Can we get a 2000-2007 thread going? I'm feeling extremely nostalgic for that era for some reason

Can we get a 2000-2007 thread going? I'm feeling extremely nostalgic for that era for some reason.

TR has to be my no#1 guilty pleasure movie. it's cringeworthy and dumb, but hot damn angelina is hot.

>it's cringeworthy
Not really.

lara's bad girl attitude is.

nuff said.

Billion times better then modern strong women personalities they are trying to push.

>Mfw sister unearthed a bunch of photos from early 90's/mid 2000's the other day with our old house and shit

Also one of the earliest movies i can remember watching in a conscious manner is the flubber one

some of my favorite 2000 core movies i didn't see until last year


just saying that her over the top persona is ridiculous. I enjoy the movie nevertheless.

Jurassic Park 3 is a genuinely good fucking movie.

Man, Josie was such a cutie.

is that tara reid on the left? i never got her, like she wasn't really ugly but nowhere near special

>aw shit!

Meh, I liked it. I think it's better than Jurassic World, at least.

>josie and the introduction to subliminal messaging
one of my favs as a kid tbqh

b-but muh t-rex :(((((


>tfw sporty spice keeps interrupting my faps

TR is honestly a watchable flick except for the part where they run up the CGI pyramid.

That looked so damn bad.


all i would watch when i was 7 because we had no good channels but hbo for some odd reason.