I am so disgusted by humans

I am so disgusted by humans.
How they all trample over each other. How superficial everyone is, living this big lie. This huge game. I hate their mating rituals. I hate how everyone is just an animal governed by their instrincts. Primal. Unaware.
You all know why you're here. Because you're betas, losers or social outcasts. Because being open and extroverted and involved socially is interesting. Much like how the peacock attracts its mate with its feathers and dancing.

There is nothing noble about humans. Men. Women. No one. They are not interesting. Everyone is a primal, selfish pathetic unaware jealous, greedy etc. animal. Don't even get me started on love. A concept humans created to pain their disgusting desires for comfort, sex and furthering their generations, in pretty colors.

The only exception here is someone who is an introvert and okay with it. Someone who is generally nice to people and has given up on their biological needs for sex and comfort, much like animals. You're fine then.

I am actually aplha as fuck (srs)

Then I see no difference than you and a naked lion or mole trying to mate. Although it may not matter to you but it disgusts me. I find humans disgusting. Neither animals nor superior. In the middle, making them somehow worse and more cruel and primitive than animals themselves.

same guy as the first post. I basically agree with you. In germany we kinda got a word for especially that feeling. It is "Weltschmerz". Kinda describes the pain, that existence itself inflicts upon you. I think, your feelings are part of this

well if you don`t like humans and their rituals and styles of living just go somwhere in the wilderness and live without any social interaction (or just kys)
And not everyone is primal and selfish, there are always exceptions. Additionally you first state that you don`t like the fact how primal people are but later on you`re writing that people who act like animals are ok?
Make up your mind faggtot.

How's your first year of high school going for you?

People who do not act in that way. People who are not superficial. And to I just graduated and yes I would love to live in the wilderness.

I agree with you OP, humanity as a whole is filth. But seriously now, can one individual do anything about it? No! Sure, we can complain, but that's pretty much it.

This never ending circle of life and death existed long before us and will continue to do so long after (if we don't mess it up somehow, with our idiotic deeds). Misanthropy is a pit one shall never escape once fallen into. Truth is that nothing there is man can do to change.

Then GO live in the wilderness. I see all those shows on history channel, discovery and nat geo etc. Apparently you are far from being alone.

I think you're right, but don't get pretentious about it, it only pushes people away.

>The only exception here is someone who is an introvert and okay with it. Someone who is generally nice to people and has given up on their biological needs for sex and comfort, much like animals.

I've been living that life for about 8 years now. I have friends and coworkers that I still enjoy spending time sharing a beer with, but I've completely giving up on relationships beyond that. From my parents to every relationship I've ever seen up close, they have been hollow and desperate and I don't want it in my life anymore.

But what if we could get some form of understanding about this whole box we are in?
And why on Earth have I not been able to find any people who want to be more than just animals who see the point in things like virtue and friendship and kindness? But no. Everything is about making your brain get its rush of good chemicals just like an animal. (Not hating on animals, however, being neither animal nor better than is, to me, ugly)

Sup Forums is the only place I can be pretentious and open and not be afraid of being judged. Like I said, I do not like people. I am no longer naive and I just don't find the appeal in everything people do anymore. Can anyone here agree they feel this?

I'm You seem heavily influenced by Henry David Thoreau's Walden whether you've read it or not. If that's the life you want to live, then do it, but it will be a hard life.

well i kind of understand what you want to say... but i simply don`see a problem there. Humans might be driven by greed lust and other "primal" instincts.
But nevertheless the human race made great things, for me the motivations therefore doesn`t matter.
Also i do not think humans can be called dirty or disgusting for doing so, they don`t do it on purpose it`s just kind of natural and they don`t think about it.
And what holds you back from "breaking out" and fleeing into the wilderness? (but make sure first that you`re well prepared, not that you end up like this canadian faggot)

Ah. Wish I could. If I did not have a family to support. I'm only in my 20's so expectations are high for me. I still love my family so I could never let go of "this life". The life of social interaction however unpleasant to me is somewhat mandatory.
Thank you for the suggestion. I shall look up this work.

I think most of the people here agree, that's why we're here. But just to expand upon your point, why do you find the animal in humanity disgusting? Are you suggesting that we should rise above this? Can we? Do we deserve to?

What else is there but animal that humanity should be?

You talk about your misanthropy, and don't take this the wrong way, but you seem young in it. You are talking about a family to support, how expectations are high for you. Why, if you truly think the way you do, are you still building your self made prison out of the opposite.

I think you will enjoy Walden and I hope you continue to explore this. But like I said, some days are hard and there is almost no way out of the free fall of misanthropy.

