What are the differences between european spanish culture and latin american spanish culture...

what are the differences between european spanish culture and latin american spanish culture? are their differences as big as south korea and north korea?

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>are their differences as big as south korea and north korea?
probably, if not bigger. i heard people in north korea talked in an old way. people in Latin America do something similar
There is "Voseo" (when they use "vos", an expression from the 1600's, instead of "tú") and too many different dialectical differences to put them on a single post

Spain is not the most "european" country in europe. That would probably be countries like Switzeland or netherlands, but Spain still has great education compared to any country in the American continent.

>a country with huge european influence
>a continent with tons of indigenic influence founded by mediage settlers
guess what, koreabro, there ARE differences. is google blocked in SK?

>a country with huge european influence
It's not a country with European influence, it's a part of Europe


what are the differences between european anglo culture and american algo culture?

Basically that.

>latin american spanish culture

What do you mean by "Latin American Spanish culture"? Are you referring to the Spanish language?

Anyway, if you're referring to culture in general, the difference is quite big, although some countries feel closer than others. Basically, the language is the only thing that we share. Apart from that, we'd feel as alien to eachother as a Vietnamese and a Swede.

>what are the differences between european anglo culture and american algo culture?
>Basically that.

I strongly disagree. American Anglo culture is way closer to British culture than Latin American culture is to Spanish.

The true comparison would be, say, Indian or Zimbabwean cultures vs. British culture, with some exceptions.

are you saying that american english is an older way of english than england's english? north korea's korean is much more isolated than south korea's korean though

There are too many and depending on wich country could be more.

As for Argentina there is voseo as other user said and expresions that came from the different migrants mostly the Italians.

Our culture is a mix of cultures but migrants mostly our grandparents pass on traditions from their homeland mostly gastronomical.

There is nothing in common but Spanish and some dishes

>probably, if not bigger. i heard people in north korea talked in an old way. people in Latin America do something similar
>There is "Voseo" (when they use "vos", an expression from the 1600's, instead of "tú")

Only south americans do that

jajaja kek

Tell me more pls? I'm interested.

>sharing culture with indians and narco states.
you are idiot. kill yourself stupid chink

he's talking about Argentina though, nobody else uses "vos"
and it doesn't sound like the old english "thou", it doesn't sound shakesperean or anything, it's just a different pronoun.

>The true comparison would be, say, Indian or Zimbabwean cultures vs. British culture, with some exceptions.

Mira macho, vete a tomar por culo y sal algún dia del barrio Salamanca y te darás cuenta de que los panchos tampoco son tan diferentes.

it's better to say they're as big as Korea and China
like they were connected at some point and then separated

Spain(Greeks+Roman+Judeochristian+Arabic+others cultural influences)

Latinamerica(Spanish+Native+African+others cultural influences)

and an ocean of distance that separated us from america for 500 years.

hablamos castellano acá
...a no ser que seas de una región autonómica, entonces ni eso

>nobody else uses "vos"

>popular folklore
>not culture

>literally proving my point
thanks lad

this, next

>Mira macho, vete a tomar por culo y sal algún dia del barrio Salamanca y te darás cuenta de que los panchos tampoco son tan diferentes.
t.Walter Wilson Steven Delgado Sero Sero Siete

That's only Argentina and its rebel provinces

i know, it was just to cite an example
its hard to compare spain to the almost 20 countries that make Latin America all at once
the modern culture and way of thinking in Latin America is more similar to USA than Spain

venga para ya con este meme.

we share some culture with Mexico (like andalusian culture)

the rest of the countries like Colombia,Venezuela...i dont know

I am Argentinian and I have Spanish family. I travel a lot to Spain. Spaniards aren't really that different(at least Castilians) to us. We just have a different accent and some different festivities and dishes. But I guess there are much bigger differences between a Spanish and a Salvadorian for example. So it depends on what country you are comparing.

Anyways, maybe if I hadn't travelled so much to Spain I wouldn't feel so close. So it might be a subjective point of view.

>venga para ya con este meme.
>we share some culture with Mexico
t.Pancho Saltamuros Delgado


tio para, es verdad que es el unico pais que tiene cosas Españolas.

pesado no soy sudamericano, no me caen mal quitando los pandilleros

nah, I went once for like a week and Madrid was basically Buenos Aires but a bit safer.

>rebel provinces
che Sarmiento, decidite

tu tierra nos pertenece, tu """gente""" se puede ir bien a la mierda.

