ITT We insult each other like we are in elementary school

ITT We insult each other like we are in elementary school.

(extra credit: no swearing or you get yelled at by your mom/dad)


fuck you faggot
my mom and dad don't yell at me because they're shit parents who never wanted children

Found the bully.

Wanna talk about it champ?

i was in middle/high, i still feel bad about it when i go to sleep

it'll be ok user. Life isn't meant to be easy. Those who have it easy like with money, are likely still suffering some where.

When life gives you lemons, make lemon vodka!

I was super introverted until senior year, at which point I flipped and became a extrovert bully (and also homosexual) and sexually harassed smaller boys in my classes, being 6'4 180lbs helped

Op's a poopy head.

I meant to reference and

This guy jerks off to Elmo

did you at least make them show them their penis?


i was the opposite, i was really short but i fought alot so beating up on people wasn't a big deal, i cringe alot when i think back
eyes forward i suppose

You have cooties.



(OP here)
Ya know, all through school, I was never honestly bullied or bullied. I think I was A HANDFUL but not enough to matter. I think a lot of it had to do with me being in SPED most of my life so they may've seen me as "special" in the sense of autistic when I'm not.

I bet you like Sailor Moon!


Haha yeah sometimes, usually more stuff like pushing them up against walls/lockers so they felt my boner through my pants, or pinning their arms at their sides and kissing them, or just general touching them


get a life

You're actually pretty cool though... NOT!

Mis mackdaddy would u please stop touching my privates i dont like it it makes me feel uncomfortable

Yeah? Well if you like girls so much - WHY DON'T YOU MARRY ONE?

if i could do it over i would've went through school incognito, friends or not


That's not what your mom says.

What was it like being with the autistic kids in class? Any interesting stories?

I'm not even sure if you're even being serious any more. It sounds like a fantasy you want to play out.

Hey... words hurt.

don't lie, you enjoy it
honestly, I would love to do the same cept I want to NOT be in SPED. I would just tell myself not to be an idiot.

For the most part, I was just in a smaller class room with around 10 students at max and most of us had either severe ADHD and we took meds for it, or it was some deformed kid with no actual problems cept self esteem which was obv. Any of the REAL severe kids were in a completely separate where you could hear them yelling. Sometimes I had to take things to a teacher and it was like looking at preschool room with blocks and cubbies then it hit me that their mentality, isn't EVEN remotely up to mine. Now, we had some high functioning autistic kids. These kids were the ones that just didn't understand hygiene or how to socialize but god damn could they be amazing at school work.

I admit, cause of being in a room with kids with a lower mentality (not like they couldn't do anything they just sucked at socializing and so on), I myself sorta adapted on accident and at best, I would say I'm not autistic, but at least around MAYBE say mentally 17 and I'm 25. I know I'm an adult, but a lot of times it's super hard to act like one when you're entire life you're coddled to the point to being told everything is ok when you see a kid throw a desk at a teacher.

It didn't get bad till I was in highschool. There, I was sent cause my old teacher said "user, I think it's in your best interest to goto [said school]. I've heard great things about this school!"
"Oh coo! OK."
So I went and I regret it. I may have the education level of a 8th grader. and this is just thanks to not being able to learn and finding out that like 70% of what I was learning wasn't even up to standard.
It gets worse

libtard globalist degenerate cuck

I know you are but what am I?

So, as I was in this sped highschool, I would see kids so severe they had to be in a straight jacket. I saw kids that were the size of shack, strip down, then run the halls going "DERRRRRRRRRR!" then like 4 to 5 of the burly manly teachers tackle his ass and make him get dressed. I remember going to lunch one day and seeing gym teacher standing outside the restroom with this "I can't believe I'm doing this" expression on his face, like you knew he was also thinking "I'm not paid enough for this" waiting on a that same student to finish taking a shit so he could come in there and wipe him then put a fresh diaper on him.

God, I feel so bad for those teachers. I get you want to help out children and all, specially those who can't even speak or have even the mental capacity of a 7 year old, but then there's a limit.

I literally was the most normal, the "smartest" kid there. I was the one that constantly had to hook up the projector for my teachers. Most people there were technologically stupid.

For the most part, this school was technically a last resort school. It was a school where you would go if you got into trouble so much you went here.

