Non-porn webms

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The sand has hot watter in it that melts up the cans.

sleep tite, pupper



What kind of ship is that?


a floating oil rig?

what is 'non-porn'?!


This is legal in America:

Try again in English

It's an oil rig


This is what having no gun laws does. Police so terrified of being shot they shoot first at any hint. It's like having the SAS as police but retarded and fat.

what sorcery is this? and then explain why people die in sahara.


Sup Forums getting a reality check.

Also be sure to point out to them how they got raped tonight at the dutch elections.

what? playing videos in reverse? Bastards

do they breath sugar?!

something that doesnt have porn idiot





Where are the riots at? Oh no wait.. nm.. he's not black... nm.




That is an AF pilot too


yeah they would put a couple of dozen more rounds into him if he would be black. lucky him

Is there anything an Indian won't shit on? Most countries make the beaches nice places to go, there they shit all over it. They really are crude people aren't they.

you're a fucking idiot

there's plenty of gun laws. The police are trained poorly and suffer no consequences for their actions

Can you blame them? Blacks are violent, primitive beasts.

We had guns for all US history without a problem until Niggers become a larger part of the population. They make up the majority of people shooting at cops.

The data always looks something like this.


I'm sure most of you have been pulled over by the police before. Have you EVER gotten out of the god damn car? They come to the fucking window. Getting out of the car for no god damn reason gets you shot. How hard is it?

The majority of rigs on the sea are floating......


no not really but don't let us go there. I know its pointless.

>dog self-sucking


The young one's leg had been fucking amputated. That's fucked.

i need sauce on this, seriously not for sexual purposes but simply because im fascinated by the relationship between these two. i need a back story and info, i want to know, i need to know.

>We had guns for all US history

That is actually bullshit. The right to own arms may have been there from the start but the gun craze is something that started in the last 50 years.

Actually back in the day many people were simply too poor to buy guns.

What is that?

No you daft cunt.


there are massively more guns per capita now than there ever have been in the history of the country you inbred fuck

some battery, probably from a notebook or tablett or something like that

he also didn't die dipshit

Seems pretty straight forward to me too. What's really strange to me is that he was military... you would think that course of action would occur to him.

Arabic made coffee, so fucking delicious

Good shoot.

>The young one's leg had been fucking amputated.

Yeah, she lost it in the battle against diabetes. But the VA is denying here support.

thanks for your input, fascist cuck

Cases like this is why I've come to realize that the only sane option, if faced with cops, is to shoot first, keep shooting, and shoot last. No warning, that just gives them opportunity to shoot you.

If you see the po-po, give them a little pew pew. And where I live I'm gonna get a few minutes warning if they're driving any where near my home.

lisa.mancinerh on instagram


In civilized countries, you get to move out of your car if you so damn well want to, and the cops don't get to shoot you for simply standing on your feet and they clear as fuck don't get to shoot you for failing to meet their slightest command.

right, when they went from being 3/5 of a person to being 1, the country started going downhill fast.

It's better with sound. He makes those distinctly Russian noises... blyat!

>You Died

Ok, I need info on this: Are those lumps tumors or the result of a medical condition or is she simply a fucking fatass?


In the 50's we were selling automatics and all kinds of guns, sales were pretty high and life was great. Fuck niggers.

>Pretending your wallet is a gun.

Sometimes when you have a lot of fat, it bunches up into lipomas, or fat cysts.

Is there a news source on this? Why did it crash?

i've seen this faggot pointing fingers.

as a short order cook...egg whites are fucking maddening

I can understand being pulled over and getting shot for getting out but this guy was in a accident and was waiting for the police

>started in the last 50 years.

>2017 - 1776 =/= 50 years

I believe she is simply fat, and having sat on her ass for so long, the fat deposited itself in that shape. Goodtimes!

>being this retarded..

wtf was those people marching out the door after the white autistic dude got knocked down?

>Getting out the car gets you shot

t.Police State

the battery uses some metal that reacts with either other metal or the air, so when its out of the housing you get a boom

White guy gets shot by the cops.


People die in sahara:

People die in sahara, because people is sand.
thank you.

What does league of legends have to do with that?

Kek'd dunno why


doggo know no one give succ like doggo own good succ

What the fuck is that?

deepwater horizon

the lil metal fucks are filled with coffee or some shit, and the sand is hot as fuck.
put metal fuck in sand
pour 1/3rd
back in sand
pour 2nd 1/3rd
back in sand
pour last

sand is hot, it boils the coffee which then extends its volume.

What a fucking idiot. Who gets out of the car if stopped, and who holds their wallet in front of them with two hands? It's like he's asking to get shot. Cop acted entirely reasonably. I'm as liberal pinkass faggott as they come, but this shit is just wrong. Suing the police for being a fucking idiot yourself.

>Parana State Police said the July 3 accident was caused by the truck driver going twice the posted speed.

More guns per person ever
And higher population, but lower homicides and lower homicide rate than in decades.

Gun ownership is not related. Since 1965 black population skyrocketed. They shoot at cops all the time. While more measures have been put in place to fight crime and prevent it, total crime has gone down but blacks per person are much more likely to commit those crimes so as their population has risen it looks like crime ahs only gone down some.

Today, blacks make up 80% of who shoot at cops and 50% of all homicides despite being 15% of the country.

There is not another way to interpret the data. You are wrong. Gun proliferation is not the cause of more cops being shot. Especially when most of the recent gun surge has been Ar-15's which are used in less than 0.5% of all crime.

Then cross cultural analysis shows that there isn't a relationship between gun density and homicide, but there is a very clear pattern with black and hispanic population density and homicide.

that's totally fake.
those pigs were paid actors
no way they reacted that fast, it's humanly impossible
they mustve known that was going to happen

> Like having SAS as police
> What is: Ireland.
> Got to see SAS 'as police" in action, and they are fucking badass. Someone pulled a gun on one on their show and tell around the town, this SAS took the gun off him, then proceeded to kick the shit out of them on the floor while he begged for mercy.
> The day Irish thugs got introduced to the SAS.

Truck carrying 44,000 litres of ethanol crashing in Brazil. Apparently the driver survived this but other people didn't.


You dumb nigger, Blacks were enslaved. They have a right to be pissed.

>Whatever I just hit raped me

noodle legs