Jew thread. Go away goyim!

Jew thread. Go away goyim!

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Fuck religion faggot

Judiasm is more than a religion. Before anything else, it is a ethnic group.

They hate us cuz they ain't us.

Heil Herzl


Hitler- WTF Goring I said I wanted a glass of juice- not to GAS THE JEWS. Ughhh I hate my life {kills self in bunker}


All jews should move to Israel.

theres a reason your race has been hated by all that have come into contact with it for over 2 thousand years

your subhuman immoral evil atheistic creatures who worry about nothing but how you can take sheckels from non-jewish pockets


Hey Yidzchak, everyone already knows who it is!

Die, Zionist scum.



You can convert to Judaism and be considered a Jew by all. (Got to convert Orthodox, though, Reform conversion is basically 'You want in? Okay.')

>a goyim

Yep. It's because people don't like successful minorities.

>Libbre David is a real book

>refugees wandering hungry and lost
>locals take them in because hospitality=culture
>four thousand years later refugees return and murder locals for their land because "homeland"
>now all refugees are potential terrorists
Israel is a cancer.
Jews are parasites.

You're going to need this fish in your ear.

Left Forum 2016 - A Dialogue on Israel and Palestine with Tariq Ali and Norman Finkelstein



whoa there dont try too hard ul hurt urself

do you mean like physically it doesnt exist or like, its not a REAL book like in the sense of controlled by the jewish media

>murder locals for their land
They declared war on us, bud.

I mean that it is a book that was literally made up for that single 'quote'. There is no Libbre David 38 or 36, only 37. Amazing, ain't it?

Wussten Sie das der Begriff "Semit" die sprachgruppe definiert? Und das arabisch zu den semitischen Sprachgruppen gehört?

Somit sind Juden dasselbe wie Araber.

Dreck unter den Nägeln Menschlicher Zivilisation.

oh ok that makes everything the jews are doing ok

i didnt know that one quote was made up

i realize now that 1.6% of the population indeed not control 88% of all media in the USA

>indeed not control
>indeed does not control


Facts matter, and I don't care that a single ethnic group controls most media. Do you want affirmative action or something?


Jews are good at what they do. They tend to rise to the top of any organization they're a part of. Not all Jews, but a significant proportion. This includes philosophical and political uprisings.

The idea that Jews are out to subjugate other races is assuming malice instead of competence.

OHHHHHH,. You made a ryhm. You ryhmed Us & Us.

no i want a 4th reich

i want to stop the jewish people from dumbing down and tribalising all of human culture

you fuckin weak willed limp dick cuck

stand up for yourself faggot

google jewish poets

realize why this shouldnt be sarcasm

Talk about Inbred! Blehhk!

I'll bet it's as short as a book of Jewish war heroes!!! Kek

How do you say bait in hebrew.?

I can see they started with you.





bait = ethnic-cleansing settlement