Weird Pictures Thread

Weird Pictures Thread





how is this possible?


thats actually pretty ingenious

that's cute



>the bottom plate gets on so thats how the coffee gets hot

Stupid ass. I hope this is a joke.


lisa looks so weird

Perfect representation of the Sup Forums motto.
>get em when they're young
I imagine they have been on that tree for a very long time and the tree has grown to fit them.

trees dont grow like that

well this certainly is a wtf moment

cut them attach velcro - place around limb and attach velcro in back where it cant be seen

i hope somebody burns out your eyes, makes you eat that shit, pours salt in the wounds and lets goats lick your sockets dry u sick weak pathetic pieces of shit - if i find one of you i will personally rape you for days before skinning you alive and sending the vids to your family

the point with a wtf thread is to glorify animal cruelty?

I mean, i couldn't give a shit if its a adult or child, because we humans are nothing but worthless crap

Fucking bastards doing stuff like that...

Can't thank you enough

sick - so'bs

This is Sup Forums. If thats the worst shit youve seen on here, count yourself lucky, get off the computer, ask mommy for permission next time. Can we get back to the weird pictures?

animal cruelty is NOT Sup Forums fucktard

well aparently im not the only one who has a prblm with that kind of content, or y r the pics gone?

point proven

the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums these days?





It is deleted, what was it ?


some guy fucked a dead cat

Fucking made me think of Multiplicity. That movie was so unintentionally hilarious.

This is like pissing in an ocean of shit.


who the fuck is the asshole that hurt that poor dog. I'll fucking kill you.