Are there any good original racist jokes anymore?

Are there any good original racist jokes anymore?

only if you can turn 14 again.


What do when a kebab goes out?

Light him on again

What's the difference between a Muslim and a vampire?

At some point the vampire will lose its thirst for blood

What do you call a terrorist attack in the Middle East?

A selfie

Dude of [race] goes to doctor, says he can't sleep. Doctor advises him to count sheep. Dude tries it, comes back a few days later and tells doctor "It's not working. i can't go to sleep with a hardon."

What'd the mexican say when a house collapsed on him?

Get off me, homes.

lmao fuck niggers

Not technically racism but still fuckin funny

Hahaha best one yet

What's the worst part about breaking up with Japanese girls?

You gotta drop the bomb twice for them to get the message.

10/10 original, had good lulz

Thanks man! I liked it

Bonus points for Amy Shumer jokes

A man walks into a bar.

The joke is that he is a different race than me so he is inferior. Also generalizations and stereotypes are used here. And violence for shock value.

Why are aboriginals called Boongs?

It's the sound the cunts make bouncing off a bull bar.

Did you hear about the new Jewish radial tire?
Not only does it stop on a picks it up !!!

This went way over my head because I'm not Austrian.

Way under my head? Shit.

Maybe a Nazi joke will make more sense to you.

Fine I'll translate one for you you fucking philistine, I forget you seppo/pom cunts don't speak the proper Queen's English.

Little Tyrone decides life as a nigger is just too hard. So he steals some money from his dad, goes to the hardware store, buys a bucket of white paint, a paint brush and proceeds to paint himself, head to toe, white.

Proud of his accomplishment he runs home stark naked to show his Mum, stomping still wet paint through the House. She proceeds to chimp out, and screaming proceeds to belt him around the head with whatever comes to grasp. His Dad, investigating the chimp out sees the mess, whips out his belt and starts thrashing the shit out of little Tyrone. Tyrone in desperation runs out of the house, still naked as the day he was born, to escape the ass whoopin', only to have the local niglets laugh at him and throw rocks. Tyrone in an effort to escape runs all the way out of the hood into a white suburb. Finally feeling safe he sits himself down in a front yard, and starts to cry.

A white lady, curious as to why a paint covered black kid is crying in her front yard, asks Tyrone what's wrong.

Tyrone replies "I've only been a white person half an hour and already I hate these filthy fucking Niggers"

>insulting Islam is racist
Really activating my almonds right now.


