ITT: signs that your laziness is getting out of hand

ITT: signs that your laziness is getting out of hand.

I have literally become too lazy to scratch itches anymore and just wait for my body to deal with it

It's 12:09 in the afternoon, I'm decked out on my couch browsing Sup Forums.
Too lazy to cook lunch so I'm just eating smoked reindeer strips.

That looks tasty.
How the fuck do you get hold of reindeer meat?

Seeing as I'm in the same timezone, he's probably scandinavian.

I live in northern Sweden. Reindeer is one of the most common meats up here.


yummy souvas

Northern Sweden here aswell.
Norrland represent!

Also I need to get my hands on some smoked reindeer, shit's delicious.

Don't you work? It's Wednesday..

Hello Swedish anons. Have you prayed to Allah today?

Gällivare här (renkötts user från ovan)
Skulle passa på nu om jag var dig, ovanligt låga priser för tillfället.
Köpte 3.8 kg igår nere på torget hos den lokala Samen.

Fuck off.

I mean.. I live on the same geographical height as Fairbanks, Alaska.
Majority of immigrants tend to not go this far north.

I'd say that it'd be a different story down in Rinkeby, Tensta and parts of Malmö but that's a good 400 miles from where I live.

Nope retired due to health issues.

Now now. Remember tolerance and love are your way.

Åh fan, får nog passa på faktiskt, skulle inte sitta helt fel liksom.

I don't even want to type my email password anymore

Gör så. Ett par kalla öl Norrlands Guld till det så sitter det fint.
Jag rekommenderar enrisrökt kött. Underbart.

Hitler trips. Check.
>Now now. Remember tolerance and love are your way.
I'm all out of tolerance.

Completed a chemistry assignment yesterday.
>was set last year :)

Tack för tipset, var nyss och köpte 5st backar Norrlands av en vän så det var ju ganska bra timing faktiskt.

Ha en trevlig dag förövrigt!
Kul att stöta på en annan norrlänning.

Ja för fan. Ha det bra du med. Inte ofta man ser norrbor här.

Stockholm hälsar, bönder

What are you Sims people talking about?

Leaving comp on for years straight because the 20secs-min of starting it back up is a pain in the ass.

They are talking about the prices and tastes of reindeer meat and also beer.
Normal northern Swedish conversation that is.

Tjena tjena. Hur är vädret där nere? Blivit vår än?

I learned how to cook but don't ever actually do it unless its a last resort

Jodå. Snön e borta, soligt som fan. Där uppe?

Runt nollan och snö på kvällarna. Ingen vår i sikte ännu. Men lite sol har vi, det är skönt.

Hölä snäckbar

gött. trivs bäst med snö och kyla dock. Dax för en flytt kanske

Im at work, too lazy to drive back home!

Jovisst varför inte.
Då får du se sånt här istället för Stockholms grått.

Oh look Skyrim!
(is that real?)

>(is that real?)
Yep. 2 seconds exposure and a steady hand.
But the northern light is completely real and unedited.

Too lazy to wipe the cum off me after fapping.

My stomach hurts because I'm to lazy to walk to the bathroom..

I drive 280 yards to my job..

four weeks ago:
>shit I haven't done any work in like two weeks
>I know! I'll force myself not to jack off until I finish something
>go another two weeks without doing work nor fapping

Got a car but after awhile I got sick of driving and now take the bus everywhere