Has Paxil saved anybody elses life? It sure as fuck saved mine

Has Paxil saved anybody elses life? It sure as fuck saved mine.

I'm a 29 year old recluse that tried beating depression on my own for 8 years and only after going on this potent SSRI have I finallly managed to get my life together.

Glad to hear it. Enjoy your life.

You just described me. I'll look into it

It's the most potent SSRI. On 40 mg you will be able to get an erection but it's hard to cum. On 20 mg it was fine. Those are the only side effects I noticed.

what is it
how does it impact you
how expensive is it?

25 years agoraphobia with panic disorder. Tried everything over the years. 25mg Paxil cured me or at least removed the symptoms. 6 years now

Ok screencapped the thread. I'll check into it if I get insurance. Thanks for the info. I was going to respond earlier but that thread 404ed I guess. I got a screencap of that one too.

There is generic so cheap

When I started zoloft and xanax, I pretty much became completely non caring and started using alcohol and cocaine constantly. I was sent to the the ER for overdosing 4 times in the span of like 2 1/2 months. I guess everyone's results are different, but mine were pretty negative. And When I came off xanax, I had some of the worst anxiety I've ever had. I was abusing it somewhat however.

It changed the way I think about things. I now clearly see that my problems are solvable. I find it difficult to explain but I've never felt like this in my life. This is not a sugar pill.

It was expensive at some pharmacies that I went to but I kept going to my doctor and asking if there is a way it could be more affordable and he let the pharmacy give me a huge discount. It's about $35 CAD a month for 40 mg but you should start at 20 mg.

I hated zoloft but Paxil did the trick

OP here...

Don't buy into the fear mongering about how meds are bad. I did for many fucking years. Yes, there are some side effects but it's not going to give you limp dick... it's just harder for me to cum but I can lower my dose if I need to fix that. I have no other side effects on 40 mg.

Also, remember that your doc might put you on some other meds first... prozac, amitriptyline, etc.... those just made me sleepy and spaced you. You need to really keep going back and telling the doctor you want to try something else. I recommend Paxil or always Lexapro is supposed to be good but less potent.

Good luck!

If you also take Wellbutrin it helps with the sexual side effects.

OP here...

Thanks for the info. Next time I will talk to my doctor about trying that out.

Everyone responds differently to different meds, including SSRIs.

I just started taking wellbutrin a week ago.

10mg Paxil user here, using it along side Lithium. Been taking it for a few weeks on account of my depression and severe anxiety. It's been kinda helping, maybe it's too soon to say? Idk. The only problems I have with Paxil is the impotence. Takes forever to fap so I take it before bed/after fap sesh.

Never had Paxil but Zoloft changed my life. I never had depression but I would get really bad social anxiety flare ups that were debilitating. Motivated me and made me an all around better person.

On effexor. Helps a lot but be careful a lot of these meds you cannot get off. You are on them forever. I was fine for 2 years so decided to taper off effexor with doctors help. Lasted 2 months finally off and then had the worst depression and.anxiety I've ever had. Worse than ever. Went back on it. As long as your cool with being on it for life go for it. I'm on it for life nq I guess.

I got paid to test that shit but they told me it was to quit smoking.

I've started taking Escitalopram from a thread suggestion and goddamn does it make it difficult to cum. Literally took me 40 mins. Also is Paroxetine more potent and strong than Escitalopram.


ive been taking 2 10mg valium for about 2 months. will it be hard to kick? harder than opiates?

heard so so many awful stories about SSRI's. They seem pretty much useless unless you have really really bad depression. I recall them being only marginally more effective than placebo in a lot of clinical trials. It's good they work for you though, any treatment that works is a good one.

Honestly I would recommend trying psychedelics, they've worked wonders for me. Cured me of a constant fear of death, gave me a clear sight of what I want in life, and eliminated suicidal thoughts. So much less confusion after a few good trips.

I hear way more of these stories about antidepressants than good ones. Of course you had Xanax too, and that stuff can be as bad as opiates for some people.

depends, you can actually die from benzodiazepine withdrawal (which is what valium is) in rare cases, you cannot die from opiate withdrawal, although they're both dreadful from what I hear. Try tapering off perhaps.

Been on Citalopram (Celexa) for the past 9 months, completely changed my life for the better. Would recommend.

I think some of us get lucky and get prescribed the SSRI that works best for them the first time, though I do wonder what others are like. Cbf with that transitionary period though, don't want to fix something that's no longer broken.

they're a lot different
with opiates you chance a high
with benzos you chance that nonthingness
opiate withdrawl is physically terrible
i imagine benzo withdrawl will make me go insane :/

Unfourtunatly I find every anti depressant I've tried makes me fat and impotent. Kind of a deal breaker.

nothingness? sounds like my DXM abuse days. I'm haven't personally used benzos or opiates, but based on what I've read that seems accurate. They say benzo rebound anxiety is worse than any anxiety you've had before.

howmany mg are you taking per day? Im on 125mg / day and if i miss a dose i feel like im floating