>And why on Earth have I not been able to find any people who want to be more than just animals who see the point in things like virtue and friendship and kindness? But no.

There are people out there who place great emphasis on virtues and honor. Unfortunately they are far in-between. Such individuals usually live quite lives far off from modern society and search for more out of this futile existence of ours. They are the ones indeed in search for spiritual enlightment (whatever that might be). Misanthropy, or simply the hatred of this superficial and materialistic society and condition is the first step towards fulfillment.

At least it's how I see things; humans are filth because they cannot live up to their full potential, and that is truthfully annoying.

Yes, and here I speak of how I feel and not how I think. I think there is nothing bad about being animals- it's helped us survive through evolution. However, deeply I feel as if I do not fit into this picture. That people should be more. That the weaknesses and ugliness of humanity are too great to ignore. Partially I see humans as blind. Look at the average human life. Find a mate, shelter and food until one is dead. It is blind, dumb and useless in the long run. So, yes, I would have rather lived in a world where self- development, kindness, love (not the primitive kind) and friendship are looked up to.
But now all we have is a world of degenerates, wannabees, sluts and manpigs and braindead idiots. All this because they aren't able to see past their own noses.
This is how I see humanity. The rare few who are actually intelligent and care about other things than "being alpha" or producing a good offspring I have not been able to interact with personally. As for deserving: I do not believe anyone deserves anything. But with the reasoning we have been all given, it all seems pretty much wasted when one just notices the stupidity and primitive ways of humankind.

>At least it's how I see things; humans are filth because they cannot live up to their full potential, and that is truthfully annoying.

Exactly. I have this same very feeling nagging at me. That humans are just not what they are supposed to be. Even in all interactions we have, we're still alone to ourselves. Everyone in their little shell, incapable of recognizing the emotions and experiences of the other. How's that for uselessness?

Thank you so much. And the book you recommended is truly a joy to read. :) I have started on the first chapter and so far I love the language used. Thank you.

In my life of misanthropy I've learned to live a certain way. Just like when a new atheist becomes angry at the lies and self deception they are surrounded with you feel an anger towards the "degenerates, wannabees, sluts and manpigs and braindead idiots" because they are living in a base mindset of "animal."

Eventually you will reach a certain point where you no longer feel anger and begin to empathize and treat people with the kindness and honor you originally spoke of even though you are trying to live a more enlightened life.

Exactly! Somedays I do not bother with other people at all and try to focus on myself. It was just that today I felt particularly as different and an outsider and alone. A bit angry at those who are not burdened about thinking of life and meaning and just act like animals. Like I want to shout at them "Wake up!", hehe. But you understand me very well. I hope to find out how to accept myself and people more, as well as life. It's so frustrating how little we know, don't you think?

Lol get comfortable with your existence. Peace does not come from getting the things you want, or having things be nice. Inner peace comes from accepting your existence as it is and not over complicating it. Basically im saying youre a pussy.

Finally, a person who understands this; Kudos to you OP!!! By the way, if you are interested to learn more about this, I would recommend you to read a few things: Kurt Vonnegut's novels (especially Slaughterhouse Five), Dostoyevsky, Bokowski and Johnathan Swift (seriously, read Gulliver's Travels again, as an adult it has a totally different meaning)

>The only exception here is someone who is an introvert and okay with it. Someone who is generally nice to people and has given up on their biological needs for sex and comfort, much like animals. You're fine then.

Hey cool, you just described me!


I second Dostoevsky, especially notes from the underground and the idiot.

Why should I give up my biological need for sex?

Oh. Thank you! :) I love the way Dostoyevsky describes human interactions and at times even underlines how meaningless they are. Kurt Vonnegut I have been wanting to get into for a long time now. I saved your answer and will find these works now. :)

What I hate about humans. Some are so simple they think everyone's the same and try to group things together = learning difficulties

Dude; OP is actually more enlighted than you could ever be, at least he speaks the truth about the world. But why would we argue with you? For it seems - from your response only - that are a close minded individual who does not want to see beyond his tiny little box of 'euphoria', 'how great is life!!!'. This world is shit and there is no such thing as inner peace, as long as you acknowledge the afore mentioned truth; any person with at least half a brain would be annoyed by the depraved condition modern society is in. Not noticing it denotes only ignorance from your side.

High five!
I do not like telling people what they "should" and should not do. I'm just a loser on the Internet. I just said I find the process of a man and a woman getting to know each other ugly. Like our entire lives are being steered by this biological force that doesn't give a fuck about whether we understand life or are happy or kind to each other and everybody just gives into it like it's The Holy Grail. Go out, drink, get smashed. Repeat. That's what's hip in our society. Being a loudmouth. Etc.

