Guys, guys

Guys, guys...

I am so fucking done with Sweden. I can't live here anymore. It is fucking disgusting.

All this SJW bullshit going on here is absolutely insane. I almost lost my fucking job because I said "Integration in Sweden is bad"

I just dont get it. Shootings occur every single day here, and whenever its an ethnic swede, the media blows up and spreads the picture of the "white person" so everyone can see.

But whenever theres an immigrant committing the crime, nope, shh, dont talk. Dont mention it. Shh, please. Dont be racist, shh.

Im so fucking done with this place.

I have 48'000 kronors in my bank account.
Thats roughly 5400$

I want to live where I dont risk getting shot, or blown the fuck up by some sandmonkey.
Where can I go?

Other urls found in this thread:

USA or Australia

What is your profession? Australia is nice and depending on your skill it shouldn't be too hard to get in.

>I want to live where I dont risk getting shot, or blown the fuck up by some sandmonkey.


Pissing on nigger corpses. Great stimulation in penis.

America is no better. Here you can't even openly show support for a Presidential nominee without being labeled a racist and nobody doing the labeling can explain why.

USA - even tho we have a fucking retard for a president right now. Still, here your chances are much better to be caught up in some rando crime & killed, but hey, you can't beat the wild west, Swed/b/ro.

P.S. Do you snowboard?

I'm a service technician. I'm working for a company in Sweden called SSAB, I repair machines. I'm studying to become an engineer!

Its a great job, but I know these jobs are -everywhere- in the world because they require education and training, and people are lazy as fuck today.

move to Finland, immigrants here too but still much safer than Swedistan

What city would you prefer?

And no, I dont Snowboard, sorry!

Small town Texas. Move to a suburb, so you can live in comfort, and have access to city jobs. People here are chill, and we have no refugees. Dindu blacks don't live outside of the big cities. Avoid the Houston area at all costs.

I have a friend who lives in Texas, he says its absolutely fantastic! I will look into this!

Come to Denmark

Go to Poland. The risk of being shot by a muslim there is non-existent.

yes, it is time to get out. Time really is running out. My person problem is picking a place that will be safe more than a few more years.

Cameras everywhere tied to face recognition and a big database is Swedens future. Total police state, big brother times ten.

Japan. They will literally blast any brown person with piss.


du och jag båda bror. poland eller danmark ditt bästa bet

As long as you're not black or anything I bid you welcome.

I second this. Poland will hold the line against the SJWs

First of all, cumdrop, your prez is not retard. Anyone who believes the MSM / other byrocrats is one (that being you). Atleast he is trying to prevent same thing happening in the US that is fucking happening in europe. Don't like it? Get the fuck out and drag your ass to sweden then you worthless piece of shit.

Google translate?
Eller är du möjligtvis en neger själv så som du slaktar det svenska språket?

I'd suggest somewhere west coast on the ocean. San Luis Obispo was pretty fucking cool when I was out there. Lots of girls & it's beautiful. Also lots of big businesses to try & work at.

>and we have no refugees
>literally borders Mexico

är du helt jävla efter? det enda jag skrev "fel" var poland som egentligen heter polen.

Swefag here, completely agree with you OP. If I had the money I would not hesitate to move the fuck out. (Sverige faller)

how many times have you been shot at by some sandmonkey in sweden? How many times have people been blown up by terror attacks in sweden?

Texas is shit (I lived there for years)

Lived there for a while. Nice country with fucked up politicians

Relax, captain kødboller, Become a germfag and enjoy diversity to the fullest.
We tolerate the shit of it.
Everyone is welcome, Sweden faggots too.

if your going to Australia avoid western Sydney and the gold cost
ive herd lots of sand monkeys live there

>want to move away from sandniggers

Du kan ju donera dina pengar till typ röda korset så dom kan hjälpa araberna på plats, och sen begå självmord. Då har du hjälp både svenskar och araber och vi slipper höra från avarter som dig längre.
Jag skulle föredra att du gör en luriflux så att man kan skratta åt dig under tiden.

At this rate Sweden's going to become a hermit state in maybe less than 20 years.

