When Feminists eat things made from menstrual blood, is it qualifiable to come under the category of cannibalism?

When Feminists eat things made from menstrual blood, is it qualifiable to come under the category of cannibalism?

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Average of US soldiers serving in WW2 was 26, so fuck off with your bullshit.


Yeah I'd much rather 18 year olds die in a horrific war or suffer the worst PTSD for the rest of their lives

Fuckin dipshit


>When Feminists eat things made from menstrual blood, is it qualifiable to come under the category of cannibalism?

rather than what?

what did he mean by this

But most 18 year olds who were eligible did serve

I would imagine a fair number of women would have fought during WWII if they let them in the US.

But user, feminists already suffer PTSD from twitter

yeah that's the OP's post

good job regurgitating

You'd much rather.... rather than what now?? You didn't complete your statement

Those cucks going off to fight a war we should have ignored is the reason feminism exists in the first place! Fuck them.

most lied about their age to serve their country

So feminism's a warchild?


No that's vampirism.

We should have let Hitler thrive..

Then we wouldn't have so many of those pesky Jews


When I was 18 I couldn't even talk to girls, shipping large children off to die is one of the most retarded things I've ever heard and they only reason they do it because anyone older they tried to recruit would just say no.

Feminist faggot spotted.

Go march in the womens parade while your bitch cheats on you, you cuck.

They were allowed to serve just not in combat

Autophagia (?)

>Feminist faggot spotted.
>Go march in the womens parade while your bitch cheats on you, you cuck.

>i'll m-make this thread a-again!

This. Hasn't 2017 taught everybody to look sceptically at things yet.

nigger, they break you before you even step foot on the battlefield
They make you go from whiny bitch to killing machine quick

So what you're saying is that a great number of 18 year olds did not fight in World War 2 And that the OP specifically said that the average age of men fighting in WW2 was 18, if this is so, then your claim is incorrect.

1969 taught me.

Too be fair, I would much rather have had a woman kill Osama Bin Laden, etc. only for the reason that it would be more humiliating. Middle Eastern people do not want to get killed by women.

Anyways, the guy with the sign is a faggot.

I pray everyday that we go to war with another country so i can die a hero on the battlefield.
After a year of nothing but training I would come out a fucking bear of a man with a bloodlust that only a war could quench

Yeah. And my grandfather was 15 when he first saw combat on saipan. Doesn't mean there weren't 18 year old son getting slaughtered on beaches.

My dad enlisted in the Vietnam war when he 17. I think there was even a 12 in WWII that got dishonorably discharged after getting injured and then later the dishonor removed.


Muh Feminism

i read a good poem about war. you guys might as wel give it a read
its called Dulce et Decorum Est by wilfred owen

We should have been the hot tag when they were fighting Communism.

Hitler was a socialist.

You don't have a fucking clue.

>the left one is what implies to be a man now days.


>Hitler was a socialist.

What a fucking idiot god

Nazi party was based on nationalized socialism

Again with the men-as-soldier meme. Fuck off with your men-as-expendable-thing bullshit.

Did we attract a random MRA?

he's only ruiningn his own life but not shooting down others.

Yes. The young men told the drafting board that they were 26. This is what happened.

In name only. The Nazis called themselves national socialists to try and appeal to the working class, who was alienated by their authoritarian approach to politics. The working class in germany at the time primarily belonged to to social democrats, who were in favor of both socialism and democracy. And just calling themselves socialist hardly had any effect on working class people supporting him. When Germany polarized the middle classes and farmers went to the right, and the working class went to the left in favor of communism. When Hitler came into power and threw communists and socialists in jail, people stopped aligning themselves with those ideologies because they were being imprisoned or killed.

You fucking retard.