You're welcome! :)

Well, like I said. Some people are different, although the general values people have are all about giving into this whole idea I described.
And thank you very much. I've never been called enlightened before. Your words are very kind.

Listen, thats exactly the point i was making. No matter how shitty the world is, the only way to acheive inner peace is to accept your situation. Thats it. You can change your situation if you so feel like it, but it first begins with accepting whats going on instead of trying to mindlessly resist. And also can you define enlightenment to me? What exactly is being enlightened? Can you answer that?

And I never said anyone is anything or "should" do anything. If you're reading my post then I'm not telling you who to be or who you are. Just talking about past things I've observed and foudn distasteful.

Honestly I came here to rant but found genuinely nice, very intelligent people wow what is this.

>Go out, drink, get smashed. Repeat. That's what's hip in our society. Being a loudmouth. Etc.
Not really.

>I am so disgusted by humans.
You're disappointed with them because they don't live up to some fantasy ideal you have about how things should be.
>How they all trample over each other.
You might meet some nice people if you doff the trenchcoat and attitude.
>How superficial everyone is, living this big lie.
This huge game.
Again, that is you denying reality, not them.
>I hate their mating rituals. I hate how everyone is just an animal governed by their instrincts. Primal. Unaware.
The ghost of the supreme gentleman!
>There is nothing noble about humans. Men. Women. No one. They are not interesting.
Aristocratic disdain for the masses is so pathetic. Read Montaigne. Learn to love people for all their contradictions. Stop being a judgmental douchecanoe.
>Everyone is a primal, selfish pathetic unaware jealous, greedy etc. animal.
Well, yes, and everyone is the opposite too.
>Don't even get me started on love. A concept humans created to pain their disgusting desires for comfort, sex and furthering their generations, in pretty colors.
You do realize eros is only one kind of love, and that it's not all as base as the porn you watch.
>The only exception here is someone who is an introvert and okay with it. Someone who is generally nice to people and has given up on their biological needs for sex and comfort, much like animals. You're fine then.
Autismo maximo.

Between 16 and 28 yes it is, extend that to 36 if you live in a major city.

I think that an enlightened person is someone who is not prone to lose themselves in the illusions everybody else worships. I'm not very good at defining things and I'm far from enlightenment, but I think accepting your situation and being happy in a virtuous manner much like the Stoics or Albert Camus of the Nihilism philosophy or Buddha. I think that's enlightenment. Being free of illusions while also being free of human suffering.


Just choose your company better.

Enlightment = know the truth, however hideous it might be; striving to touch the absolute Gnosis - imposible, indeed, but one can try to.

Well, about your worldview, what can I say man, we stand at different sides about this. I don't claim that you are wrong - I just said that the way articulated your words in the previous comment might have denoted a slightly close minded approach towards this theme.

Anyway, I respect your opinion in this topic, but I do not agree with it.

Well, these are just my observations. When it comes to love, everybody cheats and leaves the person when it's fitting. Everybody loves when it's fitting, and doesn't when it's not.

As for the autism part, I wouldn't be here if I was not afraid to speak my mind in public. >You might meet some nice people if you doff the trenchcoat and attitude.
Having an attitude on Sup Forums doesn't necessarily mean one has one in real life. :)

Socrates taught us we cant learn about something if we dont know what it is. So my point is, theres no reason to go speaking of enlightenment and how everyone else is blind unless you can truly figure out what it means. Otherwise its just pointless and a waste of time. So back to what i was initially telling OP. Dont waste your time focusing on everything and everyone, its fucking pointless to try to change by yourself. Focus on yourself and your OWN peace.

Again, to everyone who did not get it. I am a lonely loser on the Internet. There is nothing interesting about me whatsoever and everything I wrote is made by observations in my own life. Any generalization was made purely out of emotion.

>As for the autism part, I wouldn't be here if I was not afraid to speak my mind in public
Uh, dawg. You're on an anonymous image board. How is this speaking your mind in public?

Very good advice and I thank you for it.
Well, maybe I am no better than the people I judge. After all my ramblings are just a bunch of judgemental bullshit. I guess I'm a hypocrite too. Anyways thanks for all the discussion it gets me thinking a lot.

But what is the truth? Like you said, you and I have different opinions (and as you respect mine i respect yours), and as we know people are highly opinionated. Therefore, the truth must be up to what the individual WANTS to be the truth. So, rather than searching for something meaningless to anyone other than ourselves, we must accept life as it is and do the best we can with what we have.