This 1 girl I knew there I dated for about 2 weeks. She was sent here cause she got into a few fights. Nothing beyond a kiss but jesus was she hot.

This school sucked so much, they hardly got any funding for it. And being here, if you wanted to drop out and goto a finishing school like Phoenix, you had to have 2 years of normal highschool. Which means I was fucked unless I wanted to get my sped degree which literally means "ya! you attended a school that means nothing!" or get my GED.
Still don't have it cause it costs money I don't have.

One time, I'm sitting in a room and this kid starts biting his arm for no reason and then another starts calling himself stupid over and over while hitting his head. Then the same kid starts yelling "user DOESN'T LIKE ME!" referring to himself. This is when I knew I didn't belong..

Sounds awful, bro.
So, you didn't go to "regular" high school at all?

>This is when I knew I didn't belong..
The day before summer break.


ITT: queerbaits

OP is a faggot.

another part:
Story time!

BTW this is the same kid that was hitting himself calling himself stupid.
I thought this one kid was ok. I thought he was decent enough to talk to on and off so I gave him my facebook. BAD IDEA. Up to now, which has been almost 5 years, this guy has a literal crush on me and his mom knows too. He's around mentally 7 at least. I became his personal baby sitter. I would goto the mall with him and try my best to teach him to at least act like an adult. We would goto FNM (I'm a nerd and I love it), and he was ok there but sucked at magic. I took him along just to take him cause I needed a ride to play. People knew me and the guy too, this was around 3 years ago. We are both adults right? Well everyone knows us, even the staff, I go take a piss, I tell him "I'll be back in a minute, stay here." Within 30 seconds, I come back, 3 teens run up to me and the first one asks

"what's his problem?"

another kid says "He started to freak out and yell for no reason"

I grabbed him and took him outside of the gaming shop and asked him what the fuck was his damage.

"I'm sorry user, I just, the lights started to hurt my eyes."

"That's no excuse for you to start yelling and screaming like a 7 year old! This is the shit right here why you can't have friends or be by yourself in public!"

Come to find out, his brother is ALSO autistic but he's in college, he has social issues but for the most part, he's not an idiot and keeps to himself. Sad part his DAD their is the key to all this. I talk to his mom on and off about him. She use to call me almost daily asking me to help her out. I'm like"He's YOUR son, you've dealt with him since birth."
He hardly listens to her at all. I had to message him on facebook to behave or he would get taken away. Shit, my mom and I don't get along sometimes, but we come to an understanding. She told me he gets violent. This mom is going to stress herself out into an early grave


shut up u COCK

Nyah nyah nyuh nyah nyan
Op posts at Sup Forums!

The mom and I talked for about 35 minutes 2 weeks ago. She wanted to talk to me about him again. I told her "If you don't have suicidal/homicidal thoughts at this point, I'd be VERY surprised" and being real with her, she honestly got it. I have 2 teachers on my facebook, 1 I've literally known since I was 5. I just looked her up. I goto her when I need a bit of social help or just want to see what's up. She was one of the best teachers I ever had. She was so happy that I found her and she remembered so much about me. Then a teacher from highschool. She's chill, she's closer in age.

Both of them, I explained everything to them even what now. They both told me "If this is causing you so much stress, you need to cut him out of your life. You're not qualified to handle someone with autism as severe as his"

I told him and his mom, if they want to see me, for now on it's going to cost 40 bucks. Now, I know this seems harsh at first, but my mental health is something too. that is the price of my sushi, starbucks and possibly some packs of Pokemon (I'm a nerd and I play the Pokemon TCG fuck you)

I couldn't handle it any more. I told him I needed some compensation if this is going to cont. He doesn't get that he's a serious problem and he NEEDS more help. It's taken him almost 7 months to gather 40 bucks... This is sad.

I wanted to SO bad. I didn't get the chance too. I went to my step brother's highschool to pick up transfer papers so he can get home schooled. No, he's literally fucking lazy and has no friends. I went to his school and omg, I wanted to cry. I was so jealous of this school. I wanted to go here then. I wanted to feel like a student, like a teenager in normal highschool. Not having my every move watched by some teacher.

Granted, I was one of the better students, so they let me bring music and listen to that so I could actually work.

So do you!