"people" are outraged that Matt Damon is the lead in The Great Wall

"people" are outraged that Matt Damon is the lead in The Great Wall.

Really makes you think huh?

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That's just sad desu

Doesn't make sense to me either. I get that there are Chinese production staff and actors involved but what the fuck

Do the chinks give a fuck or is it just SJW getting offended for their sake again?

Can those people even name 1 chinese actor.

Virtue signalling fagets
I bet none of them pay to go see asian cinema ever

>foreigners OK to play unrealistic white roles
>white people not OK to play unrealistic roles foreign countries
Twitter is just racist niggers and self hating whites. Website is trash, people should stop paying attention to it

>Matt Damon is massive in China
>China is Hollywoods big focus atm
>1+1 = $$$$$$$

how fucking retarded do you have to be, to not get why he was cast.

I mean Andy Lau is the second lead, that guy is awesome. I'm sure he'll be great in the film.

Do these people don't realize they wouldn't even be talking about this film if this wasn't for Matt Damon? Like it or not, the casting is working.

if it was Micheal B. Jordan or something you'd all be HURF THERE WERE NO BLACK PEOPLE IN CHINA

A full blown chink is directing

It is odd. But I am sure none of these people gave a shit when it was announced that Idris elba would play the protagonist in the dark tower or any of the other roles (fictional or otherwise) that have been appropriated by black actors.

well it's some fantasy setting with magic and monsters anyway so they can really just come up with any given contrivance to put a white guy there

The Chinese director and Chinese studio wanted him.

Your confusion has no say in the matter, control freak.

This is the same thing that happened with 'Gods of Egypt'
>Foreign director of the country the movie is supposed to take place in wants white actors
>He gets them
>SJW flip the fuck out without even knowing that it was the director(who's Egyptian) who wanted WHITE AMERICA ACTORS in his movie and not Hollywood.
>Mr.Reddit is actually Egyptian.

>Cho Fat Yun
>Jackie Chan
>That woman from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
>Donnie Yen
>Jackie Chan

Why are those people so fucking dumb?
It's a chinese movie directed by chinese funded by chinese produced by chinese and filmed in china that involves white actors.

It's like they pander to what is popular in that country. Strange, right?
The Jap guy who made the light novels(basically teen novels in Japan) wanted TOMMU CRUISUU as the lead because he is adored in Japan, and he got it.

"This is a story we want to adapt, but we need a white protagonist to make it marketable to westerners".

Not sure why people are upset, this happens all the time. Last Samurai, 47 Ronin, every Native American related film ever made and Avatar come to mind straight away.

It's more lazy adaption than whitewashing.

I bet these same people qouldn't care if an Asian or black actor played a figure from European myths and legends.

>It's okay if Lancelot is black, it's all make believe!

I dont think its rascist or anything, but I'd much prefer it if it was chinese lead and chinese voiced. I miss the semi-fantasy wire-fu genre, and dont tell me flying daggers wouldve been the same with Matt fucking Damon as the lead.

HK is way more based than China
British Rule fucking when

Why are these niggers speaking for us lol?

Fucking twitter nigresses lmao



>We like our color and our culture (....) We don't need you to save us from anything.
>Hollywood is supposed to be about making great stories. So make them.
Maybe the problem here is your asking for authentic Chinese cinema from an American film industry, you ziphead whore

Why didnt they cast Steven Seagal?

Asians are non-white?

If the lead actor was Chinese literally nobody would be talking about yet another Chinese historical epic. So how can they deny it was a good business decision.

Kill all men. Kill straight white men, obviously. But also kill queer white men. Kill PoC men. Kill transgender men. If you are a man, you should just do the world a favor and die.

she should finance a 150 million dollars film, we'll see what kind of risk she's willing to take

if you want a chinese movie with white characters check this out
based on a roman legion that got lost and ended up in china. its not great but it's not terrible either. thats a far better merging of two cultures to rake in cash than just hiring a white actor to act in a chinese movie


I find it hilarious how badly the leftists turned on transgender rights the second they realised that MtF trannies were basically men, and they would be letting men into their safespaces.

>Last Samurai
based on a real person. ffs at least read a wiki before you post

Name a Chinese actor that isn't Jackie Chan... yeah, exactly, fuck you.


stopped reading there

White characters should be white, black characters should be black, and yellow characters should be yellow.

Not that complicated.

and this is the real reason, barely any big name chinese stars that can speak decent english

He says from Sup Forums. Ebin

so they are A okay with the dinosaurs and purple power ranger armour then

Oh no a white guy I can't take this shit seriously it's historically inaccurate

As a lefty I can say I haven't turned on anyone stop bunching sjws up with us

Let's be real, non of those people would have watched that movie anyways, Matt Damon or not. It would just be "another chinese movie".

No the real reason is money, like with practically everything else in Hollywood
Chinese actors don't sell well, there aren't a lot of orientals who will pay to see movies in America

Mainland Chinese people LOVE white people; the only people offended are SJWS. Don't like it? Don't watch it.


They didn't even watch the trailer

I wouldn't be outraged, just confused. I mean, didn't Chinese people build their fucking wall? Like, this would be like if Kevin Hart played a part in a Ghandi Movie.

where its the complete opposite. yeah how ironic mayne

they are right for once. it's their history. if they casted a gook for the battle of alamo you ameriturds would never stop crying.

also you butthurt redditors are getting more angry about a bunch of tweets than your sjw boogeyman is doing about the movie.

