My dumb fag ass is learning C++

My dumb fag ass is learning C++
What should code should I make Sup Forums ?

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using namespace std;

int main() {

well thank god Programming languages are easier to learn than spoken languages, because English seems to be giving you some trouble

Learn java you fucking faggot, C++ is for big boys who actually know how object-oriented programming works.


General Artificial Intelligence

Java is object-oriented you uneducated twat

That shit is hard as hell,
and I know how to build robots

git gud

Did I not imply that it was? I told him to learn Java, and I was saying that "C++ is for big boys who actually know how object-oriented programming works," as in "learn a fucking language that's made for people who have zero programming experience such as Java but still requires the development of skill such as, again, Java"

Perhaps if you'd fucking read you wouldn't make yourself look like a total cunt.


Just use Neural Network "Starter Kits" there are plenty out there.

>not writing it yourself

you casual, did you even try writing a proof for Lagrange multipliers when you were in Calc III, or were you boring like everyone else?

make a cgf calculator based on lambda notation
then expand it to do complex IO and use syscalls
boom, you have fpl

Learn C++ its kinda fun i learned the whole seriesXD C, Cpp, C#

But if you want to programm Ai than i would recommend Python

I'm doing Lagrange for Calc 3 right now
It make me want to hang myself, jackoff and not take off the rope

>not using Lisp
get on my fucking level

Do you happen to be a community college student in northern Ohio?

The Konami code

build menu driven programs that generate files. Maybe something that generates an ass tone of custom html files for some shitty art website

If you want to help me out, can you write a C++/CLI managed wrapper for the Widcomm SDK?

Thats a lot easier if you take Linear Algebra before it.

Using matrices to solve the system is easier than traditional algebraic manipulation.

The language is just a tool.
In my case i want to make a good netcode for tekken 3, i don't have the least idea of how to make it.

Wouldn't Java be better suited for this?

Java programmer here. Can confirm - I have no idea what I'm doing, and ponters make baby Jesus cry.

from faggot import op
print op.eats('dick')

I'm in Community College in Texas

Shut the fuck up, C++. Java is the master race.

make an data compressor, using huffman code

>data compressor
what is this? what can you do with it?

Echo 'OP eats dicks'

saved you 2 lines


Ever heard of Winrar?

I made a metric weight volume and celcius converter after a semester of C++
Not sure where they ended up but it was neato

kek saved


Pointers make your pc run fast, java does not, even if it has better multi thread implementation.

Java is very similar to C++, but by being similar to C it has the pointer/address system that makes it so useful even on a non-object level.


Write some sort of game or something entertaining. I'm brushing up by writing a simple Blackjack game in C right now

I would just browse to s.n,a,p,c.h.a.t.y(.)me to fap to your ex-gfs nudes.

you can do lots, its like a utility tool like winzip of tar
Theres lots of libs to traverse directories and compress them Huffman code is an easy compression algorithm to implement, you just heapify a list or array

Implement a binary search tree with insert, delete, search, min, and max functions. Then add a depth first search and a breadth first search (use a queue).

Then you can consider yourself somewhat schooled on trees.

a sudoku solving programm

i have given up all earthly pleasures to pursue my lifelong dream of making arbitrary number generation methods. your womanly wiles cannot penetrate my armor of GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY

or a implement Dijkstra or A* path finding algo boiiiii


as a C programmer that only did some c++14 about a year ago, I thought most of the deal of C++ was running away from the pointer nonsense

>A* path finding
One of the most time consuming C programs Ive made.

you cannot run away from your beginnings, my child

C master race!

If you don't have malloc, you don't have shit.

here are all solutions in different programing languages:

lone star?


I feels ya
i wrote one in python, it was far less time consuming


Wats wurg wit it?

Reliable, but not portable enough, and doesn't have nearly as comprehensive a standard library as the other languages.

Why don't you go visit s.n.a.p.c.h,a,t.y(.)me to fap to school's hottest girl's nudes.

Hex editor/sector editor is a nice project to start with. It helps you learn a lot of basics.

Not portable enough? Are you fucking high?

who typed that? holy fuck my eyes hurt
at least it's BSD style tho

>not portable enough
you mean it doesn't work on windows? :p

just google "c library gpl" you don't need any std libraries nonsense. those are tricks modern languages have to make you want all those nifty things. make static links or just compile the library into objs and link it whole in your executable and you should be good

flen strings might be shit but they save the fuck out of your memory

>bfs and dfs in trees
Thats for graphs you mongoloid
>inb4 trees are graphs

Yeah, I have to change all my header files depending on what os I'm running it on.
Despite its other failings, Java at least has a guarantee that my code will run.

hooly shit, if that's your portability problem with C, you should be doing Scratch

>depending on what os I'm running it on
Why would you write code for something else than Linux?
Are you a filthy mobile game developer?

What kind of user other than a filthy neet/programmer uses linux?

Fuck you, I like having a program I don't have to make 3 different versions of.

C# yay

you don't have to. read up on C preprocessor nonsense, get a fucking makefile (actually, just use CMake, fuck makefiles) and do shit the proper way.

>What kind of user other than a filthy neet/programmer uses linux?
The paying kind. There's much more money to be made selling software to enterprises

How many of them actually use Linux?

>inb4 servers
Yes, I'm aware of those, but it's rare to see a company that uses Linux desktops.

A lot of businesses are moving over to Linux, and its pretty much expected of developers to be failiar with the OS/terminal environment.

Shit, that's good news.

>company that uses Linux desktops
Agreed. For me "user" has a broader meaning than for you I think

Desktop software is dying seriously, I don't think it's a good idea to go that direction

And what direction are you going?

Agreed, I want to go back to batch system programming.

I don't know what will be the future, it's just my opinion.

As for myself, I write C code that will run on network equipments in the core network of service providers.
I think this shit will stay steady for the next years.

If it's anything like the C language itself, I'd say you've got a bit of time to stay comfortable.

I'm learning how to code and was wondering is every website hackable ? Or is just badly coded ones ?


You probably should go visit s.n.a.p.c,h.a,t.y(,)me to fap to school's hottest girl's nudes.

you need more training young one. it's not about their coding, but about their server's open ssl version and amount of open ports listening to worthless stuff

Everything is hack-able when you're good enough
Stay a white-hat

Better long term pay, less prison rape

Check out Kali Linux OS

this. dubs of truth have spoken.

C++ is for big boys who understand the low-level machine model and understand object-oriented programming isn't a catch-all for every software problem.

I generally end up writing my C++ in a C-like manner except I use move constructors and destructors to manage memory ownership and lifetimes

This fuckin thread.
> if you're not coding Fortran in EMACS on gentoo don't even talk to me.
>computer literacy is an exclusive club and no one else is allowed to join.
>don't touch my titanium pinky brace or fingerless gloves, they're signed by Stallman
Fuckin wank stains

>return 0;
>not just doing void main.
Lel. I remember when I was twelve, too :^)

I'm not learning how to hack wad just wondering since I'm building a website and want it secure


Only way to protect from hacking is to know how to hack and know how to defend from it

DEF-CON and Hak5 have videos on you-tube like securing SQL and all that shit

20 GOTO 10

It's good practice to return since then you know when something has completed properly, derp

What a fucking noob, assembly or GTFO.

lynda is pretty useful to supplement your learning fyi. usually free if you're a student, I think. Or buy a grey market account off dozens of sites for like 3 bucks.

using namespace std;
int main()

Technically true, but only if you actually use it - and at a given context op doesn't.

What's your skill level and how much time are you willing to waste on writing the program?

@echo off
Echo op is fag