Do you cover your webcam with a piece of tape?

Do you cover your webcam with a piece of tape?

yes, and disconnect it

No, and every 15 minutes I stand up and do a full helecopter spin with my dick just in case anybody is watching me so they can witness this artistic act.

I don't use a shitty laptop so I don't have a webcam

I used to cover it with paper. Now it is naked.

My basement has little light, so even without cover it is not functional

Nope. If someone wants to watch me stare blank faced at a screen for hours on end then so be it

Exposure can be raised

Yeah. About two years ago I discovered a virus on my laptop that had a function in it to disable the webcam light. Luckily at the time I had only used it at school before it became my primary computer, so if someone was watching, they didn't see anything interesting.

But since then it's become my primary computer for jerkin my meat, and finding my nudes on the internet (though they wouldn't be that interesting anyway) just doesn't sound appealing to me

Nah just kill the drivers.

I don't like putting ugly shit on my 1500 pound gaming laptop.

I don't use a monitor with a built in webcam.

I have a separate peripheral webcam, and it's only ever plugged in when I want to use it. The minute I'm done with it, I unplug it and stash it away.

That's a heavy laptop

used to... now im at the point where i smile at the camera while i cum.


yeah paranoid as fuck

mines disconnected unless imma use it


Nah. If some low level nobody from the NSA wants to watch me fap its their funeral. They cant erase that memory with anything short of a gunshot to the head. Its not like they can see what Im jerking to anyway. Thats for the guy in the next cubicle. Everyone doesnt hold their social security card, bank information, and birth certificate up to their computer screen every day OP.

if the cia watches me jack off dose that count as child porn im 16 btw

And what about the cellphone cam??

>Still afraid that someone might want to look at an autistic internet user
>Still using Laptop daily

I only think normies would put a piece of fucking tape over your webcam


I just blacked my built in one with permanent market and have one that isn't absolute garbage that I plug in when I need to use it

wtf i thought im the only one doing this , also almost no one knows how to do it


>believing that even if they have access to a turned off camera, they still can't access anything else
Your retarded


I would, if I had one

Yes and recent news tells you that Zuckerberg is in on it and not just paranoid. Its gonna come out that They are observong you almost constantly based on keywords.

This is a thread about protecting your webcam. My point is that anything people can obtain from my webcam alone is useless, so there is no point in covering it. I am under no delusion that the CIA cant remotely control my entire computer at any time, because it has been all but proven that they can. Great strawman. Why cant you just enjoy a mildly entertaining post and keep your stupidity to yourself?

I thnk you mean (((They)))

what a world we live in. fuck man
didn't think this was a feels thread


Why bother, I have a cell phone and an IP phone with a speakerphone in it on my desk, all are open to being exploited im sure.

I dont do or say shit in my office that i wouldnt want anyone else to have a recording of.

do u really think that u r so important that "they" will surveil u 24/7?

No, because the motherfucker is broken anyway.
And I can't afford sending it in for a few weeks to get it fixed.
Fuck you, Lenovo.

>comparing yourself to someone who actually has all the reasons to take all precautions
Your're retarded and insiginificant