Was he really that good or did he just get lucky?

Was he really that good or did he just get lucky?
I don't think every Kubrick film is good.

>900 takes

Mods sticky this post.

>finding producers to put up with 900 takes

luck is absolutely what made Kubrick

If he's so good then why does he need 900 takes?

because the actors suck you retard oh wait you are baiting

I think all his films have good qualities, but the only ones I thoroughly enjoyed were The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut

How would you rank all of his work?

No paths of glory? I've never seen anyone talk shit about that.

That's one of my favorites.
I'd rank them:
Dr. Strangelove
Paths of Glory

FMJ's first because it was my first Kubrick movie.

Have you seen the shining?

It's a masterpiece. Actually defined as a masterpiece so you can debate yourself pal.

Look there is Kubrick 2001 tier, a director that defines an entire generation. Without Stanley you fuckwits would have no star wars or sheev memes to bee bop and to.

Threads like these need to be stickied so that invalid children do not come to this website and mistake it for a sub-reddit

>if you don't think Kubrick was the best director of all time please leave my cambodian donut hole

Why are you so angry when your favorite director gets questioned?

>no original stories


Your list does not include 2001 or the shining I think you need to go do,your homework before posting.

> there are kids on TV right now who think Refn is a "visionary"
> they think Kubrick films are stuffy and boring

Because it demonstrates a lack of education on the part of the inquisition

>hate some Kubrick film
>automatically Refn's cockstroker

Stanley Kubrick is the epitome of hard work and integrity. He invested absolutely everything into film. He studied relentlessly. He applied himself relentlessly. He should be he shining beacon of light for ALL filmmakers to aspire to, instead of being a "meme" on an Ivory Coast ivory-collecting forum website.

Shit on Kubrick? Son, drive over to Zack Snyder's house and plonk yourself down on his withered, wrinkly cock.

Did you read the shining?

You didn't, you just made yourself an invalid.

I don't think he's "the best".
Definitely one of my biggest idols though. I plan on visiting the Kubrick exhibit in sf soon.

I love most kubrick but the shining was a mistake, especially after reading the far superior book first

i cant abide by a world where people call Drive a "masterpiece" with a straight face but put on family guy half way through 2001

Drive was a boring movie. I thought it would be a good heist movie, something that would be similar to Heat maybe but it was not.

"the shining was a mistake" - Hayao Miyazaki

Tarkovsky is better than him

Because Kubricks version has nothing to do with thw book, it's almost a jab at king. His original Red VW bug from,the book is crashed on the side of the road in one of the scenes.

I like Stanley because if you study his work, you actually go "oh fuck" like he makes you rethink his films a decade later if you are also on a quest for knowledge. I think that the Shining is really a reflection on his own family life and the characters are deeply rooted in astrology.

The documentary room 237 touches on this and in the scene where the two girls are in the classroom is actually a scene from ancient astrology and is a symbol of the gemni twin with mars etc.

Basically I think it took Stanley a lot of hard work to intrepret his life and ancoent astrological symbols and meanings all over a film that on it's surface is really not that mesmerizing unless you understand symbolism and have taken courses in astrology.

>he prefers the book
>he found the book anything but laughable

The fact that so many threads still name Stanley Kubrick as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" film Director ever only tells you how far cinema still is from becoming a serious art.
Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times.
Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe.

Film critics are still blinded by commercial success. Kubrick sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore he must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Film critics are often totally ignorant of the films of the past, they barely know the best sellers.

>it's a Kubrickbro BTFO's redditors episode

Thanks pal you made my day.

I don't read classical critics at all but I do listen to a lot of classical music. Wouldn't it be more logical if they critic the conductor instead of the composer?

> king-ites


any of the king stories you would want to read, there is a better version of them on film

the ones that got made into for tv movies or budget vhs market releases are the ones that nobody gave a shit about, like his entire loathesome dark tower series

shouldve turned into that embankment harder and really killed himself fucking hack i hope an anteater eats his asshole out

this is classic pasta

No it wouldn't be more logical, but they do 'critic' both. You can't be this stupid.

So generations of critics critic the same composer, wouldn't that be beating a dead horse?

there were quite a few laughs in it yeah

the shittyness of the movie was more about the performances, nicolson and duvall. their dialog and the delivery, none of it worked. it was comically forced but not funny in any way. Maybe it's just me. I don't like nicolson in anything other than one flew over the cuckoos nest

fuck you faggot fuck back off to reddit

just kidding, duvall absolutely stinks in the shining and I have no idea why she was cast in the first place but i l cannot empathize with you when you say Jack was bad.

I watched the shining two days ago. I can't stop thinking about it.

He didn't think every kubrick movie was good either

There are always new things to be said.

Good point.

>Have you seen the shining?
>It's a masterpiece. Actually defined as a masterpiece so you can debate yourself pal.

The shinning is culturally significative, but not a masterpierce. Indeed it had mixed review at release and was not nominated to academy awards (compared with previous films) Also it was nominated to razzie awards for worst director.

Not saying is a bad film, but is far from a masterpiece and is not even kubrickĀ“s best film.

Can we all agree that while the second half isn't bad, it feels like he put everything he wanted to say into the first half an hour and then he didn't really know what to do?

he does cheesy funny bad better than scary bad, if witches of eastwick was anything to go by