How do I go about harvesting the sweet nut meat Within?

How do I go about harvesting the sweet nut meat Within?

Preferably without losing any of the sweet nut milk

Hold it over a beaker and use machete to break it down the middle. I've got a specialized one for coconuts but i guess any heavy knife/seaxe will do

Coconuts do not contain milk.

The fluid they contain is not sweet.

If you have a hand held power drill that seems like the obvious solution. If not then freeze that bitch so the nut milk inside is frozen as well then crack her in half however you want and you shouldn't let a single drop or that glorious white nut juice go to waste. You fucking faggot

rolling for hit it with hammer

It's called coconut water. It becomes "milk" when you grind the white stiff inside and squeeze it over the coconut water

hammer and nail. pull nail out, drain.

Its disapointing, trust me.

Then put in a bag, and smash off something hard.

Hold nut in one hand and smack it on the equator with the back of a butcher knife. If it doesn't go first time, rotate and hit again.
Do it over a bowl to catch the water.
Peel flesh away with butter knife.
Then cut off brown stuff on oitside of flesh with potato peeler

I burrowed in with a knife. Its more like a water i collected. The gypsy lied to me. I guess i put it in a pillow case and whip it against the basement floor now

Coconut milk is made by grinding the white flesh inside. What you have is coconut water, which is a suspension for the coconut's endosperm; so basically coconut semen.

Use something sturdy but narrow like a flat head screwdriver and poke a hole through one of the three spots on the end of the coconut. Only one of the holes is soft enough for this. You can then pour the juice out into a glass.

Then just start whacking the coconut round the center of it with either the back of a heavy knife or be lazy and use a hammer. The thing will pop in half at which point you simply stick something like a butterknife between the meat and shell and pop out the good bits.

Nigga no, follow my above post, its easy, and dubs

I just held it in my hand and smacked it against the floor. Once

I just pulled it apart. Wasnt that bad

>which is a suspension for the coconut's endosperm; so basically coconut semen

fuck youre stupid.

I can eat it with the this brown paperlike stuff? I mean is it safe, i just did

Like an animal

This is way better than that shredded crap. No comparison

Dont eat the brown part you twat. Just scrape the white parts out

To much work. Plus i need ruffage in my diet

Take a hammer and a screwdriver. Use the hammer to drive the screwdriver through the eyes. Pour the water out. Then you can chop it much more safely because you already have the water.

I'm not a coconut expert but that works.