Why do trump supporters want to kill their own children by destroying earth?

Why do trump supporters want to kill their own children by destroying earth?

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i don't have any children and with my lifestyle i'll be dead before i'm 50

why wouldn't they want to?

id do the earth a favor and kill faggots like op to prevent fucktardedness from multiplying

You don't actually think that

I don't have any children and I don't care about other people's children. I don't even like kids.

I'm tired of being mildly inconvenienced for the sake of someone else's lifetime. I can't even get plastic bags at the grocery store for fuck's sake. Have to walk out of there carrying everything like a savage so some guy a hundred years from now can live.

Talk about entitled. I almost thought you were a liberal.

Wah wah


I don't want kids and i don't care about what happens with the planet after i die.

Why do Hilary supports want to kill children in the womb at their convenience? Look I can ask dumb questions that generalize millions of people too.

Inbreeding is already doing that so they have nothing to lose.

Global warming is a Zionist hoax designed to stifle first world industry and foster Marxism. Look it up.

to make a buck or two

OPs question was better but he's still a fag, so whatever.

Why do Hillary supporters want the democrats to rape their children by summoning Moloch?

mostly because I hate people who unironically say "we're destroying the earth" and want to see them suffer for their retardation

Scurvy was made by the illuminati to encourage the consumption of oranges, which causes discrepancies in penis size, so that we're too preoccupied to notice that the earth is flat.

I can say stupid things too.

i'm immune to global warming i have a portable air conditioner.

I agree that environmentalism is important, AGW is a hoax though.

I'm immune because I have a brain and see through the bullshit.


No it isn't.


you ever read the communist manifesto? i'm kinda doubting it


How do you wanna do this...do you want me to present me evidence first or do you wanna do yours

You first.

Cultural Marxism is what he's describing, not economic Marxism.

both are equally shit

If you could prove that assertion you'd win the Nobel Prize and the $1 million that goes with it.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

they are sexless neet virgins. they dont care about that


Because I'd rather end my bloodline than have them grow up in a feminist world.

Cultural Marxism and cultural relativism anger me to no end.

Thinking that somehow white Europeans are purely evil and that the earth was at peace with itself before the Europeans set out to conquer all.....wtf?

The temperatures the earth is currently experiencing are well within the natural variability of the Holocene Period (geological name for the current stage of the earth's life cycle).

The main theory behind AGW is that the earth started warming as industrialization picked up (1800's), which coincided with the natural rise in the temperature (check pic related). This coincidence seems to form the basis of most of the theory behind AGW.

Besides, if it was industrialization and C02 that caused the earth to heat up we would all be fucking dead lol. China is producing absurd amounts of gases compared to industrial era Europe, if it really had the affect people claimed we would be dead.

No he wouldn't. He's wrong, but if by some miracle he weren't, the left would go into full panic mode and probably have him shot

Marxism: the radical idea that the working man is being fucked over by corrupt elites

Current form feminism is a social phase. It'll be gone in a couple years. A lot of those people are already starting to grow up and turn against themselves.

Marxism: the radical idea that

a) the state should control economics
b) all people are inherently the same and the only identity is class
c) all rich are inherently evil

shit tbh


I hope you're right, dude.

Because they think that ruining the Earth will somehow make America 'great' (whatever that means) again. No use talking to them about it; they're too deranged to change their minds on their own.


assblasted lib spotted

>the warming is natural

No natural warming process can account for the rate of temperature increase, nor current rates of ocean acidification, nor the current CO2 isotope ratio shift.

If you can explain all of that with a natural process, you would win the Nobel prize and overturn the last 150 years of physics and chemistry in the process.

Natural cycles of heating and cooling are real, but the fact is that the current speed of warming is unprecedented, and can only be explained by human activity.

Read everything on this page because I don't have the energy to retype it.
ucsusa org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/science/human-contribution-to-gw-faq html# WMy3HbUz7YU

I addressed the temperature change in my post, show me a graph that shows exactly how much the earth is warmed. It won't be over 3 degrees. This is all within the natural variability of the Holocene period.

Not as familiar with the others.

Marxism criticizes a capitalist system of imperfect competition, that, because it is imperfect, can't be considered captalist, in a true captalist system of perfect competition the social classes do not opose to each other but converge in the same direction.
The logic of the systeme is efficiency, efficiency benefit the society as a whole.

Don't worry, it'll only kill the weak ones.

