Anyone here plays tibia ?

Anyone here plays tibia ?

ITT tibia

I prefer fibula.

i used to play tibia for like a decade. it is a path that does not lead to success.

hunting in fibula?

Holy shit I remember this. Programmer friend of mine told me to try it out. Game is hard as fuck. Got off noob island only to get ran over by goblins and trying to get loot people put in area's you can't access. Waste of my life.

i was one of the ones standing in the Thais depot back in 1999, scared to leave the city

occasionally when i was gutsy, id fish off the boat west of the Thais depot

199 ek on harmonia and 148 ed on antica.. sorry for not being 600+

I do, leave your world/char name

Not even gonna lie, the only reason that i knew of this game before this thread was becuase pewdoepie did 2 videos on it

I do. Played since 2001.
Online right now actually.

Game got worse during past 6 years but hopefully the BattlEye update in a week will fix the botting issue

I remember screaming for help when a Hunter was attacking me, thought it was a pk. Damn motherfuckers had 160 distance fighting

Depots in 1999 did not have pz.
Newfag detected

Max level/vocation?

I reached 596 on my ed and sold it recently. Currently playing on a 360+ ms and 410+ ek on antica :)

i spent so much time into this game without archieving anything but a good time. i already met my ex-girlfriend there, we've been together for almost 2 years

played as a druid on former askara, now yanara and i still play sometimes but mostly for nostalgia

Something about tibia that never makes u quit. U always end up coming back.

One of the best MMOs i have ever played. Easily top 3 MMO of all time.

>You'll never forget your first Dragon
It's true lads, god bless you Beadle wherever you are

I am Beadle, you remember that dragon hunt? you almost died from the fireblast


Which world did Beadle start in fam

I still play.
Give me free items.


Plays on rowanada, 142 rp
mack facer

Fuck rl tibia,boters tons stuff 4 tibia coins,only Anticia still good best ot server right now 3 years online 1500+ players online everyday 10.10 tibia version

I still remember the first people i ever met.

I played astera, early 2000's.... was at the house by the water south east of thais trolls. A guy named Balmun taught me how to make LMM runes (people legit used them back then).

Second guy I met was a guy called Ver-Dungo. Met him at dwarf bridge, he was in a guild called White Knights (lul). It had like 700 members and was one of the biggest guilds at that time.

Then I met a girl (probably guy irl) named Burrito. Was namelocked and changed to Natasha of Astera. We shared room in GH. She said she was from Amsterdam and her name was Natasha. She stole my fucking c-set and boh. Damn scammer.

I contacted Spocq (who was leader of guild, his char still exists) and Tiger Stripes & Netzilla (vices) and they kicked her and helped me get a new set and hunted with me at the orc rider spawn north of thais near greenshore. They powerlvld me to lcl 35~

Good old days. Fucking loved those guys.

Also Cleya Talone and Demonslayer Jay..... wherever u guys are now. Some deleted, some retired.

Damn just looked em up.
Some got prem even
And recent login dates

I gotta make a char on astera

Oh yea, netzillas friend was called pendejo. And every time i did exiva on him all latinamericans laughed their ass off.

Op here
Doing hydra task atm, loot sucks ^^
But aint that 99% of all hunts :D

I played on Libera back in 2003 - 2006. I remember it being fun but hard as hell.

Ah.... Kapten Andersson owned the house west of thais dp. He had a warrior outfit with the noob colors. A guy named Yil had a house +1 north of the old bank in thais.

So many memories from astera.

Also Lill Essik (or was it essic with a c) and her rl mother Essik, in the Fireblades guild. They helped me lvl a lot too.

Fking hell i miss those days.
I was like 10 years old.

I am doing the Firewalker achievement right now on antica.
Doing it while i can. U can auto walk on flash client by putting a weight on 2 arrow keys and ur char walks nonstop back and forth. I think cip removes flash in the battleye update so gotta complete it before that.

Im through the scale of corruption teleport in zao :) come find me. Im at that npc Zizzle. Semi afk

Cipsoft delete my 4 cassino acconts one with banker with 40kk on morta Fuck.

I used to sell casino scripts a few years ago, for xeno and windbot. People still use them haha? There are easier ways to make profit. Just resell rares in market


I played in the days it was
The first client with the book.
A Magazine triggeted me. The pc Joker.

I was most on fibula. The rr guild dith his dungeon you have to pay for.
In the old days with gouhls snd 2 ds in rot dungeon.

There was a guy. Merlino.
I often stayed there. In the barn. Endless talking and broadcasting.

all server no max 24/7 profit as hell but 40kk in morta hurts me bc ccs in morta are expensive