but alas my dealers are black

Go to an AA or NA meeting. Your in a spiral that will make you regret not moving forward in life. The paranoia is from smoking. Go run, try cooking, change your prison of normality.

Like psychiatric help? Do you think it's that serious? I mean I feel like I'll be able to pull myself out eventually

then you aren't an addict

Best way to break a old habit is to develop new habits. You need 30 days of intense retraining. I don't believe detox rehab works. You need to admit you have a problem and ask people who you trust to help you.

You're right, thanks user. I'm only 21 but I already regret being as stagnant as I've been since high school.

Step 1: find someone or something you love and spend the time you would've spent smoking on them or that.
Step 2: Kill yourself because no one loves you back and nothing is that interesting to you because you're a fuckin loser who does nothing all day but smoke weed and come up with stupid ass ideas and makes dumbass decision in your life because the world is cold and nobody gives a fuck about anybody else and you're gonna die some day but not before everyone you've loved your entire life does first and the few people left that you'll still care for will slowly drift away from you and realize that in order to live their own life they need to put distance between you so you'll do nothing but exist in an endless state of stagnancy until your weak ass heart finally gives out and you die in your living room eating a sandwich and drinking a glass of milk which will spill on your already stained shirt as you slip into death because you're a slob and nobody wants to be around you because of it and your cats are going shit in their litter box until they fill it up and the smell from that will mask your decaying corpse from the neighbors for days before the police finally bust your door down and find your starving fat shit cats eating your face with reruns of Grey's Anatomy playing on your TV you fuckin loser.

You won't be addicted to pot if you're addicted to something else

I did it by switching to drinking. Yeah that's been fun

Legal Drugs
or just get some scrip and become another pill junky

i picked up skateboarding

still smoke weed tho - was able to quit xanax. my dick got 2 inches bigger because of it

I prefer dogs actually...
Wouldn't mind dying with a sandwich and a glass of milk though.

Good read user.

Thanks, I try.

We can tell.

just stop you weak faggot. marijuana has literally zero physical addiction

Real Nigga Shit.


I'm not saying drink the koolaid and say join the cult. Just reach out for understanding. Some guys need to replace the compulsion of drugs with the compulsive addict club. Orrr you just learn who you are and what you want. I was in the wrong place for a long time and tried different ways to approach the shit. Weed may not be a drug, but it's a counter culture that keeps you from enjoying other roads in life. Don't get me wrong I look back fondly on my ounces of mushroom days and wouldn't change my social perspective, but we all grow up sooner or later.

ofcourse it is user, i believe you

I feel a lot more confident when I'm high. I just go right out and say how I feel instead of holding back because I'm afraid of conflict. My mum doesn't know this, but she likes me better when I'm high.

Kill yourself with a knife.

yo OP if you really want some honest advice. this is what I did. i started skating. not only did I stop using - but my dicc got way bigger

The fuck is this shit



You say you're afraid of conflict when truly you are afraid of a negative reaction. If your mom "Likes you more" while you're high, then why not pretend to be high while you're not?

None of this is true.

Dabs are tough, way more addicting then straight up weed. I'd say ween yourself off of it by waking up and trying to go as long as you can without smoking, then stop completely when YOU are ready.

It's weed, I've found myself trying to blame all my problems on it, then thinking it had nothing to do with them. It's different for everyone but in reality you can't blame weed because it's your decision.

Make a realistic goal for yourself. You sound like a true blue stoner, so I doubt youll quit smoking for the rest of your life. Set a goal, either an achievement, or a set amount of time before, if you wish, to smoke again. You'll probably fall back on old habits, try not to, but that's how life goes.

In all honesty, your experiencing the effects of alienation and need to research sociological perspectives. Ever since man started to abide to societies rules we have found ourselves trying to find what fills the void. You need a new social perspective OP

Weed & Coke arent addictive!

Same. When my gf broke up with me, I put down the herb for a while and started going out and drinking a few times per week. It has unironically been going pretty damn well.

the best thing to do is skateboard frequently.

itll take your mind off of weed

>I went through a quarter ounce of wax last week

coke is addictive

The sociological perspective is a perspective on human behavior and its connection to society as a whole. It invites us to look for the connections between the behavior of individual people and the structures of the society in which they live. Typically, we tend to think of our society as just natural.

It's the persons personality that is addictive, not the drug.

You'll never be able to quit if you're not motivated enough. I want a new job and most i will apply for will test. I got pissed at myself one day, smoked what I had left, havent touched it since. Made it a month so far, smoked daily for 6 years.

Live resin is pretty good

Every time you feel the need to smoke, suck a guy off, I guarantee after the first time you'll either quit or turn gay.

I dab everyday

Keep going strong.

coke is highly addictive

Mantras and meditation

Once you get the milk and honey flowing in your brain that activates psychic vision, you'll never want to be addicted to weed again

i Vape THC oil hourly

Maybe you're dabbing so much because you got shitty wax

I know live resin gives a quick rushy high, at least the batch I tried I'd rather have shatter or some shit for main toking

Good to hear. If I were you I'd try to avoid smoking ever again (besides maybe occasionally if a friend has some). It sucks falling right back into bad habits that kept you down for so long. I hate either beating myself up, or feeling sorry for myself, but that's kinda all I know.

Meth is highly addictive.
Coke is like sex with 1 girl for life. it's fun at first then it just becomes meaningless and habitual.

Are you fucking stupid?

Idk man my brains been tingling since 1998

you probably suck dick every day too you fuckin faggot

I was smoking a quad a week before i decided to enlist in the military. Find a reason to stop smoking and it becomes a lot easier

Your brain is cooked m8.

Tbh you'd have to sell a fuck ton of weed to be able to fuel a coke habit