I don't understand any of this shit. What have I won?

I don't understand any of this shit. What have I won?

Other urls found in this thread:


You won £10.

You won £10

You win 10 quid....

but that's how much it cost


only the bank wins..

You broke even. Return it and get another one

Did you learn something today about lotto tickets?

You won 10 euro

I only got it because I had to purchase something to get cashback. You get what you give I give I guess.


>You won 10 euro
>10 euro

GBP. not euro

>You get what you give I give I guess.
dafuq. I meant to say "you get what you give I guess."

This shit is a tax on the stupid and desperate poor people.

A euro is worth more than a dollar, americuck.

Maybe true but I only bought for cashback. I didn't expect to cost £10; I was thinking more along the lines of 1-2 quid.

I never play the lottery but in future I think imma play a few times a year just so there's a possible of becoming a millionaire.

Oh dear, my autism is showing. When typing, I often unintentionally skip over small words like "it." That's why my post seems retarded.

Guys, I'm confused. Did I win anything?


a pound is more worth than a euro, tho.

also youre retarded

No I'm not because I happened to be OP and I know I won 10 pounds and not 10 euros.

Fuck. I just had to retard myself this one time. I explained in an earlier post I have ASD.

>quod erat demonstrandum

I can program stuff :(

im sure your hello world script looks fine

I can read minds because I have ESPN. I'm psycho.

Years ago, I made this syllable counter function almost entirely out of regex. It's not perfect but it's surprisingly accurate given how compact it is.

function syllable_count(phrase) {
var m;
var n = 0;

var words = phrase.split(/([^a-z0-9']+|(?=[0-9]))/gi);

for (var x in words) {
if ( words[x].match(/^'?([bcdfghj-np-tv-z]|[bfgp][lr]|ch?[lr]|dr|s[chklmnpqtw]|t[hrw]|w[hr]|[cp][hlr]|[pt]s|[mp]n(?=e)|phr|sch[lmnr]?|s[chp][lr]|sht|th[rw]|tch|str|s[pt]h|shn|phth|psh|chth(?=o))?([aeiouy]+|(tsk|psst)$)([bcdfghj-np-tv-z']|$)/i) ) {
m = words[x].replace(/((dge|^some|^whale|^replace(?=ment))(?=[^adeilnorstu]|one|th)|(face(?!t|[dr]$)|aste(?![dlr]$)))/gi, '$1-').match(/(([^a-z']|^)[bcdfghj-np-tv-z]*e([^a-z']|$)|([^b]o|be)(?=ing)|e+(?=oi[bdf-hk-nprtv-z])|((s|th)m$|(?=linear$)|(?=hyperbole$)|tial'?s?$|(?=eird'?s?$)|[^aeiou](?='ve$)|[dst](?=n't$)|^[^aeiou]+(?=e($|'))|'(?=(d|ll)$)|(?=chorioa)|(?=ntois$)|o(?=i[ac]'?s?$)|h(?=eroin'?s?$)|[^acegiotu]ro(?=i[cn]'?s?$)|[^cst]i+(?=o)|[^st]i(?=u)|[bcdfghj-np-tv-z]+ry|[^gp]e+(?=o)|u(?=o)|[a-z]y(?=[aeiou][^d])|i(?=a(?!p[esp]))|[^i]les?(\s|$)|(?![au]?e'?s?([^a-z]|$))[aeiouy]+))/gi);

if ( m === null ) {
m = {length: 1};
else {
m = words[x].replace(/([07])/g, '$1$1').replace(/w/gi, 'www').match(/[a-z0-9]/gi);

if ( m !== null ) {
n += m.length;

return n;

Test it here output.jsbin.com/xetayulevi

you want a cookie or something?
if statements and arrays is toddler level

It's not the language constructs, it's the overall concept. It's actually a fugly piece shit IMO, it was just the easiest to share and represent. I haven't programmed much lately over the last few years. I've just been wasting away. fml

I would genuinely appreciate some kind of praise or reward from an anonymous stranger; that's how deprived I am.

>random code on Sup Forums

I wouldn't run that shit, with your site homie


here's a tip. learn a real fucking trade you potato fucker

>just go to notavirus.org

>it's safe guys!

Fuck off nigger

General artificial intelligence is the last invention we need ever make; though, it's clearly not going to be in JavaScript or any shitty language I know.

>tfw you're drunk and lonely

well you said you could programm and posted shit that anyone could write.
im not judging your algorithm because it doesnt have much to do with programming itself.

You won your money back. Like every one of those ive ever got.

I think you won £10 from Game 3.

So edgy man

I said I could program "stuff," I never said I was a prodigy.

function new_count(word) {
word = word.toLowerCase();

you said you could swim, but all you did was sitting in the baby pool

Sesquipedalian has 6 syllables, not 5.


Are you forgetting that I have ASD? Don't know what the fuck you mean. Yes, I'm a newb but there are degrees of newbery.