White Latin Americans will adapt quickly to life in Spain because they aren't very different to Spaniards. But Mestizoes and particularly Native Americans wont. They wouldn't adapt quickly in any other country anyways because they are retarded. They are like animals


Paraguayans are mostly mestizos. That's better than Bolivians who are literally Indians. But Paraguayans also tend to commit more crime than Bolivians. Bolivians are way too timid for that. So while Bolivians are much uglier Paraguayans are much more dangerous

Basically, Spain is a European country, both culturally and ethnically
Latin America is a mixture of indigenous and spaniards (but Uruguay and Argentina, that have a bigger european influence)

muchos hablais como si fueramos hermanos de los franceses o alemanes madre mia.

son mas cercanos a latino américa, de algunos países ( no todos) que de los putos guiris y lo sabéis.

this is racist but true. i have friends that went to Spain and they commented the same


Not really, people in Chiapas do that as well.



no se si está tan mal igual eh, yo no soy racista como el otro argie que está posteando, pero sinceramente siento que tengo mucho más en común con un italiano, portugués, francés o rumano que con un indio boliviano.
con alemanes y eslavos obvio que no, pero me imagino que me entendés.

A ver, cada país de Europa tiene sus propias costumbres y tradiciones, pero en lineas generales tenemos muchas similitudes
Claro que estamos más relacionados con america latina culturalmente, la influencia española ahí es enorme

I read a study once that said that Ecuadorian immigrants to Spain had difficult understanding the language(FUCKING SPANISH, THEIR OWN NATIVE LANGUAGE) while Uruguayan immigrants to Spain had no trouble adapting.

yo mataba a todos los guiris de mierda nada mas que bajasen del avión,


los franceses son muy distintos a los españoles o italianos. En mi experiencia son unos antipáticos de mierda

>En mi experiencia son unos antipáticos de mierda
Eso es totalmente correcto

You are getting the worst Germans tourists. Also Spanish people is much more beautiful than Northern Europeans. Only Swedes look good.

this happens here and in your country too. When you see some Bolivian and Peruan around, you know the difference is not only the skin or the way they talk, they seem strange in the way they act. It will sound racist but you know there is something fundamental different and they feel it too, like they will never will be us and viceversa, they end segregating themselves. Here they usually stay a few years and get back because they are not a lot, the problem in argentina is that you have fucking lots and lots so they even make their own neighborhoods and stay.

antipaticos, te miran por encima del hombre, no hablan ingles (aunque muchos saben) no te responden. y asi un sin fin.

Argentina already had a lot of Indians before the Bolivians came. At least here in the North, immigration made no difference. Porteños are butthurt because they now have to live around Amerindians , while we were already accustomed to do that in the interior of the country. So I am actually happy they are getting to experience what is life around brown people too. Fucking faggots.

>the problem in argentina is that you have fucking lots and lots so they even make their own neighborhoods and stay.

they don't even make up 3% of the population

Bolivians and Peruvians will eventually racemix and become mestizoes like the average villero. I'm not sure if that's a good thing though

well i mentioned Sarmiento because he and Roca made sure to purge Argentina from indians as much as they could. so of course porteños would be uncomfortable of this "shameful past"

t.Pancho Saltamuros Delgado

t.Pancho Saltamuros Delgado

siempre arruinas los hilos

>well i mentioned Sarmiento because he and Roca made sure to purge Argentina from indians as much as they could

no they didn't, they only killed the agressive ones who wouldn't talk, they were literally animals.

the ones in the north (QOM or tobas) had been conquered by the Incas so they were used to foreigners/conquerors whatever, so they were rather peaceful and they're still around to this day.

there's literally nothing shameful about having killed those indians, or having to share land with these other ones.
shut the fuck up.

Deja a ese autista en paz, solo ignóralo

t.Pancho Saltamuros Delgado

un amigo visito la patagonia y me dijo que allí las carreteras son en linea recta infinita, eso es cierto?

They only killed the aggressive indians or those that didn't want to assimilate. Most of them lived in the Pampas or Patagonia, so those are the whitest areas of the country. The rest of the indians either lived in inaccesible places and survived to this day, or assimilated/had already assimilated and became cheap labour. Indians in Northwest Argentina had already assimilated in the time of the Spaniards, so they got spared. That's why people in Jujuy are almost Bolivians. When they travel to Buenos Aires they get confused for Bolivians.


>there's literally nothing shameful about having killed those indians
you didn't kill them all, that's YOUR shame :¬)

mas o menos, la patagonia es un desierto enorme, las rutas son larguísimas, y van de norte a sur asi que de a momentos sí, parecen recas e infinitas.

Qom and tobas were not conquered by the Incas though, you are thinking about Diaguitas/Omaguacas/Calchaquies. Qom and tobas got spared mostly because they either lived in very inaccesible areas(Like the impenetrable) or because they were used as cheap labor in the sugar mills of Salta and Jujuy(like Ingenio Ledesma)

Cuentame más sobre ella.

una cosa, se cuelan ilegales? digo por el amplio territorio que tenéis tiene que haber algún sitio que puedan entrar.