Basically there needs to be a social revolution against SJWs and active prevention of putting SJWs in positions of power. It needs to be established to the public that SJWs are no longer wanted. The only alternative to this is an actual revolution, which beyond the romantic bullshit means shootting up the people in power with intention to replace the regime.

$5400 isn't enough for jack shit. You got to understand that while Sweden's a shithole there's quite a lot of pros in being a Swede. ie. you enjoying your current living standard. Even in the most luckiest situation of moving into US or any elsewhere you should have atleast $20 000 on your bank account -- just incase things go hayway(because they often do and nobody will help you). And also nobody wants you to immigrate unless you have -atleast- a bachelor's degree from a credited university.

Luckily you live in Sweden. So unless you have a degree then you should go and study abroad. This will also get you valid in-country time which can be accounted for when applying for a citizenship.

The Swedish government should pay most of your living expenses, hence allowing you to save most of your shitteh 48 000 kronors.

sverige faller för att folk kan inte stå upp för sig själva och flyr istället som OP

veklingar hela bunten

OM ni var riktiga män så skulle ni stanna kvar och slåss. Eller, jag vet inte, göra som resten av landet och lugna ner er, skaffa jobb, bilda familj, pensionera er och sen dö efter 65 år av skatter och tristess

du skriver som en retard. Om du verkligen är svensk så råder jag dig att stanna i skolan, pöjk

If that's your only reasoning for liking Trump you're more stupid than most of the underage fags that frequent this board. Learn politics, read more on what's been done, and then once you actually know what's going on, come back and be on trumps side. 59% of the people Trump has negatively effected are Trump voters. They're just too stupid to realize it

Just move to Stockholm inner city. The only reason our politicians can be so quiet about it is because they are not affected by it.

>I almost lost my fucking job because I said "Integration in Sweden is bad"

I find this hard to believe

>I want to live where I dont risk getting shot

...then you should stay in Sweden.

Fuck you M8. You're obviously uninformed. Even before the shit stain Trump started harassing people coming into this country, it was really difficult to get in. American isn't 'white' There are fucking loads of other ethnicities here. If you think that Trump isn't a fucking retard you're not paying attention. His handlers are barely able to keep control over him. It's a daily damage control case. He's not a conservative & he's not loved by conservatives. He's the unfortunate accident of Shit tier populism. I'm a veteran. I've actually made some sacrifices for this country. I don't turn tail & run from a bad situation. Trump is shit & there's no denying it. Just listen to the turd. He can't even keep a coherent idea in his head for more than 2 minutes. He's a fucking retard.

Hur vill du att jag ska skriva då din jävla fjant? Full native svensk så långt det går. Är blond, har blåa ögon.

Du och jag båda bror är inkorrekt svenska. Vänligen bli busschaufför eller städare.

Found the sandnigger

If you live in the US and have a gun, particularly in the midwest, the chances of you getting shot are pretty low. The shit you hear about on the news only happens in shitholes like Chicago or LA. I would know, I live in LA.

använde en så nära translation till "you and me both" som jag kom på för tillfället. är det så svårt att gissa sig fram till?


"Både du och jag bror. Polen eller Danmark är ditt bästa bet"

To nie jest tak cholernie trudne, prawda?

Okay, but how much whore help woulda hillary given you before forgetting half of her promises XD

I'd stay away from the Central Coast. There are cities there that you literally cannot get water service because of water shortages. It's pretty scary.



See I'm soon finished with my education.
And once i'm finished, money wont be an issue since engineers are quite comfortable financially.

I didn't even go to university, I finished school when I was 19, started working at SSAB as a machine operator, and from there worked myself up. i'm 25 now.

Come to Massachusetts. Similarly left but you can openly be against immigrants and refugees here
Also Boston would likely have a job for an engineer

Håller fullständigt med. Det som förstör det här landet är att media är så jävla väster som man kan komma. Istället för att visa sanningen så gömmer dom den. Men jag säger det samma vill vi att Sverige ska vara "Sverige" måste vi stå upp och inte rymma och grina att svartskallar tar över landet

Nej men det är fel. Ett uselt språk går helt i linje med din mening. Mitt förra inlägg kvarstår.. skaffa ett låglönejobb, du är inte värd ett bra jobb eller umgänge.