>Uh, dawg. You're on an anonymous image board. How is this speaking your mind in public?

I am here because I too afraid to speak my mind in public. Meaning if I was not afraid of talking to other people I would not be here rambling bullshit. Meaning I am an autist. Meaning that I don't understand anyone and anything. Fine, there you go. My negative view is once again gone. I don't understand people and the world because they are very complex and I wish I did but I don't and they scare me so I don't want to get involved at all because what I've seen personally is ugly.
That was all.

The only exception here is someone who is like me. Otherwise, they suck and should die.

There, fixed for you. Also, tell that to your mom and dad, so they can kill themselves too, since they are not like you and gave in to sexual urges.

Yes, exactly. Accepting that life may be meaningless and that one should create their own meaning seems to be the best tactic.

Goodluck on the path to peace bro. And try not to put yourself down, thats a waste of time. I came to the realization to not worry too much about those i dont immediately care about a while ago, and ive never been more focused and at peace.

Exactly. Glad we could agree to an extent.

Slow down, mate. :D I never told anyone to kill themselves. But yeah I mean. If you want to go down that slope. My parents created something that has no value in itself. All I do is browse Sup Forums and study so technically, again, this game of "produce outcome no matter whether we are happy" gave nothing good. Perhaps my parents should have focused on developing themselves and being happy instead of producing me (something that's about as useful as an empty can)

I'm really happy some of you guys came here to open my view when I was feeling down. I needed the rationality.

Yes, and by doing that, for me - highly subjective term of comparison indeed - it is all meaningless. Sincerely, I am happy to see that others think otherwise and have actually found a purpose in this all.

To quote Nietzsche here: "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering." Happy that you have founf it.

I mean, due to biology my parents find joy in just seeing me. But they sacrificed their entire happiness for this... which is basically worthless. I mean maybe if I was Einstein their sacrifice would have been fair but now. Nah. So yes indeed. Why did my parents give into the urge to have me and thereby give up their happiness and sleep and dreams? You tell me, user. Maybe we should ask your parents. :)

Thank you. I love that quote.

Maybe our views dont go hand in hand, but even you can understand that what other people do does not put a value on your existence. In my opinion, all that matters is being honest with yourself and doing the best you can. We all die, death isnt something to be feared. What is to be feared is wasted life, because then what was the point of the "suffering" as you describe it? We all suffer, but havig something to show for it at least gives us a purpose.

Show? Like what? What can be worth being proud of in the end?
And say you take the biology out of life. Out of humans. You'd be left with nothing, really.

- OP

Love is not a conzept
Love are chemicals in ypour brain which are linked to memories
nothing made up by Humanity!!!

And with the other stuff you are right

>given up on biological need for sex
it's funny how fitting that is. I consider myself completely asexual. I haven't had sex in 10 years and I haven't masturbated in 7 years. there are also no nocturnal emissions or wet dreams that I'm aware of. am I OK?

That was what I said. It is a concept, though, because we try to make it seem like it's more than that. More than biology.

I'm not a doctor but, yeah, I guess.
I don't think sex is bad. I just said that the way humans attract each other is an expression of primitivity. More of an emotional observation than a logical one.
Yeah I don't think your wet dreams are worrying.

>We all die, death isnt something to be feared. What is to be feared is wasted life, because then what was the point of the "suffering" as you describe it? We all suffer, but havig something to show for it at least gives us a purpose.

Damn, I'm saving this. These are wise words man! You might be a random stranger from the Internet, and our ideals might differ drastically but honestly, I find the inspiring. I see no point in either of us trying to convince each other of our ideals - I don't want this to turn into a heated argument.

I wish you only fortune in your endeavors; may that the currents of time bring me to a point in which I would be capable to see things from your perspective, until that I will just stick to the futile appeal of our existence. You have my respect!

Haha thanks man but really im just another person. Good luck to you on the path to happiness.

What im saying is you shouldnt feel the need to prove anything to anyone or do anything for anyone. Basically what i mean is its ok to be selfish and not care about others, so long as you also dont harm others. YOUR life should be about YOU.

That painting is my wallpaper as a reminder for me to control my emotions and not be consumed by it...

Just throwing it out there. 90% of you dumb fucks dont even know what its about. No im not talking about the asshole who is going to quote this point as say I like dicks in my ass also I know where its from, I obviously mean the majority of users here, not you special faggot snowflakes...

but yea I have anger problems

Im a gay you bitch.