Actually, maybe you should worry.


because fuck this earth, that's why

>in just a few hundred billion years all of creation will experience an energy death
>no life will be safe anywhere in the known universe
Why are we even trying to fix the earth again? Not like it matters. It's like trying to fix a leaky faucet in Haiti.

I would just have a look at s,n,a,p.c.h,a.t,y(.)me to share your ex-gfs nudes.

>implying that doesn't make perfect sense

How do we even know scurvy is a real thing? I mean have you personally ever SEEN scurvy kill someone?

I mean sure it's in the JEW media, and the JEW doctors "treat" people for it, but have you ever actually SEEN someone DIE from scurvy?

I didn't fucking think so. This entire world is going to shit and I for one will not be one of the sheeple just blindly walking to the slaughter house.

Selfishness knows no bounds. Just ask my wife.

I imagine you as this


i unironically think the guy in pic related could kick your ass

Is nao cringe thred??

Look at these graphs from your link. Look at the temperature rise it shows. Now look at my graph. The variability of the Holocene is +/- 3 degrees.

roll 1

The RATE of warming cannot be explained by any natural process. The temperature has changed dramatically in the past, and scientists know why those changes happened. Consequently, they also know why this warming event is happening as well.

If you don't think humans are causing the warming, that's fine. But then you have to say what process IS causing the warming. You can't just say it's within normal fluctuations and then fail to describe what process is causing those fluctuations. Your hypothesis must not only explain the rate of warming, but ocean acidification and the shift in atmospheric CO2 isotopes as well.

The burning of fossil fuels is the only hypothesis that can explain all of the data. If you have a better explanation, you should submit it and win the Nobel.

ITT: Wishful thinking Trumpbots who think they know more about climate science than actual climate scientists.

Top Kek.

Show me the distinction between the rate of warming in the previous Holocene warming instances and this one.

It's about the rate that it's happening at. Natural global heating and cooling happens, but over longer periods of time. If we wait until it's out of that +/- 3 range, we're going to be in a lot of trouble.
Their are various other graphs on that page that show that the temperature changes are man caused.
This one shows that natural causes of climate change are being vastly outweighed by human caused greenhouse gas emissions.

Because all trump voters are childless single voters who are addicted to masturbating to anime.

Have you ever read a scientific study of any variety?


Is there anything comparing the distinction previous rates of change and this one?

I say comparing because it's important that context is provided. Like I tried to show, saying the earth's temperature increased by .8 degrees Celsius is meaningless considering the broader context.

>As the Earth moved out of ice ages over the past million years, the global temperature rose a total of 4 to 7 degrees Celsius over about 5,000 years. In the past century alone, the temperature has climbed 0.7 degrees Celsius, roughly ten times faster than the average rate of ice-age-recovery warming.


Trumpbots just don't want the Earth-rape party to end.

But its over - whether they like it or not.

See this guys post

I swear I'm not trying to be stubborn here, and it could just be that I'm missing something, but why are they comparing the rate of change of the ice age recovery period and not the Holocene?

It doesn't really seem like meaningful data considering there have been ten thousand years of other temperature shifts in the current cycle to provide better context.

There is no proof that global warming is caused by human interference, the anthropogenic global warming theory is still a theory.

put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.

I missed the scientific study that proved we're literally about to remove the earth from existence. Get a clue kiddo

Pre 1900 climate changes are considered models for acceptable natural change. Post 1900 climate changes are occurring faster than at any time in the past 65 million years. Sorry, but I don't have a graph for that.
However, those other graphs from my previous link clearly show the relationship between human activity and global warming.


Ooh spicy. Someone doesn't understand chemistry and the unique isotope of CO2 that is only given off from the burning of fuels by humans that we've been measuring for over half a century... Oh wait, you'll just pull a turd out of your ass and tell me its gold. Well, good luck with life. I'm sure you live a fruitful one where your afraid of everything that's not in your little box.

Yeah.. and Early men learned how to make fire so they can cook prepare things out of Grain and make you gluten tolerant.. I swear the society Illuminati was active way before men had any idea of society.

They call it theory because it's a theory if was a natural law they would call natural law, being a theory means that can be true or not.

Laws give us formulas to predict outcomes of certain things. Theories give us explanations of why those things occur.
Newtons law of universal gravitation vs the theory of gravity.

And the proof of man made climate change comes from the knowledge that the changes are happening rapidly, the knowledge of what greenhouse gases do, and the knowledge of where all the greenhouse gases are coming from. It's just a little less direct than what some people want.