How do u beat depression ?

how do u beat depression ?

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Stroke penis


kill yourself

What's got you down?

Is this a female?

Magic Mushrooms.

Not literally a permanent magic cure, but maybe the closest thing to it.

Snapping you out of your perspective is so beautiful.

exerciese, self care, and drugs

Would you like some water kind sir?

Scroll down, listen:

Does that mean no?

this is so not true if you're currently suffering from depression. psychedelics like mushrooms and LSD are like a magnifying glass for your current emotion. if you're feeling suicidally depressed you'll likely feel much much worse.

however if you're in a positive environment, have positive people around and are in the right mindset to utilize a psyche to open your mind and possibly find new perspectives on a non chemical depression give it a try.

I have anxiety/depression, and if I kill the anxiety with alcohol before I take a psychedelic; I feel really, really good.

You don't, you learn to cope and you do a little better each time.

he's calling you thirsty you thirsty ho

with stimulant drugs

>hur dur you like looking at hot women lol so thirsty haha xD

Sorry I forgot there are literal children on Sup Forums

Just stop being depressed.....

I went through depression, came close to killing myself, and then decided one day i just wanted to try to be happy, I started to force my self to smile, i forced my self to talk to people, and eventually my outlook got better, and if you are a child..... just wait to grow up

Lots of sun. Especially early morning. If you can be outside when the sun rises everyday, i guarantee the depression will subside. That and exercise

exibit a

Fuck you. That's not how depression works at all, and your "JUST GET OVER IT" horse garbage "advice" is stupid and dangerous.

This is not at all true for people legitimately suffering from depression. There have been times where I've been wishing, hoping, praying even that I could be my old self again, doing everything right to come out of it, and nothing changed. Then, randomly, things started to change. "Depressed" and "feeling down" are not synonymous.

It isn't "just get over it", Its "go out and put in the effort to be happy", There is no magic cure, the only way to get over depression, TRUELY get over depression, is find a reason to live.

No drug will just make you happy, and the help of others can only get you so far, If you are depressed, then You, and only You, have to put in the work,

If you aren't willing to do that then you are just waiting to die

Your mad lulz

sex and depression medication

You get that some people have legitimate chemical imbalances etc. and "LOL JUST LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE" is about as helpful and effective as saying "CANCER? JUST BE MORE POSITIVE," yeah?
