What are your tips to anyone who is suffering depression?

What are your tips to anyone who is suffering depression?



That's basically the advice my psychiatrists have all given me. More evidence that *I'm* the problem.

Eat healthy and exercise. It's that simple. If that doesn't help, it's time to get some help from a professional.

And don't be afraid of medication. It can work like magic

It will never go away. Make of that what you will.

A lot of factors usually. Hard to get out of alone.
But if you are able to get a clear view it is all about changing behavioral patterns.
Systematically stay away from factors triggering depressive thoughts and general behavior.

shrooms, exercise, avoid Sup Forums for the most part, be around people you like and try different drugs also do something you love and ditch toxic people

worked for me. obviously everyone needs to decide what's best for them self.

Shit happens, deal wit' it

Go find a doctor who prescribes ketamine.

that'd be nice

start caring about the people that care about you and not yourself

why would you want a horse tranquilizer?

force yourself doing things that interest you even super slightly.

>Just fucking kill yourself

medication, meditation, and be a good person

join a gym, get a tattoo, listen to metal (real metal) music

This is pretty reasonable. Just don't forget the diet and exercise part

No shit you're the problem. It's your fucking brain perceiving the world.

Any suggestions

Change yourself by changing your circumstances

for which?
don't go to planet fitness. they're for post pregnant women.

tattoos, idk what you're into, or what style of art you like. tattoos can get very particular even on style of artwork.

music, idk, lamb of god? (cliche), old metallica stuff (pre black album), gojira? you can get a little particular with that as well,

it's not all just RA RA RA with some random parts of girly whiny lyrics, although there is a LOT of garbage to shuffle through in order to get to something good.

but the main thing is, you gotta be comfortable in your own skin and be in a 'idgaf i'm doing m' attitude, my suggestions are just facets to help get you there.