I liked the action and the special effects in this movie but what I REALLY liked was the dialogue exchanged between the...

>I liked the action and the special effects in this movie but what I REALLY liked was the dialogue exchanged between the CIA Agent and the main villain during the plane scene

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


goddamn people are actually voting for this retard?

I know! Why would you vote for Trump when you could vote for this REAL HUMAN BEING displaying REAL HUMAN EMOTIONS

Clickbait shill.

Good goyim vote for the candidate that's been bought and paid for

id rather vote for evil smart robot than a retard

Why vote for Trump when you can vote for someone who panders towards everyone?

>e-mail is too complicated for her

You'll pay alright, with a dark and immortal trump empire.


Because the retard will just be a retard while the people who has always run the country continue to run it.
The evil robot will try to introduce evil things, some of which will pass.

Trump=Status Quo
Hillary=Further Ruin

Let's face it. There is no way to win, better just cut our losses with the status quo and hope someone better steps up next time. Hillary will make things actively worse.

Yeah, we should vote for the actual kikey con artist instead.

Yes yes goyim Trump is the bad guy ignore Hilary's international record Trump is dangerous

>the jews don't want Trump

Nice try jew

He is very based

Of course goyim of course don't bother thinking how unusual it is in a nation of 300+ million a man and his son and later a man and his wife coincidentally become President. This is normal. New entrants into politics must be reviled and insulted. Good goyim

wtf i love trump now

Whoever you choose, they will never lose.

>you lived to see a time when leftists are the ones pushing anti-russia sentiment and the beginning of a hot or cold war with them while the republican candidate wants closer ties

>trump is hitler shilled relentlessly in every jew owned media source
>the jews want trump
lmao sure thing buddy. I'm sure all the donations money he owes them means they'll be able to tell him what to do

>Coincidence, I think not.

(This never happened in history before the Jews took over, guys!)

wtf i #shillforher now

>missing the point entirely

Family lines should not have a lock on the Presidency

Because in 4 years there is a chance for a better democratic candidate. Otherwise I am stuck either voting Hillary twice or voting republican next anyway.
In other words 4 years of shit is better than 8 of very slightly less disgusting shit.

Are you saying he's not their boy? Nigga he's already shilling for them at every chance he got. He shat on everyone but not the jews. He and his follower are all good goys so don't pull that good goy shit to defend him.


This situation is dire in the DNC they resort to shilling on Sup Forums


>before the Jews took over
Yes you are the greatest of all goyim we did not arrive so early on the Continent that Franklin worried incessantly about us. Do you want a banking job greatest goy? As long as your penis is cut you can earn big money by our side

>Hillary made the decision to ILLEGALLY store her emails on a PRIVATELY OWNED AND OPERATED server which she did not get clearance for
>this is somehow an attack on America

The democrats have been approaching Russia with "letsbefriends" ever since Bush left.

The thing is, Putin does not respect rolling over, and Trump is a fool for thinking he'd respect him for doing the same. He'll smile and take all the "gestures of good will" Trump would give him, before spitting on Trump's "friendship" again and painting America as the villain.

Remember that Russia's propaganda machine never stopped portraying America as the greatest threat to Russia, and the force of evil that threatens poor innocent kebabs, not even during Obama's "Perezagruzka".

Playing nice doesn't get you the Russians' respect.


>the only relevant person running for president this election who wasn't pro-Isreal was a literal Jew

What has this world come to

>Trump always tells the truth and never contradicts himself.

I don't give a fuck about who the best person to run Murrica is, I'm voting for Trump because he'll bring about the second Civil War.

The destruction will be BEAUTIFUL.

>Trump: I want the Big Guy voters. Hot heads need not apply.

what politician does not do this?

Made me watch, shill.

More than half that video has nothing to do with the movie.

Good goy good don't look into the issues at all trust what our media tells you. Don't bother looking at who has refused Israeli donations no don't goy. Don't bother wondering why we need to paint one man as literally Hitler and especially don't think about how hard we would go in on him if he mentioned anything against us

In Israel 59% actually think a Trump presidency would be good for Israel.
Why do you think Jews have some sort of hivemind?

Real life is not an anime you dumb faggot

>we need the baneposting voters

>Believeing he'd actually refuse money

You are the only goy around here.

If Trump was ever a threat, he'd be dead, not a Republican nominee.

the thing is there is no real anti Isreal candidate. It is to damning on your reputation because america has gotten that cucked.

I wonder how many of you are paid Russian shills

That's because Obama is a weak and push over, Crimea never would have happened under Bill or Bush

So why do you care who gets elected then? lol holy shit this is

You've already been rekt on this mate

And stop pretending you didn't watch it the first time. He's already turned down a ton of money you retard


jesus fucking christ
american politics are a joke

>either vote for retarded crass billionaire with stupid hair or a literal war criminal who takes bribes from saudis and israel to start wars in the middle east
>third party options include a free-trade privatise-everything libertarian and a greenie anti-nuclear hippie

America is so fucked, its funny to watch the lulz as an outsider.

