Life is empty

life is empty
anyone out there?

i just got over a bad ear infection and this pic is buggin me

I'm not
sure why
you put that
in a separate

for you



this thread got fucked up fast







op is glad
people exist at this moment






you guys give me so much hope




waiting for the sunrise




Life is how you view yourself and how you share your reality with others via verbal and non verbal language. Nihilism is shit cancer and you should fight it. Death is boring and final, there's plenty of things in life that make it worth it. More so if you live in a decent country





baby goblin shark






i just feel an comforting sadness
i know
sounds like an edgy teenager
but its the way it is
i feel stuck




wtf is this growing off the spider


go check out the other boards, b is shit, try out a new hobby, or pretend to be a smart person and lurk or play a game at with real life people not on a screen.

its a rare fungus that spreads its spores on a specific type of spider, not killing it in the process, some have anti bacterial proprieties to keep it alive longer, very scifi.

>this on the other hand is a sea pussy.




your an angel among demons
yes im a fag bla bla bla
keep it up







its a pug, they are all this weird.


I'm here

Why haven't you showed up in my life yet you dick


this is the only footage of this squid thing. neat.





There's a part of you that wants to give up and another that wants to enjoy life. You have to know what you want and not feel guilty for anything. You're probably a good person so why don't you reach out to things you enjoy?

I decided I liked bdsm and I've met a shit ton of cool people through fetlife. Some douchey people too but I don't associate with them. There's parties and I get my ass beat and it's great




im here dude
lets stick this shit out together

There are things beyond death.

exactly, go pick out a hobbie board and try something new in real life, is just a deck of mtg cards away from real human interaction with similar sad people, and children,

or, just be a degenerate, but a degenerate in real life.

find a meaning :)

Anybody have those japanese ear cleaning videos? It looks like they're pulling dried scrambled egg out

oh those are somekind of parasites larva i think, or it could be its babies. Im betting on parasites.

>these are babies i think

>the time it takes for you to find its head, is time it takes to bite you






these are real btw, bone desnity machines of some kind

You don't know that though. god could be a giant chicken


I hope not.


my nutsack looks like that is that ok


ur fine. just don't get blue balls.

Fucking Cazadors...




gallium spoons, cool shit






man Sup Forums is acting slow and shitty tonight.