Stay far far away from Texas, Swed/b/ro. It is super shitty. I've spent some time there & almost had to move there for work. I had to pull some strings to avoid it, but thank the gods I got out of it. Just say no to Texas

hahaha mannen, beter du dig såhär i något annat land än Sverige kommer du bli skjuten. ska verkligen killen med 48000 kr snacka om låglönejobb? snälla.

>If you live in the US and have a gun, particularly in the midwest, the chances of you getting shot are pretty low.

So the prevention of geeting shot needs to be made with something that shoots, what an irony, kek; if school can´t stop having shootings, imagine how the adult situation is

>bilda familj
Vet du exakt hur otroligt svårt detta är?
Inte så att det finns ett överflöd av tjejer som vill ha förhållande, dejter och kids. Finns däremot ett enormt överflöd av killar som söker detta utan att hitta

The state of florida has more homocides in a month than sweden has in a year

Saying that, the US is a big place. I am sure that soem places are, as you say, delightful and quaint. And OP should be alright considering he's white. The US don't seem to have that many problems with white immigrants. I hope he finds peace and fulfilment wherever he wants to go. Maybe he will come to realize that it is not national boundaries that define us as people, but our actions and our impact on our fellow man.

Godspeed you glorious winged faggot OP: Become an immigrant as a protest against immigration. There is no need to worry, the irony is lost on everyone.



Hmm. I didn't live there. Didn't' think of that. I know they've got water probs.

in latvia you can buy 2 houses and a car with that money


Sluta vara en jävla mes OP, brösta situationen och flytta från ditt negerområde. Finns gott om vita områden kvar. Flytta till landet om du inte redan bor där och sluta klaga.

Yea, man. The water table is getting lower each year and recently NorCal has been having sinkholes because of it. I was planning on retiring out to Paso Robles, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed bad. So I moved out to coastal virginia instead.

Well, if I were you i'd max out the education.

No, really. And the reason is that being in country with student visa counts when applying for a citizenship, it's sponsored by Cuckland and down the road higher education equals better salary.

I know, it sounds crazy to a Swede but I think it's a reasonable advice because otherwise you'll end up living just above the poverity line.

These anti Trump fags can't list why they don't like him. Fucking retards talking out of their assholes. He's bringing back jobs, he's lower immigration, he's lowered debt. You faggots won't be satisfied until he walks on water.

He repeats himself sometimes when he talks, that's about it. If you actually didn't have a hate boner in your hand you'd be able to listen to him. Instead you look at the smallest flaw and whine. You bunch of fucking babies. Go back to your safe spaces where you circle jerk about incompetence while not providing any examples.

He's the fucking president! He's more competent than you'll ever be, you bunch of fucking retards.

"Sluta klaga"

Det hör man mycket ofta. Är det kanske därför vi har hamnat i situationen vi är i? Att folk inte vågar klaga? Låta oss själva bli trampade på?

Öööh ja ditt mongo.. jag har 80k på kontot, blir fastanställd nästa månad. Har 28k i månaden och jobbar mellan 5-8h per dag. Har man 48k som singel så är man helt jävla efterbliven eller så har man ett låglönejobb.

Do like the rest of Sweden! Join ISIS!

Norge din feige homse. komm hit så kan vi sprenge deg sjæl.

for real tho Norwegian here. swedes are mostly a bunch of pussys. theyre just scared of skin tones inshallah.

Come to America, become a citizen through a long process. Enjoy 2nd Amendment and other rights.

du sitter der og klager på utlendingene og hvorfor dem ikke kjemper for sine egne lan bla bla bla!! og nå skal du faen meg flykte fra ditt hjemland? hva faen er problemet dit din jævla bøg? kjemp for lande ditt din patetiske sønn av en HORE!!!