What does that have to do with anything?

Every time any 'Murican tried to treat nicely with Putin and give him something to chew on, he'd come to take more.

This is gangster psychology. If the other side is too scared to fight back and tries to negotiate, show your dominance. That's what Putin is dying, that's why he doesn't respect Obama.

He won't respect Trump either if all Trump does is roll over on all the contested issues. After Putin's done with them, there won't be a prospoerous alliance build on good faith. Russia will continue to expand its interests (since it is allowed to do so), until someone actually decides to stop them.

You don't try and kill a candidate and martyr them, that's stupid

Imagine being the guy from that pic and living your life with that level of delusion

>why do you think Jews have some sort of hivemind

Yes goy yes. It's not us relentlessly shilling far left positions night and day through every form of American media. Why would we all think the same way? A group of people with strong links and traditions as well as very clear ideology would never think alike

Gary Johnson is practically a democrat.

What does that have to do with trump having shills? Why are you trying to deflect

I'm sorry to inform you that you most likely won't survive the 2nd Civil War.

Which points are delusional?

Just saying there are Hilary shills all over the internet too.


Yes, but Trump's solution is not to show that he's not a friend of Putin's. It's to allow Putin to have more freedom in hopes he'll become his friend. That's the mistake.

And the trend started with Bush ignoring the war in Georgia, all for Obama and Clinton to come up with their "Perezagruzka", telling the world that now THEY will be the force that Putin wants to befriend.

Trump's campaign so far makes it look like he'll be repeating the same mistake.

They don't need to think alike, they meet up to discuss how to run the world every half decade

The underlings get passed instructions and that is that


He wasn't a politician when this was made.

>hmmm, what did she mean by this?

Trump is a fucking racist demagogue!

Excellent goy excellent. Painting out a common group of united peopke have common interests is definately a crazy conspiracy theory. Thinking that high level people all move in the same circles and meet constantly is utter utter madness

reply to this post if you're a KGB agent

L-lies! The Jews are against him! Why else would they slander him on the elections? Just look at the press!

That doesn't appear to be Donald Trump user? Is there some point you're trying to make here?

Her nose was a self-fulfilling prophesy.

I don't think you understand how an idea is martyred

>Trump can decide who his daughter marries
Lmao mate you're living in the 20's

I wish I was still a KGB agent , but my handler was purged when the SU broke up and FSB isn't returning my dead-drop correspondence.

just vote for jill stein

>Trump will be respected by Putin by doing what Obama did and ignoring Putin's expansionism.

Da, good pindos, vote Trump.

Putin already has more than enough freedom. The US can either declare cold war 2.0, or try to appease enough him for them to be allies again

Everything apart from the infrastructure crumbling, which is just a well known fact

I'm sure you will because you're part of a really elite militia of ex-supersoldiers, and not just a fat neet who dresses up like an army man and meets up with other obese fucks to walk around the woods for 20 minutes every Saturday until your heart starts to fail and you have to go home

After Bernie's massive sellout to Shillary this past week, I've sworn I'm never going to support a Jew again for any political position, regardless of what they say their 'policies' are. Fool me once...

You believe the US goverment would drop nuclear bombs on US citizens?

What? He literally begins by saying he wants to be the best thing that happened to Israel.

This, Bernie's campaign was basically just a giant embezzlement fund

Voting for Jill Stein is just another vote for Hillary. It's a huge fucking waste. Look at the bigger picture you small minded faggot.

It's okay, friend.

We all check out some time.

I see no functional difference.

Well let's not forget the previous best thing that happened to Israel was the holocaust, it gave them a state

By refusing to take their money and being in their debt. You know you can like someone and not want to be fucking beholden to their every whim and wish, right?

But I thought his main selling point was that he wasn't like the other politicians :^)

Yeah okay nice try but he's still shilling for Israel at every turn even when he's supposed to be refusing their money.

Because if you don't shill you're going to get accused of anti semitism and you can kiss your campaign goodbye

Yes. See: 9/11

Yeah okay nice try but what do you think would happen to "LITERALLY HITLER U GUIZE" if he mentioned the slightest negative about Israel or Jews? Use your head mate


>it's an assblasted pinko faggot tries to stump Trump on Sup Forums episode

how does it feel to know this board overwhelmingly supports trump? and pretty much every other board at this point.

9/11 wasn't a nuke. There's no way the goverment nukes its own people. There is no coming back from that it would end the United States and divide the country forever

>implying that was the us government and not mossad


Trump is totally not like Putin.
Trump loves USA.
Puting jews money out of Russians.

>every board is le pol army day of le rope is coming, NIGGER YEAH I SAID THAT OOHHHH

Not really. He knows where the power is and he's sucking dick accordingly. If this voting for this dude has any merits, "not being a good goy" is definitely not one of them. He's as good as they come, hell in that video he seems to want to outdo all the good goy presidents before him.

>it's an obnoxious trumpcuck assume anyone who doesn't suck trump's dick like a retard likes Hillary

Kill yourself delusional retard.