If my wife and I adopt kids does that make me a cuck? I don't mean by definition I mean in your opinion

If my wife and I adopt kids does that make me a cuck? I don't mean by definition I mean in your opinion.

no, but you are still a fag.

Unless you plan of fucking them lol

Not unless they are niglets

Yes. This makes you a massive cuck. Are they little nigglets as well?

They are white

Only slight cuckery, I take back my previous statement.

not if you have a decent reason for adopting. If its because your wife didn't want to continue your genes then you are a cuck.

Depends are you or your wife unable to have kids

Fuck no. Makes you a better man.

>adopting kids
Unless if either one of you turns out to be infertile enough

Don't adopt any possible psychopaths, autists or fags

This is a really stupid question

She cannot get pregnant due to her health

it's perfectly allright if one of you is barren
if you actually could have your own kids then it's quite cucky

If it's because your wife wants to virtue signal by having a fucked up minority baby who'll grow up to hate you, then yes.

If either you or your wife is infertile, then what you are doing is legitimately a good thing OP

the only time taking care of children who aren't your own is when its "my wife's son", basically meaning you are picking up some slut who already had a kid and isn't willing to have one with you, making you the provider for some dirtbag's spawn

adopting a kid is a totally different story, you're doing it either because you have a good heart and/or one of you is infertile.

I respect that
Also, this really is different from the whole "my wife's son thing" - usually those kind of women are whores, but this is a totally different situation OP.

Besides, most of the people I've met who were adopted, their biological parents were such worthless people that those children didn't deserve to have to suffer by being raised by addicts or abusers, kids are innocent

oh but this is a good point

OP, if she is doing it bc "muh orphans" and is refusing to have children of your/her own, leave her asap

This. Regardless of what the autists say, if either of you can't concieve then you are giving a kid a good chance.

Don't go the IVF route. Spent 30k. Had my own kid (she was infertile, used her sisters eggs), but it was a nightmare

Definition is what matters. Na opinion means nothing. Your question is dumb. Also you shouldn't be doing anything if you're worried about what people think.

The fuck are you asking virgin neck beard basement dwellers on Sup Forums a question like this for? Like their damn opinion counts for a fragment of ratshit? You already have a wife so i assume you arnt a total pathetic waste of oxygen, so man the fuck up and form your own opinion. And as a dad of 2 whose sister adopted last year, good job, you are doing a worthy thing.

>father of 2
>on Sup Forums