Why are slavs so good at math?

Why are slavs so good at math?

they are?

their surroundings are so depressing that they retreat into a world of abstractions

Because slavs are white

I always thought they was known for being really good at chess

First post best post?

Those two are correlated

>they was
Well thanks for helping to reinforce the stereotype that Americans can't speak our own language, fucking faggot.

abstract thinking

he's actually correct in the sense that they was grandmasters n' shit
emphasis on 'was'

Found the CHI


Because everyone knew that you have to connect every research with marxism-communism except physics and math. More over scientists get free shit and high wages back there

teach me your ways
>More over scientists get free shit and high wages back there



Gommie government invested a lot into math and physics (and even chess). Though, now it's a shadow of what people used to achieve back in the time - now French and Chinese dominate math.

now soviet government funnels money into hacking right?

You would get free flat for sure and if you a good one a car or at least a driver. Moreover all scientists had a lot of connections so you would eat normal food

>normal food
Normal as opposed to what?

You meant mafia? Yeah, they only invest in something that will protect their wealth, nothing more.

>giving a rat's little ass about what others think of us

Of course!



You couldn't buy processed food or even meat sometimes. If you didn't live in moscow the only way to survive was to have paultry or other animals. If you was a scientist you would not need to do it because government would take care about you

now the scene in zerlatko with the chicken makes more sense

How I wish I got paid for writing autism. Where can I apply?

Opposed to the food the regular soviet citizens ate.

Borscht and potatoes for every meal?

I unironically really like borscht. It's comfy.

nice trips.

I could unironically eat potatoes with every meal.

"I didn't know chinese people are slavs."

Wait, Slavs are good at something?


>nearly 100% slav genetics
>good at nothing
slav """""genetics""""" lmao

The stereotype was probably created due the lack of calculators during the soviet period. While students in western universities had access to calculators and simply never learned how to solve some formulas, soviets had to calculate them manually.

>slav genetics

"Slav" isn't a race, dumbfuck, it's only about the language.
In terms of genetics Poles and Czechs are closer to Germans than to us, but they are still slavs because they speak slavic languages.

And yet Pole genes aren't collected in the same pot as Germ genes. There's more similarities with you from all the buttfucking going on between everyone in slavland.
