My crazy brother has been doing weird stuff again, he wrote a simplified how to on emotional telepathy...

My crazy brother has been doing weird stuff again, he wrote a simplified how to on emotional telepathy, it's kind of a life hack on using your mind body connection to sync circadian rhythm he explained, Wat Do?

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>My yuppie brother doesn't understand me and wants to have me commited. Now he thinks he's a chef cause he's barefoot and orders from that step by step blue apron list. Whatever should I do, 'cause I cannot connect to him telepathically

Your brother is either doing bath salts or spice or he's schizophrenia

leave a note telling your brother he's a faggot

He has also previously slapped my five year old and wiping his ass with the cat, help please?


Quite clearly you are both incapable of thinking for yourselves and should stop trying to communicate with the other humans in the future.


Ask him to help you open your anal Chakra with his spirit stick

I've studied schizophrenia and sometimes they see weird patterns in nature and the universe that a person without that level of dreaming ability just find weird or can't see, would you call Einstein schizophrenic cause you can't imagine relativity, it also might be that you are envious of that skill

He seems normal to me, nice dubs

Is he planning on starting a cult?

Yea called Sup Forums which he says he invented and used a patsy named moot to be his scapegoat, yesterday he said I might be the antichrist, I Might? What the fuck guys?


Jenius your brother is the next Alfred Bernstien, hip hip hooray

It doesn't work like that.
Your brother is just making stuff up because of boredom. Gib him some literature about astral projections n chakras or something, if he is that eager to become a wizard.

Its easy to shoot down an idea that you can't comprehend, and he says he has mastered the mind body connection / disconnection and by making his heart rate and breathing change to someone else's he can feel similar emotional states, not professor x stuff like passing a note in class, just emotions and he gives examples all the time

Holy shit, your brother is one deprived lonely son of a bitch, get him some friends, help or a psychiatrist, possibly all 3

Them dubs don lie mon

He said he doesent like people, and psychiatrists are people, this is him and his dog who he talks to all the time

What the duck is going on here?

I get it

There is a god, and he is crazy

I don't please explain this psycobable to me

Sounds like my friend back when we used to sling special K. He started getting high on his own (endless) supply. Eventually his synapses were misfiring to the point where his brain's sequencing was hed see a car crash, and think it was happening in the future, then believe he caused it by thinking of it first.

I wanna be crazy now, what a weird dream I'm in, did I just find the secrets to telepathy from where I come to fap wtf?

I've been there too dude, what I learned is that when you fuck with time and space it fucks back, you can see an event happen before it happens and can't stop it from happening


His entire waking life feels like he's in an interrogation room and the people on the other side of the mirror is the outside world. Waiting for his confession. He better do it or else. Anything he says can and will be told it'a wrong so he better get it right, and every time someone says he is wrong it is like they are saying HE is wrong, his EXISTENCE is wrong. He's constantly in the interrogation room in his mind, and you are one of the people on the other side of the mirror.
It's a miserable life.

>Wat do?
Just roll with it. Agree with him and tell him that's cool. His life is miserable enough as it is, don't add to it, just roll with it. schizophrenic people are more interesting than normies.

I'd leave him be, actually seems interesting.
How old is he?

He also told me once he talked to a trans dimensional being who can control the electrical synaptic activity in brains, what a goof eh