Dissenting GOP here, Sup Forums why are we paying for the wall?

Dissenting GOP here, Sup Forums why are we paying for the wall?

inb4 Mexican tariffs will pay for the wall, that's now how tariffs work.

inb4 Budget plan compensates wall spending, that's not what was promised.



















What the hell retard? Did you fucking think that the Mexicans were just going to write us a check for that shit? This was always going to be a case where we'd pay for it upfront, then collect from Mexico later on through shit that they can't stiff us on, such as fees or tariffs. If you seriously thought that some Mexicans were just going to drive up to the border with the money and hand it over then there's no way that you are a Republican. Only a liberal is stupid enough to believe that.

>why are we paying for the wall
Because America will turn into mexico 2 in 50 years and because mexicans are savages

>you're retarded, therefore not republican

Pretty big contradiction there from the party who champions Christianity and denies science

i don't think any liberal ever believed that mexico would pay for the wall

Is the wall happening for sure?

Personally, I think it's all a big waste of time and effort. I just want somebody to enforce the laws we already have on the books. The U.S. immigration policy is exceedingly fair compared to the rest of the world. If people can't even follow those rules, then we really don't need them. I also think U.S. companies caught hiring illegal immigrants should face stiffer penalties. But, of course, that'll never happen because the people hiring illegals are the same people who help fund political campaigns.

we're paying for it whether it happens or not, the budget has already been earmarked

Based on the budget plan Trump just proposed it seems like its really happening, which is retarded because most illegal immigrants arrive in the U.S. on planes using work visas

But to your point, any company using illegal labor is likely too small to be caught doing anything; most illegal labor is private home cleaning/landscaping or orchard work

>through shit that they can't stiff us on, such as fees or tariffs.
Trump University grad here

Since the budgeted amount doesn't even come near to what it will actually cost---and they know this---the purpose must be to squander some money to reward donors, and he'll be out of office before his supporters figure out it was all a scam.

>we pay for it up front and then the US government is reimbursed our money by saying we can't buy certain things from Mexico

How is this supposed to work out in our favor? Are you gullible enough to think they're gonna refund you too?

your post is the only evidence needed to support required intelligence tests to vote

>The U.S. immigration policy is exceedingly fair compared to the rest of the world

used to

not really