Austic things you did when you were a kid that you cringe at now!

Austic things you did when you were a kid that you cringe at now!

I kept singing "Sweet home Alabama" in the car while rolling the window up and down.

>drew sonic fan art
>went through goth phase
>tried too hard to be cool
>spent hours in my room chasing xbox achievements
>based my social life around a Red vs Blue fan forum

you did sonic?

I would watch cartoons for hours a day and ended up acting out parts of the shows in public.

i took apart all the remote controls and stuffed them with firecrackers thinking it would blow up like a bomb and give off a big fireball.

i blame macgyver

maybe less autistic than anime girls. maybe.

>based my social life around a Red vs Blue fan forum
Care to elaborate?


>about 10 years ago discover online show Red vs Blue
>got obsessed with it
>go on website
>massive online community
>join and spend hours talking to people who were all pretty much on the other side of the world
>no friends in real life
>went to a couple of meet-ups in Toronto which were actually pretty fun
>rest of my life was kinda shit

Wanting to go to jail

Shit man that sucks, at least you had people to talk about it, when I first saw rvb I had no one to talk about it. Red vs Blue is the shit

Did you get molested at them as in them the meetings?

got paid playing minecraft

Well... it seems you've evolved.

>charged my bayblades in a heater
>put dog in microwave to see him dance

>put dog in microwave to see him dance

This wasn't me, but some kid took his phone out in second period and the first thing that came up was the "It's wednesday my dudes" and the moan at the end was super fucking loud. Sounded like porn. He got 3 days after school detention.

joining Sup Forums

Can just imagine how load the moan was fucking kek

I thought girls had PENORS as well for genitalia, but no testes. I didn't know what a vagina was until the 9th grade.

All that I spent in my room just wondering how that would work between a man and a woman.

Fapping to alf

>put dog in microwave to see him dance

did it work?

just how i dressed in middle school in general.
>supra skytops (pic related)
>black skinny jeans
>cookie monster t-shirt
I thought i was the coolest shit too.

i looked at porn on my nintendo dsi

Were you from Albania?

it actually did, but I took him right off

I did this too, no regrets

i now realize 13 yearolds are the complete driver, nothing else even compares in the different metric breakdowns

what do you mean

i was at a mcdonalds play place and i threw up on this mexican girl, the mother kept looking at me smiling saying "ok ok ok"

real thread