R.I.P Jimmy Page


It's real :(

>yfw it's real

mods sticky

fuck its real

he died on my birthday damn...


I wish

>black blues musicians die
>jimmy dies
Fucking hack, ripping them off again

Fuck him and his shit band . Who's rolling for RHCP plane to crash

>talentless hack dies

nothing to see here, move on boys

Next death is pic related


dubs and he becomes a god among men, singles, well, The Christmas album is gonna sound alot sadder this year...

bye b wilson


i know too much about his personal life. i was okay with knowing Jimmy Page the pretty talented but kinda overrated celebrity guitarist guy. not so fond that I also know him as Jimmy Page the underage fucking (alleged) rapist at least a couple or so times creeper.

not real fuck off

it is real

nice meme faggot

who gives a shit


holy fuck, I thought for sure this was a troll...


single digit confirms it's true, f


A fuckin legend. it makes me sad. All the drugs caught up with him I guess.