Why should you get to define how I view my own body? Fuck off, I'm happy just the way I am ^_^

Why should you get to define how I view my own body? Fuck off, I'm happy just the way I am ^_^

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congestive heart failure and strokes...

Hate =/= disgust and disapproval of certain smells

lol kill yourself you fat fucking cunt

For your bait

Troll harder, OP.


more power to ya, then. however, you subscribe to your most base instincts like a pig in a pen. you’re so addicted to food that you cannot stop eating even when it’s slowly killing you



Has to be the dumbest question I've heard, why should we get to define how u, U, view ur body, can I ask u how we are defining how u view ur body? I'm pretty sure I'm not the bald guy from x men.

being fat is a disease

do you hate smokers or skydivers or people who drive without a seatbelt?
If you hate people for risking their life then for some reason you disproportionately hate fat people


This makes me actually think quite hard. The fatness of other retards does not only cost me money, but could also put my life in danger

>Why should you get to define how I view my own body?
well, if you want to get past the age of 30...


> I need fat acceptance
> I love my fat body

Why does she need fat acceptance if she's happy being fat? This sign makes no sense.

It's not like I really 'hate' fat people I jsut don't want to have enything to do with them.
If they can't respect and take care of themselves why waste my time? It's more that i'm discusted

This is unfair. As a fat able bodied woman I make accommodations for all sorts of disabilities, but because mine is viewed negatively by society I'm somehow putting others at risk? Just another example of fat hate in our fatphobic society.

I generally don't care what people do as long as it does not harm me physically

Yes, though in a real fire, fatty would get pushed over and trampled on. Might take some effort to tip it over.

so OP and other people like her are a risk to human life during disaster situations. well i probably should tell my fat friends to fuck off then since i have a good reason

ppl that stopped being fat report more happiness

fat chicks get a big thumbs down from me

Just another saw wining and trying to get attention

>I'm somehow putting others at risk?

Here's a question, why does anybody have to recpect u, why do u try to force ur fatness on people?

You can love your body all you want, just don't expect other people to think you look good. The problem is that whale in your pic needs "fat validation" to justify her lazy lifestyle. If everyone "accepted" her obesity, then she would feel no internal pressure to exercise or eat healthier.

I dunno, fat people are great friends to have during a zombie apocalypse or if an animal is chasing you. You just need to be less fat than them and you will not be killed first.

If it was a real fire, you could just climb over him.

My guess is they saw all the transnigger pavementkin semi-homofluid acceptance and want to capitalize on it.

>during a zombie apocalypse
I would be afraid of them trying to kill me for food tbh

I dont know man, if you were a healthy intelligent human being (aka not a weak ass girl) you could've just shoved the chunker out of the way.

Being polite to the fatso in a life or death situation is anti-eugenic and proof that the poster in that pic should die in a fire.

I hate fat people so fucking much. It's so disgusting those fat fucking gluttons then half of em walk (if they even can) around like they don't know why they're fat and can't lose weight. You are what you eat land whale. guzzle gallons of ice cream so you can terraform your ass into a mounds of cottage cheese. Then have the delusional audacity to actually believe you look good and men want you while they are holding back vomit behind their smile.

Tldr wife fat need to vent

But you're "disability" is 100% curable and you gave it to yourself. You weren't born fat you did that to yourself. Go to the gym and fucking improve yourself.

Just tell them their is a twinkle stash over there and use them for bait. Then you have fatty violently attacking twinkle as zombies violently attack fatty.

Then you and your group leisurely move on.

>people who drive without a seatbelt
Pretty sure that can risk multiple lives.

I don't hate anyone.

Hate is something emotionally inferior people feel.

semi-indifference distain is more appropriate.

>real men like curves
>be spherical shaped body positive fatty
>circle is ultimate curve
>no men interested in me, must be all gay

Nobody has the time to climb Mt. Everest in their bust schedules. That being said, nobody has the time to climb over Everest twice while on fire.

Fat people have a right to be fat. I also have the right to make fun of them. Choose wisely landwhale.

OP you absolutely get to define how you view your body. We all do!

What you don't get to define is how other people view your body. Other people can think you're a sea cow, and it can lower their personal estimation of your worth, and because human beings are social animals, your perceived value among your peers, in some ways, actually does define your worth.

Chew on that for a while. Roll it around in your mouth and really get a feel for it.