The Bourne Masculinity: Matt Damon’s hyper-aggressive, emotionally fragile “good guy with a gun”

>The Bourne Masculinity: Matt Damon’s hyper-aggressive, emotionally fragile “good guy with a gun”

>The saga of Jason Bourne, traumatized hero as emblem of unapologetic white-male violence, turns 14 with a new film

Seriously, how can they make this film in light of recent male-driven firearms atrocities?

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I enjoyed this movie very much actually. I give it a 7/10. That SWAT vehicle car chase was brilliant

I wonder how many PoC get assaulted by this white male "hero." Someone should keep a tally.

Just because you call something an emblem doesn't make it so

I'll give a shit about white male violence on the same day the media and BLM give a shit about black-on-black violence. Deal?

I read that review, it's from Salon, and it's absolutely on point. I know many of you will get triggered by the attack on masculinity, but can't you guys realise that the "male role" is just an attempt to sell half of the population the idea that acting in a certain way is in their self-interest when it isn't?

Your idea of being a real man is essentially being a tool for society: courageous and brave, so you can be an useful idiot in the army; responsible and dutiful, so you can take care of the main economic cell, the family; and stupid and anti-intellectual, so you will never bother quesitoning your circumstances. And the decaying predominance of masculinity is just a logical reaction to the fact that people no longer engage in mass wars constantly, the army is no longer a big thing, new arrangements for the family have appeared, etc. Masculinity is a social device that has outlived its purpose.

To put it in historical perspective, the same type of person who thinks it's fucking badass and masculine to act a certain way would be killing themselves in a sword charge if they were born in Imperial Japan, for example, because they'd think it's an honor to die for the divine Emperor. It's the same process: accepting a role that was assigned to you without questioning it.

Being a real man, as being a real person, is about trascending your circumstances and the ideological and cultural pressures that it puts on you. It's about asserting your independence from historical, cultural and socially relative categories and finding your own path in life. And gender roles are, in particular, a very banal and pathetic category to seek. You're all in a Quixotic struggle for mediocrity. It's sad.


Literally nobody cares.

This movie triggers both femicunts and Black Lives Splatter? That's a two for one deal if I ever saw one.

Just got back. Movie was pretty great, desu. The Greece and Vegas chase scenes were fucking great. I like the new bad girl too.

>Your idea of being a real man is essentially being a tool for society: courageous and brave, so you can be an useful idiot in the army; responsible and dutiful, so you can take care of the main economic cell, the family; and stupid and anti-intellectual, so you will never bother quesitoning your circumstances.

What kind of bullshit is this?

Hemingway, Fleming, Spillane, Conan Doyle, Robert E Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, John Huston, Dashiel Hammett, and countless others told real stories from their lives about manly pursuits. There was no puppetmaster fabricating these stories. They reflected a grittier time where the politics of today didn't exist.

So of course there's a nostalgia for that male identity. And guess what? Women love it too. Most of them don't want to be caught up in this identity politics web. They want a man. As visible as they are, Tumblrinas are a small minority and are not desired.

>this projection



Lol fag

the last few mass shootings have been from niggers and goat fuckers. if the only violence in the world was from 'white-males' then the world would be a much nicer and peaceful place

Oh save the verbal diarrhea, we get it, you are special snowflake who knows all, and everyone else is a sheeple.

The fuck are you even trying to say? Apparently you are a cowardly, irresponsible, dead-beat parent, who studies and doesn't believe in labels because we are all unquestioning mediocre drones?

>there are people that actually think like this

this dude's on point

yall niggers gettin triggered by some stale pasta

>transcending your circumstances
tell that to the starving man in africa


>unapologetic white-male violence
What does this even mean?

The only reason this brand of masculinity is scrutinized by people like you is because you're threatened by it. You're essentially advocating for men to forfeit their most virile modality of being because you can't live up to it and for others to seek that puts you at a disadvantage.

>thinks masculinity is fused with the notion of the state

Typical bootlicker