La Patagonia es más que nada un desierto, no hay absolutamente nada. Se divide en dos partes, meseta patagónica(que es muy fea sinceramente) y la Patagonia andina. La Patagonia andina tiene bosques y montañas y lagos glaciares, esa sí es mucho más linda y turística. Pero es menos del 10% de la superficie de la Patagonia. El resto se ve como en esta imagen, y no vive nadie, solo guanacos.

lastimosamente en Argentina tienen política de puertas abiertas para todos, así que no hay "ilegales" propiamente dichos


Que triste debe ser vivir allí.

En Argentina no hay restricciones para el ingreso de personas de países limítrofes. Pueden pasar sin problemas mostrando su DNI. Solo los delincuentes pasan ilegalmente para hacer contrabando. Un boliviano puede vivir tranquilamente en Argentina sin miedo a que lo deporten, incluso aunque no tenga trabajo/casa.

que son guanacos? los nativos de alli?

con chile hay una pared natural que es mejor que la que va a hacer trump, igual vienen en hordas pero no pasan ilegalmente los chilenos.

los bolivianos y paraguayos hace un tiempo si, venian muchisimos ilegales, pero ahora la verdad que no porque a diferencia de Mexico-USA nosotros estamos obligados a "tratar bien" al resto de sudamerica asi que tienen libertad de movimiento como ustedes en europa.

y algunos europeos o gente de otros continentes en vez de pedir permiso de residencia por alguna razon cuando se les terminan los 3 meses de estadia con el pasaporte se van hasta uruguay para entrar de nuevo y sellar el pasaporte de vuelta asi tienen 3 meses más, nadie les dice nada, pero son poquisimos los que hacen eso.

Son como llamas salvajes jajaja

Me sorprendió mucho el hecho de que la discriminación racial en Asia fuera severa en España. Porque yo siempre estaba teniendo buena imagen de España de alguna manera.

>ero ahora la verdad que no porque a diferencia de Mexico-USA nosotros estamos obligados a "tratar bien" al resto de sudamerica asi que tienen libertad de movimiento como ustedes en europa.
y USA no esta obligado tratar bien a Mexico? en su vecino y no puede nukearlo como hace en el deserto con los moros, esta obligado a trata bien con ellos, Trump mucha palabrería pero al final se quedara en nada

no defiendo a los ilegales, aquí tenemos muchos de marruecos y son lo peor que te puedes llevar.

calláte, chinardo.

>Me sorprendió mucho el hecho de que la discriminación racial en Asia fuera severa en España.
eso es mentira

>y USA no esta obligado tratar bien a Mexico?
y, la verdad que no

Igual un marroquí tiene mucho menos en común con un español que un boliviano/paraguayo con un argentino. Serán marrones pero al menos hablan el mismo idioma y tienen la misma religión. Además que un boliviano no es muy distinto que un jujeño(argentino del noroeste) y un paraguayo es casi idéntico a un formoseño.

es su vecino, y si les da la gana pueden abrir la frontera sur...y los muricans se cagan

si pero mexico no tiene libertad de movimiento en USA, nosotros les tenemos que dar libertad de movimiento a los sudamericanos por que si no nos cierran el mercado y nos tenemos que meter el 30% de las exportaciones en el orto.

culture is absolutely the same

manana siesta and laziness

european latinos are just more arrogant which is strange when many south american countreis are richer and have better economy than spain

Yo he estado en España y la verdad que no vi discriminación con los inmigrantes. Al contrario, en Madrid hasta había un cartel enorme en un edificio gubernamental que decía 'REFUGEES WELCOME'. Hasta los taxistas los aceptaban, aunque a regañadientes.

Te olvidás del petróleo y los minerales, recursos que obviamente son explotados de la forma más bananera posible.

you don't have mornings?

>un paraguayo es casi idéntico a un formoseño
no es cierto

you meant banana?
anyways the culture is not the same because latinos have more influences. when we said we're mixed blood we mean REALLY mixed
Spain remained that clusterfuck that Spain is. divergence was inevitable

sí, pero los políticos yankis no necesitan votantes tan desesperadamente como los políticos argentinos. he ahí la diferencia y principal causa

no hay nada de eso dejá de mentir.

>no es cierto

sabes que sí

>are richer and have better economy than spain
Which ones porn actress?

> automatica


tu país tiene muchos recursos pero están mal administrados creo yo, si no seriáis ricos. es como Venezuela que podría ser la Arabia Saudi de sudamerica pero el petroleo es un negocio que dominan unos "cumunistas" en el gobierno de la cual se beneficia su familia y ellos.

leé de nuevo, negro estúpido.

dyslexia is a bitch isn't it

na q verr
una cosa es ser asunceno que mira el Trece y Canal 9 todo el día y otra es que la cultura paraguaya en sí sea parecida a la de sus vecinos