Hi how come japan has a national debt around 2.5 times its GDP?

hi how come japan has a national debt around 2.5 times its GDP?

i thought asians were good at math.

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that's the only way they found to keep their economy running

not that they're special snowflake, though, all western countries are basically running on debt

Debt is our strength

>le national debt is bad may may

Pay debt

>2.5 times its GDP?
2.04 times

Japanese central bank has 40% of creditors of the all debts, and still it's buying debts.
Japanese government doesn't need to pay money to the bank.

50% of their gdp is my figurine shelf

If all first countries have debt, then where did that money went?

>Japan has a very high debt to GDP partially because it has attempted to use fiscal stimulus (i.e. paving roads) to jump start its economy over the last two decades. In addition, up until this point most Japanese Government Bonds (about 90%) are held by citizens of Japan, and this has allowed it to take advantage of extremely low interest rates. Low interest rates mean that Japan does not have very high interest payments in relation to it's level of debt. For now, then, Japan will not default like Greece whose debts are held by external creditors and who cannot print their own money to finance their debt because they are part of the Euro zone.

You do know that nothing is free, right?

That has a huge cost

Here's the cost of Japan's quantitative easing.

You Japanese do realize that this can't go on forever, and eventually the central bank will be in so much debt it won't be able to buy more.

Yes, there is such a thing as efficiency. What the BOJ does is more efficient than letting the system crash, but in no way is it fixing the problem. In many ways it is making the problem worse.

People talk about China's debt and China's faster growing M2 supply.

Well take a look at Japan's. And remember that Japan already has 700% in GDP in total debt.

no they're not, only really U.S. Japan has the worst debt in the world.


>usual spain chink getting thrilled itt

>Print money
>Give it as debt to the goverment
>Devaluation happens
>Exports increase
>Savings shrink
>Goverment needs more money
>Repeat process
I am not an economist but isn't Japan just stealing savings from Japanese to generate its own debt and have a positive trade balance?

Well, that's how the kike system works.


>fig looks good
>only comes pre-assembled
>have to paint it yourself


VERY underrated post

>华侨 detected

>As savings decrease fewer people can invest
>Japanese economy becomes a conglomerate of mega industries as new ones are not created
>To replace savings Japanese people are forced to invest on commodities and assets
>The national debt bonds and central bank bonds aresafe assets
>Japanese buy bonds and national debt
>With this money the Japanese goverment pays its debts to private investors
>As the debts have been rapyed the national bank bonds increase their price
>Central bank prints more money
>Devaluation increases
>Japanese invest in debt and central bank bonds again
>International investors buy Japanese debt and central bond banks
>Repeat process while you build super infrastructure
Is this the Japanese master plan?

bad may may


What may may?

better off equally treating those who say japs, nips with me first. you gotta know you have lots of homework piled up and are too nervous/sensitive about what you hate. i mean im not even netouyo.