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1: What are you gonna eat today?
2: Na man, just fat.
1: cool


The good "Perlenbacher" from German liedl, think i would prefer the beer




This is garbage, I need something half-way healthy ffs

Jesus Christ, my truck has like 6 warning lights.

>tfw people believe this
stay cucked, Sup Forums



wage gap is bullshit

this is why many fall for the Nigerian prince scam all the time. Also how easy it is to manipulate people into voting against their overall self interest. For example, "yeah!! tax cuts for the mega rich and fuck 25 million people out of health care (including themselves)".

Europe is tiny as fuck.


Found the lefty tool.

Anyone have the lethal DIY?

Also the way I think about it and the wage gap is like this, if companies could pay women less and get away with it why wouldn't they just hire women and not men to save money
>Europe in the 1800s did this
>women were paid less but hired more to save money
>men had to find worse jobs if any
>"but muh misogynistic men"
Do people really think companies would pay a women less and a man more for the same job? Why would they pay almost double to make men feel good
>therefore wage gap is not real


Fuck off

triggered much boi?


2 hours in Russia? Keked

and check out Venezuela. Only 11 minutes; shit is almost free. Too bad they ran out of food ages ago.

you lucky bastards!

double keked

seems like bs to me

62 people have more wealth than 3.5 billion people combined. But at least I have a few cans of beans in the cupboard.

We all have shit to complain about, but in reality the vast majority of people have miserable lives; worst than a first wold pet. For example, 60% of people around the world don't even have toilets. They still shit in the streets, open fields, and on rivers hanging from two ropes (one to hold on, and one to step on, then you stick your ass out). Fuck; even my cat has a litter box.

sucks to be them




Listen man if your to stupid to make a latrine then deal with it...Even in pre industrial America/Europe people EVENTUALLY figured out how to dig a hole and put an outhouse on it in order to shit like a civilized person. I mean poverty sucks but just because you're poor doesn't mean you cant build a mud hut latrine and call it your designated shitting area.
TL:DR Some people like shitting in the streets like savages and theirs nothing you or your money can do about it.

Not an argument. Bitch

>Alaska Channel

"But please, the rest of you keep living in an advanced industrialized society and keep providing hospitals, and inventing better solar panels, and better medicine for those hospitals! Oh, and the materials science and chemistry needed to support all that, and the universities and schools to support all that, and the mining and so on to support all that, which will add about five million square miles to what you need to survive, if you want a medium-sized country to do it all alone. Tens of millions if you want that advancement accelerated with as many people as possible."

Anyone got the meth cooking one?

Go look into how economists actually measure societies historically. How big do people grow? How much do they weigh? What is their average lifespan? Etc.

The fat life of the west is a novelty around the world as well as a relatively recent development.

Nice troll, 90% of chance to hurt yourself at the first operation

>pre industrial America/Europe people EVENTUALLY figured out how to dig a hole and put an outhouse on it in order to shit like a civilized person

Even people who somewhat escape poverty first get phones and tvs. They'll have all this things and still shit out in the open competing with their dogs for a good spot. I guess a toilet or designated shitting hole is not in their culture.

it's true. they went off like faggots about the "1%" but if you make 34k in the US, you're in the top 1% of the world.

This is what happens after regulators spend years making sure all kinds of shit has definitions because no fucking reason at all.



However it took until the early 1900s before someone figured out the outhouse holes needed to be at least 6 feet deep.


damn, thanks user



Yep...Just look at China it's a world superpower and the people let their kids shit in the streets and parks. No joke look it up. Pick related its a chinese woman shitting on the floor IN A MALL


Ouch! Cut myself on that edge

some places in Europe have sings telling people not to shit in and around their monuments. It's directed at Chinese tourist.

Also, at airports or pretty much anywhere; they will push you the fuck out of their even even if you got there first or is your turn. They don't respect lines.

**it works**

%trifoce. Oh fuck this shit




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I mean... Its all true , although the last few bullets are just opinion and really unnecessary . Technically any of the hundreds of translations of the Christian bible have as much chance as being correct as any other of the thousands of belief systems in the world. That's why I'm agnostic and just try to follow my own morals. Golden rule is most of what you need tbh.

Because they choose not to use them when they have them.

[zalgo] Nezperdian hive-mind [/zalgo]

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[zalgo] i doubt it works [/zalgo]

stop the fucking triforce spam already

∆ ∆


why isnt music in creative?


Fucking retards



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triangle triangle

>do you like anime?

end up in /f/