When will niggers, SJWs and Americans understand that watching movies isn't a political action in zhe rest of the world? Nobody cared when a nigger played Thor, and nobody cares if Idris Elba plays some with dude. We don't care about Matt Damon being white either. If a movie is good people will watch it, if it sucks nobody will. Same happened to the Ghostbusters. It was some Adam Sandler-tier shit, so nobody bothered to watch it.

This, basically. Chinese people want to see Matt Damon in a film primarily about China. They love western actors, especially big action stars. That's not to say that they hate Chinese actors, they just love western actors a lot. And here you have one of the biggest western actors alive starring in a movie ONLY ABOUT CHINA.

It will break Chinese box office records.

its a little weird, but I like it. I might actually see it.

It's a Chinese made movie and they want a recognizable Hollywood star. What the fuck is wrong with these people?

>implying there weren't a fuck ton of orientals in the South in the 19th century
nigga you stupid

Take it up with the chinese director, not the actor doing literally nothing wrong. Are americans completely obsessed with dividing the world by skin colour or is it just loud crazies on the internet?

>Le Sigh

it's funny because none of them would've never heard of the movie if it didn't star matt damon
see: The Mermaid, china's highest grossing movie of all time, made by a relatively known director

>implying people on Sup Forums arent defending the upcoming magnificent seven remake which has an asian and an indian too iirc.

>le sigh

yes, and Mongolians are Lizard people

You think everyone is aware of box office trends and the importance of the chinese market in film?

>chinease themselves hire Matt Damon
>sjws get butthurt

>i'm a white feminist and i tell chinese people how to think
that's not really progressive

I had the same thought as well. No one is going to watch this because Chinese films are garbage.

>China likes capeshit and fantasy films with white leads
>China likes films about China with Chinese leads
>China does not like capeshit or fantasy with Chinese leads

China is going to fucking love a film about China with a white lead, and it gets tons of free marketing from all the bitching. A Jew must have helped them figure this out. Let's hope it was just a lone renegade and not the whole cabal or we're truly fucked.

not even remotely PC but my first thought after watching the trailer was 'why matt damon'?


>white feminist
Uh, she herself is Asian. She's on the show "Fresh Off The Boat"

I guess what people are annoyed about is the idea that a race is marketable and they want to change that, but they're retarded so the only way they know how is to build up races that aren't "white" as god-like cultures above all others (and whiteness changes based on their own definitions, if we were talking oppressed minorities, Asians would be called white by them)

>>We like our color and our culture (....) We don't need you to save us from anything.

Black Hollywood, fucking when?

>can look however you want cos robot body
>pick that body
Can't fault the logic

Chinese people would probably have enjoyed the exact same movie with a chinese lead actor, but it can't hurt the chinese film industry to experiment with big name foreign leads to see if it helps performance overseas.

Actually, considering that Celtic people occupied the Tarim Basin it's not far fetched to assume white people may have possibly guided the construction of the great wall (considering their history). One could even argue that Tocharians involvement in the develop of Chinese civilization was blotted out by Qin Shi Huang during the period in which he effectively censored all opposing schools of thought and histories that challenged his narrative.

No, no, no. Fucking crank.

take a wild guess

I like how they only want historical accuracy for non-white films.

Thankfully scholarly criticism is never satisfied by frank dismissal bereft of reason.

tl/dr. Get a fucking job and stop living on the internet. This people truly disgust me, they're actual subhumans who bring down humanity's overall level of intelligence and dignity

I bet they're fine with this, though.

I like that you just make things up, like niggers do with le Pharaohs and sheeeeeeeeeit.

>Get a fucking job and stop living on the internet.
She's the lead actress on the show "Fresh Off The Boat"

>you'd get mad respect (which is WAY more valuable than money)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH the retarded slut is actually serious

>Chinese people would probably have enjoyed the exact same movie with a Chinese lead actor
Every single Chinese film in the top 20 for highest grossing in China is a comedy and 8 of the 20 are western films with white leads. This film's gonna blow up over there, I guarantee it.

wtf I hate white people now

One is make believe fantasy and the other is history based.

Don't you know? It's fine as long as it's not white people.

maybe because you can't sell a movie with only chinese actor to EU and USA...
it just doesn't work

>le sigh

ahahahahahah fucking hell ahahhahahaaha

>Chinese movie has absolute nothing but Asians in them
>Chinese movie includes a minority as the star

But it's not made up. There existed a community of Celtic peoples that lived within the boundaries of the Tarim Basin, within Western China. They were even referenced by Chinese historians and traded with. Many artifacts excavated show a clear similarity to Celtic cultures from Europe as well. They had a similar facial structure, skin color, hair pigmentation, and eye color.

To say they weren't possibly involved in contributing to Chinese civilization would be dishonest. The Chinese are likely heavily indebted to their ingenuity.

It's funny because Sup Forums rages when a black guy replaces a white guy in some medieval movie. Yet OP shows another example of the same thing and Sup Forums isn't against it.

Really makes you think. Really.

whta the fuck lmao, is that real?

>the other is history based.
did you miss the yeti/monster thing from the trailer? its a fantasy movie

every single one of these people would gladly kill you for calling them Chinese

Big surprise, Sup Forums is white and doesn't care about brown people. POC's are brown and don't care about white people.

Obviously Death Note is the history based movie, user.

Matt Damon is a liberal fuckhead and he's being eaten alive by other liberal fuckheads.

Same deal as Joss Whedon. These are your people Matt. Time to apologise.

>as if the chinks would cast a black guy to make $$$

Jackie Chan is a proper China shill. He even dislikes Hong Kong for being so free.