OP, I am from Norway and we got the same problem a place where you will probaly not get raped or killed is
JAPAN! think of it in the last year they took in 28 Refuges from the middleeast

you don't live there. you're just one of the myriads of alternative-facts-spewing idiots who like to showcase sweden as a failed state. which it isnt. its not great, and there should be less immigrants, but what you say is a) wrong and b) full of shit.
go back to your deadend job living your miserable life and lament the fact that better qualified immigrants are taking the jobs you didnt get because, at one point in your life, "getting education" wasnt "cool"

tja, du är ju på rätt plats om du har problem med att få ligga

Det finns gott om tjejer därute som vill ha ett förhållande

Kanske bara inte med dig dock.


så varför ens skapa tråd över huvud taget din faktiska idiot? jobba 3 månader med ditt 28k jobb och flytta till polen som jag föreslog. är det så svårt?

>I have 48'000 kronors in my bank account.

Finish school in Sweden long before moving the US trust me college prices here are fucking retarded which is why we're one of the dumbest countries in the world.

Men snälla lilla gubben. Varför ska du förolämpa mig bara för att jag har 48k på kontot? Är det fel att försöka spara pengar?

Jag är iallafall ärlig med vad jag har, och jag sitter inte och pressar lögner på internet för bekräftelse. Jag är en kille som vill flytta, och för tillfället har jag 48'000 på mitt sparkonto.

Sluta leka macho och kanske hjälp till?


OM dere føler at flyktningene deres tar fra dere landet deres er dere faen mye lenger fra vikingstandarer en jeg villde trodd.

skjerp dere sverige dere ser ut som noen jævla pyser med den fremmedfrykten deres.

What the hell are you going on about?

Hej klassförakt

come to france!!
it's all russian propaganda, we don't have so many muslims, niggers and problems here.
also we have nearly no crime and guns

Tell me about Latvia - would it be a good place to live if you're reasonably well off? How much would a nice condo / apartment be in the city center? What's the price of a good meal out, with several beer? What's the weather like? Any snow in winter?

Jag är inte OP. Du kanske skulle försöka dig på lite läsförståelse. Det verkar som om du har en extra kromosom eller blev tappad mycket som barn.

Come to America. People don´t get shot here.

Ah, den eviga gamla "bara inte med dig" retoriken
För det är ju bara jag som har problem med detta

Det kanske finns gott om tjejer som söker, men deras krav är väldigt höga och antalet män som finns tillgängliga för dessa är ännu högre

Vet inte hur gammal du är men ska bli kul att se hur det blir i framtiden för just nu är det 123män per 100 kvinnor i åldern 16-20 så vi får ju se hur den ekvationen löses

Jag är snart utbildad ingenjör med inriktning av CNC-Bewo Tube. När jag är färdig med min utbildning kommer jag, och fler i min arbetskrets ligga bland dem som tjänar mer än medelsvensken. Tro inte att du vet något om andra.

Det kan ju vara så att ditt yttre eller inre är väldigt oattraktivt för det motsatta könet. Bli bög och skaffa dig en arab.

>or blown the fuck up by some sandmonkey

jag vet att du inte är OP, men jag menar varför OP skull man skapa en tråd om man är rik med många kompisar som dig, gubben? gör sverige en tjänst och häng dig själv. du verkar ju inte ens vara villig att diskutera utan bara kasta ur dig den första bästa insult du kommer på.


You just confirmed my suspicion that far right men are just incels with too much pent up sexual energy.

100-200€ for an apartment
1€ for 2 litres of fucking nice beer
0,20€ for 1kg potatoes

1 meter snow, -20 celsius
and in summer +25 and sun.
perfect for fishing and hunting

Så flytta? Testa ströjobben i Amsterdam. Testa jobbvisum i AIS/kiwi. Är du rädd eller vad är problemet med att flytta?

I nearly got fired from my job as well for saying that immigrants should at least try to integrate into our culture. Western civilization is fucked now.
I'm a Canadafag btw.

also many fascists and 200 refugees in whole country, and they get fucked by locals.

in southern parts (latgal) live many russians, but in western and northern parts latvia is very cultured and nice

How exactly am i far right?
projecting a bit much there son

Also fun fact that this seem to be true for far left people as well

Bra svar. Jag blev uppenbart ägd av min egen retorik skrivet av en gymnasieelev.

Come to Estonia. It's close, a small country, which makes it vacant and quiet. There are refugees, but they are constantly opressed and kept in place by goverment and media.