Ok guys here me hear out because I think I'm going insane...

Ok guys here me hear out because I think I'm going insane. We as People can not remember everything that happens everyday just over all thoughts etc. So I think each day is like one big thought stream because when you sleep and wake up you can't remember what exactly you were thinking the day before just things here and there. The thing freaking me out is if you can't remember what you were thinking the day before are you not waking up a different person as the one you are now. Can someone caln me down and explain things before I never sleep again. I am either nuts or being sent a hidden message by God about the meaning of life

What's your story got to do with the meaning of life?
oh btw you're probably bipolar, go see a doctor or something

Jesus man take it easy. Our consciousness is a stream of thought, yes, but of course the vessel never changes. Our minds just forget unimportant data as we sleep such as small details from yesterday.

Yeah man you seem a little hyped up.

I remember absolutely everything from every moment of every day

people hate me because I always call out the liars (if I was there on the day you're claiming you did x when you really did y, you just fucked up)

> image could not be more related

What you've proposed is an interesting question regarding the semantics of our existence, OP. Don't get too worked up though. Sleep is merely a facet of our existence.

No one gets it and I'm the only one scared to sleep. Can someone rationally not think it's weird that the person you wake up as tomorrow won't be the person thinking right now?

how so? to go crazy over a thought and compare it to the meaning of life when it has no correlation whatsoever; seems like a bipolar delusion to me.

I was fucking around with the meaning of life thing, but the rest is freaking me out and I'm kind of too freaked out to sleep because the person tomorrow won't me thinking now. Sleep is messed up.

aight i didnt know how far gone you where mabad. But I gotta come forth and say I've had this tought several times aswell. Guess the way I deal with it is telling myself the version I wake up tomorrow will be better than the day before.

The question is what are you, OP? I'll tell you. You're a function of a biologic computer hardcoding a set of preferences + recorded memories. You'll still be that tomorrow. You don't think your computer is a different computer after you power cycle it.

What you should really be worrying over is that your body is basically a living Ship of Theseus that replaces all the matter in it over time.

Except that you are your brain, and it doesn't get swapped out, ever.

So enjoy life, you sack of neurons!

> not even thanking me for the super relevant pic I posted, good thing you'll be dead soon. maybe the next you won't be so rude

Am i screwed now. Do I have to basically stay awake until I work whatever this is out can't exactly go to doctor I hate how my brain works

You are you, try having lucid dreams or doing something worth something each day and make sure you're also really tired so you can just fall straight asleep, I battled a sleep anxiety similar where I was worried I wouldn't wake up (seems stupid in hindsight but at the time it really got to me)

I fully understand what OP is on about tho, you're you and your actions make you yourself you know? How's that for alliteration?

Your just having babie's first existential crises. It's so common there's a fucking name for it. You'll be all right.

Chill out, little dude.

t changes everything, does it not freak you out knowing the person who wakes up tomorrow won't be you. Is sleeping not basically accepting your fate as the current person and tomorrow's a new one. My only reassurance is that the same thing happens to everyone and I'm the only unlucky one to think about it

Of course it's me. You're being silly.

Can someone rationally explain this do I can just sleep without freaking out thinking it's the end.

The last 7000 or so times you died didn't kill you. Don't worry about it.

But they weren't me, same as when we wake up tomorrow we aren't the people thinking right now. You guys are scared to think about this I wish I didn't.

You aren't having a revelation, you're having a panic attack. Smoke less weed. If you don't smoke, don't start. It aggravates schizoids.

No one can explain how I am wrong mate

Symptom of autism